Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2638 Earl and Knight

When Ye Tian returned home with the exhausted Logan and Dongzi, the rest of the family had already woken up.

Betty, sister-in-law and Evelyn were preparing breakfast in the kitchen, while Linlin and the others were playing in the living room, teasing the white elf on Giacometti's sculpture.

After entering the door, Ye Tian greeted Betty and the others, and went upstairs to wash up.

As for Logan and Dongzi, they sat on the chairs and rested for a while, and then went back to their rooms to wash after recovering.

After about ten minutes, Ye Tian, ​​who finished washing and changing his clothes, came down from upstairs and came to the restaurant.

Soon, Dongzi and Logan also came to the restaurant. After washing up, the two guys had basically recovered and looked full of vitality.

The rest of the family also came to the dining room one after another, sat down on both sides of the dining table, and prepared to have breakfast.

At this moment, Logan suddenly asked curiously:

"Steven, now that we have returned home, can you tell everyone what the great surprise Bishop of Kent has brought?"

As soon as his voice fell, Dongzi also asked questions, but in Chinese.

Following the inquiry of the two of them, everyone looked at Ye Tian, ​​everyone was full of curiosity, not knowing what this so-called huge surprise was.

Ye Tian looked at the family members sitting there, then reached out to hold Betty's left hand, and then said with a smile:

"When I was running in Central Park with Logan and Dongzi just now, I received a call from my old friend, Bishop Kent. The group of them just flew to New York and were heading to Manhattan Island by car.

On the phone, the Bishop of Kent told me a good news, which can also be said to be a huge surprise. After talking to him, I quickly ran back with Logan and Dongzi! "

"A great surprise from the Bishop of Kent? My dear, what is this surprise?"

Betty asked again, she was also very curious.

Ye Tian smiled softly, and then continued to say:

"When we cooperated with the Vatican to jointly explore the legendary treasures of the Knights Templar, His Majesty the Pope personally promised that if I can find religious holy objects such as the Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant, he will canonize me.

This is the return, the release of goodwill from the Vatican,

Of course I will not refuse this kind of good thing, but I am an atheist with a special status, so I am not suitable to accept the canonization of the Pope and the Holy See of the Vatican.

At that time, I suggested that if I found the holy grail, the Pope could confer Betty. As for what title to confer, the Pope and the Vatican had to discuss it, and there was no answer at that time.

What happened next, as everyone knows, we found the long-lost Holy Grail, along with other important Christian relics, deep beneath the church of Santa Maria in Tomar, Portugal.

After the Holy Grail and other religious relics were transported back to the Vatican, the identities of those religious relics were confirmed after a large number of archaeologists, experts in the identification of antique works of art, and many religious people.

Just yesterday, the Pope fulfilled his original promise. Under his proposal, after deliberation and voting by the Holy See of the Vatican, he unanimously agreed to confer Betty as an earl, and canonize me and Betty's children as knights! "

Hearing this, everyone was immediately dumbfounded, and also shocked by Ye Tian's words.

Betty, Logan, Matthew and Evelyn all froze on the spot, dumbfounded, their eyes full of disbelief, and they were almost mad with excitement.

Earl, knight? That's a real title of nobility! Moreover, it was conferred by the Pope and the Holy See of the Vatican, which is far better than the titles conferred by many European countries themselves! The gold content is self-evident!

And in the United States, an emerging country with a history of only more than 200 years, have you ever heard of anyone who has the title of nobility conferred by the Pope, or who is an earl or knight? Can this not make people ecstatic?

Under Linlin's translation, my sister-in-law and Dongzi also understood what this so-called huge surprise was.

Not surprisingly, they were also stunned by the news, staring at Ye Tian and Betty with their eyes wide open!

And Ye Tian, ​​who was sitting at the head of the table, was still talking eloquently with a smile on his face.

"At Sunday Mass this week, His Majesty the Pope will publicly announce this to the whole world, and the Bishop of Kent, as the representative of His Majesty the Pope and the Vatican, will announce the good news in Belmont Park.

As for the title of Betty's Earl, the Bishop of Kent did not disclose it. It may be the Earl of Boston, or the Earl of Belmont. In the United States, it belongs to our private territory, only Belmont Park.

