Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2659 Bright Future

When David and his assistants arrived at the company, Ye Tiancai took them into the conference room to meet the Mayan and Indian tribal chiefs who were full of expectations.

Among these chiefs were Gray Wolf's father, the chief of the largest Mayan tribe in the Copan Valley, and the chief of the Sioux League in North America, all of whom were familiar old friends.

After everyone met, it was natural to exchange polite greetings before getting to the point.

Ye Tian glanced at the chiefs present, then smiled and said:

"The two ships transporting the antiques from the Golden City of the Mayan Empire are currently sailing in the Caribbean Sea and will arrive in New York in a few days. At that time, those huge antiques will be transported to Columbia University.

I have reached an agreement with Columbia University to borrow their two large gymnasiums to store Mayan antiques that are too large to fit in a vault, and to conduct related archaeological research in the two gymnasiums.

As for other Mayan antique relics, such as the golden statues of Mayan gods, etc., they will be stored in major vaults in New York, and will only be taken out when necessary for relevant experts and scholars to conduct various researches.”

Hearing this, the chiefs at the scene looked at each other, then nodded in unison, and there was no disagreement.

Through Ye Tian's previous introduction and the live TV program of the National Geographic Channel, they also have a general understanding of the antiques and cultural relics in the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, and they naturally know the existence of those behemoths.

For example, the five prophecy pillars of the Mayan solar period cannot be transported into the elevator, let alone the top vaults located deep underground!

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"Dear chiefs, before the batch of Mayan antique relics arrives in New York, I hope you can determine who will come to New York to study and be responsible for protecting the batch of antique relics, and let them come to New York as soon as possible to adapt to the environment.

After they arrived in New York, they first had to settle down, get to know each other, and the environment of Manhattan and Columbia University. I would send someone to deal with these things, such as renting an apartment, and show them around New York.

Another point is that if they want to study at Columbia University, they also have to go through some procedures, which will take time. I hope that when the batch of Mayan Empire antiques are transported to Columbia University, they can participate in it.

Not to mention the Indians in the United States, they have no problem coming to New York, the Mayans outside the United States want to come to New York, they must apply for passports and visas, etc., and my company employees will help them cooperate.”

After the words fell, Gray Wolf's father continued to say:

"Don't worry, Mr. Steven, before I come to New York this time, I have already identified candidates who will come to New York to protect those Mayan antiques and study at Columbia University.

They are all great young people, led by my son Gray Wolf, and they are ready to go. As long as you can help with passports and visas, they can go at any time! "

"Mr. Steven, our Sioux Alliance has basically confirmed the candidates to come to New York. They are also very outstanding young people, but I still want to ask, do you have any requirements for the candidates to protect the Mayan antiques? ?”

The chief of the Sioux Alliance asked, and the other chiefs also nodded, all looking at Ye Tian.

Ye Tian looked at these Mayan and Indian chiefs, and then gave his own answer.

"When this meeting is over, my people will start working, contact the US embassy in Honduras and other countries, and assist those Mayan tribesmen to apply for visas and passports. I believe it will be done soon.

As for the requirements for candidates, of course I have. First of all, they must be adults, mature in mind, and able to abide by their hearts. New York is no better than the Copan Valley and the Indian reservation. This is a world of flowers, and there are too many temptations.

They come to New York to work and study, not here to enjoy life, I don't want to see the guys who come to New York go down, then they might as well stay where they are.

The most important point is loyalty. I don't ask those guys to be loyal to me, but they must be loyal to your nation and tribe. You know, what they protect is the most splendid achievement of civilization in Indian history!

Many of the antique relics from the Golden City of the Mayan Empire are priceless. I don’t want to see any of them being damaged by humans, let alone being guarded and stolen. I believe you are the same!

When they arrive in New York, I will arrange for people to train them, teach them to fight and use firearms, as well as various security knowledge, and also teach them to use various modern security equipment. They had better be mentally prepared!

In view of the nature of their current and future work, I will also arrange for people to teach them language and other necessary cultural knowledge. The focus is naturally on Indian history and cultural knowledge. For them, this is the most difficult! "

Hearing these words, the Mayan tribal chiefs and Indian tribal chiefs present couldn't help but nodded, and their complexions became more dignified, even a little sacred.

At the same time, they were also excited, and everyone's eyes lit up.

In Ye Tian's words, they seem to have heard the future of their son and the young people of the tribe, which is an extremely bright future!

Before these chiefs could respond, Ye Tian threw out another piece of good news, which stimulated the chiefs of the Mayan and Indian tribes.

"I want to tell you the good news. The site of the Museum of Indian History that I promised to build before has been confirmed. It is in Manhattan, and related work has also started. However, it still needs to be kept secret, and it will be officially announced after a while!"

Following Ye Tian's words, cheers erupted in the conference room, coming from the chiefs of the Mayan and Indian tribes.

Next, Ye Tian introduced the general idea of ​​his Indian History Museum to these chiefs, and drew a big cake, which naturally attracted a burst of excited applause and cheers.

The meeting ended just before noon.

Afterwards, Ye Tian took these Mayan and Indian tribal chiefs to the restaurant on the top floor of the Rockefeller Center building, where they had a sumptuous lunch while admiring the scenery of New York from above.

After lunch, he took these chiefs to Columbia University, met with Professor Delgado and others, and discussed cooperation matters!

On the third day after the meeting ended, twenty young Indians from the North American Sioux League and several other famous Indian tribes rushed to New York one after another.

On the second day after their arrival, twenty young Mayans from the Copan Valley also rushed to New York, and the leader was Gray Wolf.

Ye Tian also fulfilled his promise and rented an apartment building near Columbia University for these guys to live in, and asked his company employees to lead them around New York and Columbia University to familiarize themselves with the environment.

Of course, Ye Tian himself also came forward to meet these guys and had dinner together. During the dinner, he introduced the plan of the Indian History Museum again, and drew a big cake for these guys!

Of course, he wouldn't miss such a good opportunity for a thousand gold, otherwise he would be too stupid!

Needless to say, these young Indians and Mayans who had been dazzled by the bustling New York, but very simple in mind, soon regarded him as their best brother, and each of them wanted to show his heart. Fan!

At the same time, they are also full of hope for their own prospects and future. Everyone is full of enthusiasm and wishes to put themselves into work and study immediately.

Of course, their future is indeed full of hope and bright future, which is far better than if they stayed in Copan Valley and Indian reservation!

On the second day after these Mayan and Indian youths were settled, the deep-sea salvage ship Intrepid, which was loaded with treasures from the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, and the other cargo ship finally appeared off the coast of New York Harbor!

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