Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2649 Surprising VIP

The exciting competition is over, and the award ceremony will naturally follow.

In the box, the mood of many family members and friends calmed down a little, but everyone was still very excited and looked forward to the upcoming award ceremony.

Ye Tian and Betty had left the floor-to-ceiling windows, accepted everyone's congratulations, clinked glasses and hugged every family member and friend in the box, and drank the champagne of victory.

Of course, those underage children can only drink fruit juice.

"ding ding ding"

Ye Tian lightly tapped the champagne glass in his hand, attracting everyone's attention.

Immediately afterwards, he smiled and said loudly:

"The race is over. Jueying won the Belmont Stakes as he wished, and achieved the triple crown. Let's go to the lawn in the middle of the racetrack to congratulate Jueying and put the champion's rose carpet on it."

Before the words were finished, there was a burst of excited cheers and applause in the box, and Dongzi, Chenxi, and the few children danced happily.

After the cheers fell, Ye Tian took Betty's hand and led everyone out of the horse owner's box.

As soon as they came out, there was another burst of warm applause, applauding for them were the rest of the horse owners and their families, as well as many distinguished guests.

At this time, the rest of the horse owner's box and the VIP box had come out, stood on both sides of the corridor, and all looked at this side.

Without exception, the eyes of everyone in the corridor are extremely hot, and everyone's eyes are full of envy, even jealousy!

Seeing this scene, even Ye Tian felt very excited and extremely proud.

He looked left and right, and with a smile on his face, he nodded to the horse owners and their families, as well as those distinguished guests, as a greeting.

Afterwards, he took Betty and walked towards the stairs, preparing to leave here.

When they passed the horse owner's box next door, Allen, who was standing at the door of the box, stretched out his right hand and said enviously:

"Congratulations, Steven, you have a great racehorse, Jueying is the most powerful thoroughbred racehorse I have ever seen! You are such a lucky guy!"

Ye Tian shook hands with this old friend, then smiled and said:

"Thank you, Alan, in the near future, you may also have such a great racehorse!"

Hearing this, Allen's eyes lit up immediately, as did the rest of the horse owners and super rich people at the scene, each of them's eyes were shining brightly because of this sentence!

Of course they could hear the implication in these words, they could not own Jue Ying, the unparalleled thoroughbred racehorse, but they had the opportunity to have Jue Ying's offspring, which is also something worth looking forward to!

After chatting with Alan and the others, Ye Tian took Betty and continued to greet other horse owners and distinguished guests.

Not long before they went, they came to another horse owner's box. At the door of this horse owner's box, stood a group of Japanese, and the first few were all familiar faces.

When Ye Tian and the others came here, a Japanese man standing in the front suddenly bowed ninety degrees, and then said excitedly:


Mr. Steven, your Jueying is so powerful. The performance it gave is definitely the greatest performance in the history of world horse racing!

Here I have a request, please protect Jueying, I am very much looking forward to seeing the birth of Jueying's child in Japan, bringing the miracle to the land of Japan! "

Ye Tian shook hands with the Japanese prodigal son he called, and said with a smile:

"Thank you, Mr. Hosokawa, Jueying is my racehorse and even more my family, of course I will protect it and prevent it from any harm, just don't worry!

Looking at it now, I obviously suffered a lot from our previous transaction, but it doesn't matter, I will keep my promise, and you can wait for a miracle to come to Japan! "

Hearing this, the Japanese who was staying at the door of the horse owner's box immediately bowed to express their gratitude. Everyone's expression was beaming with joy and eyes full of anticipation!

After that, Ye Tian and the others continued to walk forward, saying hello to the other horse owners and distinguished guests.

When they came to the stairs, the Bishop of Kent, who had already put on a red robe, and Leonardo, who was serving as the guard, also came from the opposite corridor and joined Ye Tian and the others.

Ye Tian whispered a few words to the Bishop of Kent, and then walked down the stairs together to the awards ceremony.

The horse owners, their families, and many distinguished guests staying in the corridor froze when they saw Bishop Kent and the others.

It wasn't until Ye Tian and Bishop of Kent walked down the stairs and disappeared from everyone's sight that these guys woke up.

The next moment, the corridor was boiling.

"I read it right! Why did the Bishop of Kent wear a red robe? Is there any important thing to announce?"