The time for the canonization ceremony, according to the Christian tradition, is naturally Christmas, either this year or next year, and the venue for the public canonization ceremony is, of course, St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican.

According to my opinion, the public canonization ceremony is best arranged for Christmas next year. By then, Betty and I's son will be a little over one year old and able to fly, and we can take that little guy to the Vatican together,..."

While speaking, there was a sudden burst of ecstatic cheers in the restaurant, coming from Evelyn.

"Ah——! My God! Betty is going to be canonized as an earl by His Majesty the Pope, am I right? This is simply unbelievable!"

Before Evelyn's screams fell, there was another burst of excited cheers from the rest of the family members.

Immediately afterwards, there was another chaotic sound of pushing and pulling chairs. Everyone pushed aside the chairs and stood up, including Betty.

At this time, Ye Tian was still sitting on the chair with the old god, holding Betty's left hand tightly, looking at his wife and the rest of his family lovingly!


Just after nine o'clock in the morning, a convoy pulled into Belmont Park in Queens, New York.

Although there were still two days before Belmont's bidding, Belmont Park was already bustling with fans from all over the United States and New York, as well as many media reporters.

Compared with previous Bemont biddings, this year's race is particularly lively. There are many more horse racing fans who come to New York to watch the race and attract more attention than previous races.

There is no other reason. In this year's Belmont bidding, the greatest legend in the history of horse racing in the world and in the United States is likely to be born. As a horse racing fan, who is willing to miss such an opportunity to witness miracles and history?

In fact, Belmont Park is also very lively on weekdays.

It is the most important and top-notch racetrack in New York, and it is a holy place for all horse racing fans in New York and nearby, attracting countless horse racing fans to watch the race.

In addition to the racetrack, there are also the best car tracks in the United States and New York, as well as various other recreational facilities. The scenery in the park is also very good, which makes this park a constant stream of tourists all year round!

For Ye Tian, ​​this is an inexhaustible huge gold mine, which continuously contributes a huge amount of wealth to him!

If not, he would not have tried his best to spend 2.5 billion dollars to buy this park in the city from the Jews!

When the convoy entered Belmont Park, it immediately attracted countless attentions. Many people on both sides of the road in the park all looked at the convoy.

And the sturdy Paramount Predator in the convoy told everyone who owned the convoy and who was sitting in the civilian armored vehicle.

"Guys, look, that guy Steven is here. This guy is still as high-profile as ever, what a lucky bastard!"

"Since this guy Steven is here, does it mean that the 'big red' will be unveiled soon, and he will come out to adapt to the track? I really hope to see the 'big red' immediately, so that we can know how it is. That's it!"

In the midst of people's discussions, the convoy that Ye Tian and the others were riding in had driven into the depths of the park, and soon entered a restricted area covered by green trees, and disappeared from the tourists' sight.

"Steven, the guys have thoroughly searched the park twice, and installed monitoring equipment in the woods and various buildings, as well as the racetrack and stables, as well as many recreational facilities, the park is now safe!

A large number of police officers and special police officers from the New York Police Department, as well as the White House Secret Service agent team, have come to the park to understand the security situation here, and make some corresponding arrangements to prepare for the upcoming Belmont bidding! "

In the wireless invisible headset, Matisse's voice came over, announcing the security situation in the park.

"Received, Matisse, let everyone be vigilant, carefully check every corner of the park, and know every corner, every forest, every building inside and outside.

Sunday's Belmont Bidding will be the most watched race in the history of American horse racing. At that time, the President of the United States, politicians from various countries, and celebrities from all walks of life in the upper class of the United States will gather here!

On behalf of His Majesty the Pope and the Vatican, the Bishop of Kent will announce a very important event at the award ceremony for Bemont's bid. On this special day, no accidents must happen! "

Ye Tian who was sitting in the car said in a low voice, his tone was extremely firm.

After the words fell, Matisse immediately responded decisively.

"Understood, Steven, leave the security matters to us, don't worry, nothing will happen!"

While speaking, the convoy had passed through a lush forest, and the scenery changed accordingly.

Not far ahead, several country villas surrounded by flowers and green trees suddenly appeared in everyone's field of vision.

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