Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2637 Huge Surprise

It was night, after everyone returned home after having dinner outside, Linlin and Dongzi started teasing the little guy, the white elf, and had a great time.

After several hours of getting along, they have become good friends with the white elf, and the white elf also accepted them and regarded them as his family.

Betty, sister-in-law, and Evelyn were sitting on the sofa in the living room, laughing and chatting.

The topic of their chats always revolved around the child in Betty's womb, and everyone was looking forward to and looking forward to the birth of this child.

As for Ye Tian, ​​he took the old man's pole to appreciate some of the newly-acquired antique artworks at home, and told him the stories and discoveries related to these antique artworks.

At this time, this luxurious apartment is full of warmth, and the warmth of home is everywhere.

In a blink of an eye, it was the morning of the next day.

Early in the morning, Ye Tian woke up the two guys, Logan and Dongzi, asked them to put on sportswear, and then led them to start running in the opposite Central Park.

For Dongzi and Logan, it was not the first time to run in Central Park. When they came to New York to stay at Ye Tian's house, they would be pulled up to run and exercise the next morning.

Before Betty was pregnant, she would also run along with her. Now that she is pregnant, she will naturally stop running.

Accompanying Ye Tian and the others on the run were Mathis wearing a sports jacket and carrying a backpack, and several other security personnel.

These security personnel are all wearing pistols under their sports jackets, and in their backpacks are equipped with light Kevlar body armor and short assault rifles and other weapons and equipment to deal with emergencies!

Although it was still early, there were already quite a few people running in the Central Park, and the arrival of Ye Tian and the others immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Especially with the start of the Belmont bidding competition coming soon, and Jueying being the most favorite to win the championship, Ye Tian, ​​who is the owner of the horse, naturally attracted more attention.

After entering Central Park, Ye Tian and the others began to run in the morning light. The speed of the few people was not too fast. They chatted while running, very relaxed.

After running not far forward, after bypassing a lush hill, two middle-aged runners suddenly caught up from behind and ran straight to Ye Tian and the others.

Seeing this scene, the two security guards at the back of the hall immediately became vigilant.

And began to move closer to the middle of the runway, ready to close the door to block these two sudden guys.

Mattis, who was running side by side with Ye Tian, ​​and the other two security team members also noticed this situation, and they all became vigilant, ready to strike at any time.

At this moment, Ye Tian looked back at the two middle-aged runners who were a bit reckless, and then whispered to Mathis and the others:

"Guys, don't be nervous, these two guys are not a threat from the slightly bloated physique, and more importantly, I have seen these two guys before, and they often run in Central Park! "

Hearing this, Matisse and the others immediately nodded knowingly, moved out of the runway, lowered the alert level a little bit by the way, but still maintained a certain level of alert.

While talking, the two middle-aged runners had already caught up, and before they got close, one of them couldn't wait to say loudly:

"Good morning, Mr. Steven, Belmont's bidding will start in two days. How's the status of 'big red'? I've placed a big bet on it, and I hope it will bring me good luck! "

Before the voice of this person fell, the other guy continued to say with a wheezing voice:

"Good morning, Mr. Steven, today we are going to Belmont Park to see if we can see 'big red', will it come out to adapt to the track?"

Ye Tianchong nodded to the two middle-aged runners, then smiled and said:

"Good morning, it's a pleasure to meet you, and thank you for your attention to Jueying. Here, I would like to congratulate you in advance. You are about to reap a windfall. It is an extremely correct decision for you to bet on Jueying.

I can tell you with certainty that Jueying is in excellent condition, there is no problem, the winner of the Belmont Stakes is in his pocket, and he will be the American Triple Crown Horse on the track at Belmont Park!

If you go to Belmont Park today, you may be able to see Jueying and other top racehorses. At that time, you will be able to see at a glance that that horse is the strongest Belmont bidder, the king of horses! "

Hearing this, the two middle-aged runners immediately showed surprise on their faces, and also burst into bright smiles.

