Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2658 temporary vault

After coming out of the VIP lounge, everyone boarded the convoy that came to pick up the plane, and drove straight to Manhattan Island in the dark.

While the convoy was driving, people kept calling to stop the moving vehicles, then left with their luggage and returned to their homes in Queens or Brooklyn.

When the convoy entered the island of Manhattan, everyone dispersed like birds and beasts, and went back to their homes and found their mothers!

In the next half month, these guys don't have to go to work in the company, they can take a good rest at home, recharge their batteries, or take their families out on vacation, enjoying the warmth of the family and the long-lost sunshine.

When the time came to ten o'clock in the evening, after having dinner with David and Professor Delgado, Ye Tian also returned to his home at the north end of Central Park.

Not long after he got home, he received a call from Mattis.

On the phone, Matisse told him that all the antique cultural relics from the Golden City of the Mayan Empire were loaded on the deep-sea salvage ship Intrepid and the other cargo ship, and there was no shortage of them.

At exactly ten o'clock in the evening, the two ships loaded with the treasures of the Mayan Empire's Golden City had left Puerto Cortes, Honduras, and were about to sail across the Caribbean Sea to New York!

During the process of transferring the treasures of the Golden City, although some minor troubles were encountered, it did not affect the implementation of the established plan, and the plan went relatively smoothly!

And in the sea off Puerto Cortez, the escorting U.S. Navy Burke-class destroyer is also in place, enough to ensure that the two treasure ships arrive in New York safely, unless the U.S. Navy directly loots it!

After receiving this call, Ye Tian breathed a sigh of relief, the heart that had been hanging high in his throat was finally put back into his stomach!

Next, just wait patiently for the deep-sea salvage ship Intrepid and the cargo ship to arrive in New York. By then, the batch of antique cultural relics from the Golden City of the Mayan Empire will be in their pockets!

Nothing happened overnight, and it was a new day in a blink of an eye.

Unlike those company employees who just came back from the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, as the boss, Ye Tian still has to go to work in the company, and there are still many things to deal with today.

Just after nine o'clock in the morning, he came to the company, and he was naturally greeted with warm applause and cheers.

After some celebration, everyone went back to their workstations and started their day's work, while Ye Tian walked into his office.

Next, he first learned about the operation of the company during this period of time. Everything in the company was operating normally without any problems.

Later, he asked about the eviction status of the tenants in the old buildings on East Seventy-eighth Street in Manhattan.

After a week or two of work, plus Ye Tian's attractive relocation rewards, many tenants living in those old buildings have agreed to move out of those buildings and move to other places.

Now there are only a small number of people who are still hesitating, and I believe it will not take long before those tenants will nod in agreement!

If they disagree and are unwilling to accept the relocation conditions and compensation offered by the New York municipal authority, after most of them have moved out, it is time for the New York police to forcibly evict them!

Anyway, the New York City government is responsible for the blame, and he doesn't care if the dirty water doesn't splash on Ye Tian!

After understanding these things,

He called Matisse and Jason respectively and asked about the situation of the deep-sea salvage ship Intrepid and the cargo ship.

At this time, the two ships were still sailing in the Caribbean Sea without any problems.

Although it is the rainy season in the Caribbean this season, there are no hurricanes. The sea is relatively calm, and the rainy weather does not affect normal navigation.

As for those countries along the Caribbean Sea whose eyes were already red, and the Caribbean pirates haunting that sea area, because of the existence of the escorting Burke-class destroyer, they did not dare to act rashly!

They could only watch the two ships carrying the treasures of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire get farther and farther away, but they had no choice but to gnash their teeth and curse loudly!

While speaking, it was around eleven o'clock in the morning.

Ye Tian was dealing with some trivial matters in the office when the phone on the desk rang suddenly.

He picked up the phone casually and put it to his ear, and the voice of the curator of the Metropolitan Museum of New York came over immediately.

"Good morning, Steven, I heard that you have returned to New York. The batch of antique cultural relics from the Golden City of the Mayan Empire has also been shipped and is being shipped to New York. You really returned with a full load this time, which is so enviable. Already!"

"Good morning, Thomas, you are right. We did return with a full load this time. When the two ships loaded with the treasures of the Mayan Empire's Golden City arrive in New York, New York will become the center of research on Mayan civilization!"