"Obviously, the award ceremony that will be held soon is absolutely different from any previous ones, and something big may happen!"

After some discussion, the horse owners, their families, and distinguished guests in the corridor immediately rushed towards the stairs like a tide.

Each of them wants to go to the lawn in the middle of the field to see what will happen later.

At the same time as these horse owners and VIPs were going downstairs, on a heavily guarded special staircase not far away, the American commander was also going downstairs, preparing to go to the grass in the middle of the arena.

At this time, Ye Tian, ​​Betty and the others, as well as the Bishop of Kent and Leonardo, had already walked up the stairs to the first floor, and then walked into the arena.

As soon as the group of them appeared on the first floor, there was a burst of thunderous applause and cheers from the nearby auditorium, coming from the excited audience.

"Steve, 'big red' did a great, amazing job! I love that big guy!"

"Thank you for the 'big red', Steven, that big guy made me a lot of money!"

While cheering and applauding, these guys in the audience also saw the Bishop of Kent and the bright red robe he was wearing, and everyone was very curious.

Of course, some spectators and media reporters on both sides of the aisle asked loudly about the purpose of Bishop Kent's visit.

However, both Ye Tian and Bishop of Kent just nodded to everyone with a smile on their faces, and did not answer any questions.

While speaking, Ye Tian and his group passed through the auditorium, stepped on the red carpet laid on the track, and walked straight into the lawn in the middle of the arena.

At this time, the podium in the center of the arena has been decorated, and it looks like a castle full of flowers from a distance.

Sam and Jacobs were holding Jueying, standing near the podium, and of course the jockey Mike, who had wiped off the dust and dirt on his face, and had a brilliant smile on his face.

The moment Ye Tian and Betty walked into the central lawn of the arena hand in hand, Jueying spotted them immediately. This guy immediately let out a long hiss like a dragon's chant, which resounded throughout the Belmont Park Racecourse.

In this huge neighing, people heard a domineering aura, and seemed to hear a child who had achieved great success showing his achievements to his parents and inviting pets!

Following Jueying's neighing, the Belmont Park Racecourse became agitated again, and deafening cheers and applause sounded again, sweeping the entire park in an instant.

Ye Tian and Betty looked at each other and smiled, and then walked straight to the podium in the middle of the arena with many family members and friends, Bishop of Kent and Leonardo.

On the way, Matisse's voice came through the wireless invisible headset, announcing the latest situation.

"Steven, the guys searched the area around the racetrack carefully, and found no potential threats. The surrounding woods, the interior and exterior of buildings, and various commanding heights are all under the control of us and the White House Secret Service.

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We have carefully checked and identified every spectator who entered the racetrack today to watch the race. We did not find any dangerous elements, nor did we find anyone entering the racecourse with a gun. The award ceremony should be safe! "

Hearing the announcement, Ye Tian immediately whispered:

"It couldn't be better. You can communicate with those guys from the Secret Service first, and then you can let Mr. President enter the arena. There is a bulletproof glass protective cover on the podium, which is enough to ensure his safety!"

"Okay, Steven, leave the security matters to us, and just enjoy the joy of victory!"

Mattis responded and ended the call.

While speaking, Ye Tian and his group had arrived near the podium in the center of the arena.

When they got here, he and Betty first shook hands with the chairman of the American Horse Racing Association and several other bigwigs, said a few polite words, and then introduced the Bishop of Kent and Leonardo to these few.

For the arrival of the Bishop of Kent, especially when he was still wearing a red robe, these bigwigs from the American Horse Racing Association were very surprised. They didn't know why the Bishop of Kent came!

A Christian is very clear about the meaning of the red robe worn by the Bishop of Kent. These bigwigs from the Jockey Association have guessed in a blink of an eye that there must be something important to announce next.

It's a pity that, as the top executives of the American Horse Racing Association, they don't know what this major event is.

Just as they were about to ask, there was a sudden commotion at the entrance of the racetrack, which directly attracted their attention.

The next moment, people saw that, under the escort of several Chevrolet Saaban bulletproof SUVs, the special car of President No. 1 came from outside the racetrack and drove straight towards the central lawn of the racetrack!

The moment they saw President One, everyone immediately understood that the President of the United States is here!

How could this grand commander, who always liked grandstanding and was used to showing off in public, be willing to let go of such an opportunity to show his face to the world!

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