"That couldn't be better, I knew 'big red' was the strongest racehorse, just like his great-grandfather 'Secretariat'!"

Next, Ye Tian chatted with these two guys for a few more words, and then took Logan and Dongzi and ran forward quickly.

The two middle-aged runners stopped slowly, looking at Ye Tian and the others who were gradually running away, while looking forward to the unexpected windfall that Jueying would bring them!

In the following period of time, many people were greeting Ye Tian, ​​asking about the soon-to-be-started Bemont bidding, about the current status of Jueying, and occasionally someone asked about the Golden City of the Mayan Empire.

In fact, in the past few weeks, New Yorkers have been most concerned about these two things, especially the upcoming Belmont Stakes.

There is no other reason. Jueying is now the most popular and famous super sports star in New York. New Yorkers have regarded him as a member of this city and a super racehorse belonging to New Yorkers.

What's more, the Belmont Stakes is held in New York, at Ye Tian's Belmont Park Racecourse.

And this year's Bemont Championship, because of Jueying's unrivaled performance in the past year and the first two stops of the US Triple Crown, is likely to become the most famous and important competition in history, and it will forever be recorded in history!

Under such circumstances, the attention of all New Yorkers inevitably focused on Jueying and the upcoming bid for Bemont.

Of course, countless people in New York City have bet lightly or heavily on Jueying, and everyone hopes that Jueying can win and bring them an unexpected windfall!

As for those gaming companies that are about to lose a lot of money, or even on the verge of bankruptcy, no one cares about their lives!

While others greeted Ye Tian, ​​he kept nodding his head in response, and answered some simple questions.

Soon, more than half an hour passed, and Ye Tian and his group ran halfway across Central Park and arrived at a lawn behind the Metropolitan Museum of New York.

At this moment, Ye Tian's cell phone rang suddenly, it was a call from his old friend Bishop of Kent.

Ye Tian stopped in his tracks, took out his phone to look at the display, then slid to unlock the screen lock, and brought the phone to his ear.

The next moment, Bishop Kent's familiar voice came over.

"Good morning, Steven, we have arrived in New York and are heading to Manhattan Island from JFK International Airport. It's still very early. I hope I didn't disturb your sleep!"

"Good morning, Bishop of Kent, welcome to New York again, I've already woken up, and I'm running in Central Park!"

Ye Tian smiled and said hello to this old friend.

Immediately afterwards, the Bishop of Kent continued to say:

"Steven, the Pope's previous promise to you was unanimously approved by the Holy See in the Vatican yesterday, and the Pope will officially announce it to the outside world when he presides over the Sunday Mass.

That day happened to be the day when Bemont bid. As a representative of the Vatican and the Pope, I will announce the good news on the spot when your Jueying successfully wins the Triple Crown horse of the United States!

It is entirely conceivable that when Jueying wins the American Triple Crown and the Pope announces the good news to the whole world, how many envious, even jealous eyes you and Betty will attract! "

"Hahaha, Bishop of Kent, I am very much looking forward to that moment. It is the glory of me and Betty. This Sunday is worth remembering forever!"

Ye Tian said with a light smile, with an incomparably bright smile on his face.

Next, he chatted with the Bishop of Kent for a few more words before hanging up.

Then, he said to Logan and Dongzi who were panting beside him:

"It seems that we have to speed up and run home as soon as possible. There is a huge surprise. I want to tell Betty, Matthew and Evelyn. After hearing this, they will definitely be ecstatic!"

After the words fell, Logan immediately asked in surprise:

"Huge surprise? Can you tell me about it?"

Dongzi, who was standing on the other side of Ye Tian, ​​was already howling.

"Speed ​​up! My buddies are almost running out of breath, can you rest and run again?"

Ye Tian looked at the two guys, then smiled and said:

"When you get home, you will naturally know what this huge surprise is. Just keep running. If any of you are left behind, you will be ravaged by the security personnel in the octagonal cage!"

After speaking, Ye Tian ran forward, much faster than before.


Dongzi and Logan wailed in unison, and could only keep up with their heavy legs!

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