Ye Tian said with a smile, his tone full of complacency.

After chatting for a few more words, Thomas got to the point.

"Steven, everyone is looking forward to the batch of top-level antique relics from the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, especially in the field of antique art collections, as well as major museums, and the Metropolis is no exception!

Can we now talk about borrowing and exhibiting those Mayan antiques? After those priceless Mayan antiquities are shipped to New York, you can't keep them in the vault forever, can you?

Furthermore, among the batch of Mayan antique relics from the treasures of the Golden City, there are many colossal objects, such as the five Mayan solar age prophecy pillars, which simply cannot be placed in any existing vault.

Another point is that your Indian History Museum has not yet been completed. It will be at least two or three years after the completion of the top museum and the completion of decoration and exhibition. This is not a short period of time.

Instead of putting those Mayan antiques on the shelf, it is better to lend some of them to our museum for exhibition. Our museum has plenty of space, and we can open a Mayan Golden City theme exhibition hall at any time.

More importantly, we have the top cultural and cultural personnel who can protect the antiques from the Golden City of the Mayan Empire well. At the same time, you can also benefit a lot. What a great thing! "

Hearing this, Ye Tian first pretended to ponder, and then smiled and said after a while:

"Thomas, I guess that's the purpose of your calling, as expected! You're right, there are indeed many colossal objects among the antique relics from the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, and they cannot be transported into any vault at all!

However, our company and Columbia University have reached an agreement to borrow two large gymnasiums in Columbia University and transform them into two temporary vaults to store those huge Mayan antiques.

Those huge Mayan antique relics are basically carved from marble or other stones, each of which is quite amazing in weight, and if they are placed in the vault transformed from the stadium, there is no need to worry about them being stolen.

The more important reason is that there are a large number of Mayan hieroglyphs and various patterns, patterns, and murals engraved on those huge Mayan antique relics, a large part of which are discovered for the first time, which is of great historical and cultural research value.

According to the agreement we reached with Columbia University and Honduras, they both enjoy all the academic research results found in the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, and those antiques cannot be publicly displayed until the relevant research is completed.

In other words, only after the relevant academic research is completed, those antique relics from the Golden City of the Mayan Empire can be exhibited publicly.

Of course, the rest of the smaller Mayan antiques, such as the golden statues of the Mayan gods, will not be stored in the two gymnasiums at Columbia University, but will be scattered and sent to various vaults in New York.

If you want to borrow and exhibit those Mayan antiques, you can only pray that the experts and scholars at Columbia University will decipher the newly discovered Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns as soon as possible. Only in this way can you achieve the purpose of the exhibition! "

After the voice fell, Thomas on the other end of the phone couldn't help but fell silent, and said helplessly after a while:

"Since this is the case, we can only wait patiently. I hope that Professor Delgado's related research will go well!"

While talking, a company employee knocked on the door and walked into the office, and said to Ye Tian:

"Steven, the chiefs of the Mayan tribe and the Indian tribe you invited have all come to the company ahead of time, and they are now in the company meeting room"

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian immediately covered the phone's microphone, and said to the employee:

"You go and pour a cup of coffee for those chiefs first, let them wait in the conference room, just say that I have something to deal with, and then go to talk with them later, when David and his assistant arrive, we will will pass!"

"Okay, Steven"

The company employee nodded in response, and then left the office.

Next, Ye Tian chatted with Thomas for a few more words, ended the call, and waited for David and the others in the office.

The chiefs of the Mayan and Indian tribes in the conference room were invited by him.

He was going to ask the tribal chiefs to recommend a few people to go to the two gymnasiums of Columbia University to participate in the protection of the antique relics of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire that were about to be shipped to New York.

During this period, these Mayans and Indians who participated in the defense work can study at Columbia University, learn various knowledge, and prepare for future work in the Indian History Museum!

In the process of protecting those Mayan antiques, they will definitely learn a lot of professional knowledge from Professor Delgado and others, and understand the long-disappeared Mayan civilization, which will be of great benefit to their future work.

Of course, Ye Tian will subsidize these Mayans and Indians and pay their wages, which can be regarded as a good relationship!

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