Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2648 The Greatest Horse Racing Dynasty

"Among the crazy cheers like mountains and tsunami, 'big red' is like a free-flying angel, or an elf with wings, flying from a distance with its feet on auspicious clouds, flying at high speed with the attitude of ruling the world Towards the finish line, it was definitely the greatest scene in the history of world horse racing that I have ever seen,..."

Many years later, whenever people talk about this Belmont championship, people will describe this scene with infinite fascination.

Even if the man was probably not at Belmont Park at the time, but just watched the race on TV, or even watched the tape, that didn't stop him from inserting himself into the greatest moment in the history of horse racing.

Whenever they think of this scene, people are still excited and excited about it!

"Tap Tat Tat"

With the sound of horseshoes rushing like thunder, Jueying has passed the last corner at high speed, like a bolt of lightning, rushing straight to the finish line, towards the greatest miracle in the history of the world and American horse racing.

At this time, the Belmont Park Racecourse and countless live streaming terminals had been completely overwhelmed by wild cheers and applause like a tsunami.

Everyone stood up, staring closely at the sorrel horse galloping on the track, and at the angel soaring with wings. Everyone's eyes were so hot that they were almost on fire!

People were laughing loudly, shouting, waving their arms, stamping the ground under their feet vigorously, people were applauding desperately, even if their hands were flushed, they were not stingy with their applause and praise!

Regardless of the audience at the Belmont Park Racecourse or the countless people in front of the live broadcast, everyone who saw this scene has fallen into complete madness at this time.

The same was true for the on-site host. There was even a hint of crying in his voice, which was obviously caused by excitement.

"Thirty-one bodies, thirty-two bodies, . That great record set by the Secretariat in 1973!

I can't imagine now what kind of astonishing record the 'big red' will create when it crosses the finish line at high speed. There is no doubt that ladies and gentlemen, we are witnessing the greatest miracle in the history of horse racing.

The 'big red' speeding on the track is like an extremely precise and powerful machine, it ignores all opponents, all difficulties and obstacles, it is unrivaled, this is a great one-man show that belongs to it .

It ridicules cowardice, is fearless of everything, it is not afraid of bullets, when the drums sound, he cannot restrain the urge to run, just to create the greatest miracle, only to create the greatest horse racing dynasty in history! "

In addition to being excited, the host even sang praises for Jueying.

And his words of praise, but no one thinks it is inappropriate.

On the contrary, many people even think that his imagination and vocabulary are too poor to describe the angel speeding on the track!

In the owner's box on the second floor of the auditorium, the owners of other top racehorses and their families were all stunned to see the miracle happening on the track, and they seemed to be unable to believe their eyes.

"This is impossible. How can there be such a powerful racehorse in the world, how can there be such a fast racehorse? This is simply crazy!"

Allen murmured to himself in despair. At this moment, his eyes were red with jealousy, and he was about to spurt blood!

The same scene was happening in other horse owner's boxes and VIP boxes, just the same with minor differences.

Without exception, looking at Jueying who was rushing towards the finish line, the eyes of the other horse owners and many distinguished guests were extremely hot, and the eyeballs of each of them were red.

And in Ye Tian's horse owner's box, the almost crazy cheers and applause never stopped, almost blowing the whole box up.

"Come on! Jueying, fly to your heart's content, you are the best!"

"My God! What the hell did I see? This is really a great miracle, never before or since!"

All the family members and friends staying in this box, including those young children, were cheering and celebrating wantonly.

But everyone's eyes are always fixed on Jueying speeding on the track at high speed, not willing to leave for a moment, even just for a second!

Ye Tian, ​​who was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass window, stretched out his right arm out of excitement, and shouted passionately:

"You did a great job, Jueying, the supreme throne of the horse racing world is ahead, let's go!"

While he was shouting loudly, Betty, who was nestled in his arms, had already burst into tears with excitement.

"Forty-two lengths, forty-three lengths, forty-four lengths, ..., 'big red' has led the second place justice by forty-six lengths, and now it is less than the finish line Fifty meters!

According to the current results, 'big red' will be the first horse in history to run under two minutes in the Belmont Stakes. This is definitely an unprecedented and unprecedented achievement! "

Accompanied by the on-site host's passionate and somewhat crying commentary, Jueying continued to race at extreme speed on the track, and the speed continued to increase, like a bolt of lightning.

Behind it, there are only pieces of turbulent dirt and an empty track, and the other so-called top racehorses have long since been thrown away by it, and they can't even see their shadows!

Mike, who was lying on the back of the Jueying horse and had already integrated with it, glanced back again, but saw nothing!

The moment he turned his head back, an incomparably bright smile bloomed on his face, full of complacency and pride.

Immediately afterwards, this guy whispered in a trembling voice:

"Let's go! Jueying, go and accomplish your amazing career! I'm proud of you!"

Before the words were finished, Jueying took off into the sky again, flying across the finish line of the Belmont Stakes.

The moment he crossed the finish line, Mike excitedly raised the whip in his hand. He was declaring victory and paying tribute to Ye Tian and Betty in the owner's box on the second floor!

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But Jueying under his crotch is still galloping at high speed, as if showing his strong and elegant figure to everyone, as if announcing to the world the establishment of the greatest horse racing dynasty.

"'big red' won! With a huge advantage of 53 lengths, he successfully won the Belmont Stakes and became another American Triple Crown horse.

Its score was indeed within two minutes, which is really a new record that is enough to make people crazy, and this is really a great performance! ..."

The host's voice kept coming out, and this buddy's voice was completely cracked. His voice was hoarse but full of passion.

At this time, the Belmont Park Racecourse and everyone here have fallen into complete madness.

The situation in front of countless live broadcast terminals is the same, people are cheering, applauding desperately, shouting loudly, dancing, and hugging everyone around them!

It seems that only in this way can we vent the excitement in everyone's hearts and be worthy of the greatest miracle in the history of horse racing that I have just witnessed.

Ye Tian's horse owner's box was also in a carnival at this time, and everyone was wildly celebrating, applauding, and hugging!

And Ye Tian and Betty, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, were still looking at Jue Ying speeding on the track. Even though that guy had already won the Belmont Stakes, they still couldn't bear to look away!

"My dear, thank you for this great discovery, which allowed us to witness the greatest show, Jueying is really amazing, it is an angel without wings!"

Betty whispered softly, words and eyes were full of love.

Hearing this, Ye Tian just took his eyes away from Jueying, looked at his wife who was snuggling in his arms, and then kissed him affectionately!

At the same time, after crossing the finish line seventy or eighty meters, Jueying began to slow down a little bit, and finally stopped running.

Afterwards, Mike turned his horse's head and walked back along the inner guardrail, accepting the cheers and applause from the audience like a tsunami, enjoying the glory of victory to his heart's content!

Until then, the rest of the top racehorses in the same field crossed the finish line one after another, ending this great race that is enough to be recorded in history!

As for who is the second and third place in this Bemont Stakes, no one cares at all. Everyone's eyes are firmly attracted by the chestnut horse that is as proud as a king!

After crossing the finish line, the rest of the racehorses also gradually slowed down.

When they passed by Jueying panting heavily, the top jockeys on horseback all held their whips upside down and held them up high, paying the highest respect to Jueying!

Following the actions of these top jockeys, the Belmont Park Racecourse was immediately overwhelmed by stormy applause and cheers!

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