Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2661 Demolition

As a large number of priceless Mayan antiques arrived in New York, it immediately caused a huge sensation in the city and attracted countless attentions, including eyes full of jealousy and greed.

And at the press conference the next afternoon, when Ye Tian released the catalog and video of these Mayan antique cultural relics, the sensational effect caused was even greater.

Some guys who coveted the treasures of the Golden City even focused on the batch of Mayan antiques stored in the Columbia University gymnasium, trying to steal a few pieces from it and make a fortune.

However, they soon learned that each of the Mayan antique relics was so large and heavy that one or two people could hardly move it without lifting equipment.

More importantly, although those Mayan antique relics are valuable and have higher historical and cultural value, they are all made of various stones, not gold and silver treasures or gold antique relics that are relatively easy to realize.

After confirming this situation, those coveted guys can only helplessly dismiss their unrealistic thoughts.

As for those Mayan antiques that are smaller, or made of gold, or decorated with a large amount of gold and various gemstones, they are all stored in major vaults in New York, very safe!

In the following week, everyone became even busier.

The arrival of these priceless Mayan antiques in New York is only the beginning of the next stage of work. Next, they need to be registered, declared, insured with insurance companies, and publicized in relevant media, etc.

In the near future, these Mayan antique relics will be sent to the museum. They will become the antique relics in the collection of the Indian History Museum. After they are publicized in the media, their identities will be confirmed.

Without Ye Tian's permission and without a certificate issued by the Indian History Museum, these Mayan antique relics cannot be traded and circulated in the antique art market.

Any one of the Mayan antique relics appearing on the market can only explain one problem, that Mayan antique relic is stolen, and it is a stolen cultural relic from the Indian History Museum.

In this way, the risk of these Mayan antique relics being stolen will undoubtedly be greatly reduced. Even if some antique relics are stolen, it will be difficult for those art thieves to sell them.

Furthermore, even if one of the Mayan antiques is stolen, the insurance company will pay for it.

As far as money is concerned, Ye Tian and the brave and fearless exploration company will not have any losses.

In the busy schedule, more than a week has passed, and the time has come to mid-July.

Those guys who had returned to New York from Honduras before, ended their vacation one after another, returned to the company and started working.

After half a month's vacation, these guys are all back to life, and everyone is full of energy.

When all these guys came back, Ye Tian held a celebration dinner to celebrate the success of the expedition to explore the Golden City of the Mayan Empire. Even though the treasure hunt has not really ended, there is still some finishing work!

In addition to the employees of Intrepid Exploration Company, the Columbia University archaeological team headed by Professor Delgado, Hernando and several diplomatic officials from the Consulate General of Honduras in New York attended the dinner.

In addition, the former Indian tribal chiefs and Mayan tribal chiefs, the forty Mayan and Indian youths headed by Gray Wolf, who had just arrived in New York,

Also attended this dinner.

Then there were representatives from the U.S. Department of Culture and the New York City Government, as well as representatives from major museums, etc. There were many people present and the scene was very lively.

On the second day after the celebration dinner, Ye Tian received good news as soon as he arrived at the company in the morning.

Just a few minutes after he entered the office and sat down, Jason knocked on the door and entered the office, and said to him excitedly:

"Steven, good news just came from the city hall. They have reached an agreement with all the tenants living in the old apartment buildings on East Seventy-eighth Street. Those tenants agree to accept compensation, and then move away"

Hearing this news, Ye Tian was also very excited, and directly waved his fist.

"Great! This is really good news. I didn't expect the guys in the New York City Hall to work efficiently. Such a difficult problem, they actually solved it in less than a month!"

"It's not that the compensation you give is more attractive. For the tenants living in those old buildings, there is not much difference between living in Upper Manhattan and Midtown.

What's more, the New York City government promised to provide them with relatively cheap government apartments. Under such circumstances, there is such a windfall, and they certainly don't want to miss it."

Jason smiled and continued, what he said was also true.

In order to get the land on East Seventy-eighth Street in Manhattan as soon as possible, Ye Tian provided ten thousand dollars of relocation compensation to each of the tenants living in those apartment buildings, encouraging those tenants to move as soon as possible.

Of course, except for the mayor of New York and a few high-ranking city officials, no one else knew that this generous relocation compensation was given by Ye Tian!

With the stimulus of $10,000 and the new apartment promised to them by the New York City government, those tenants still hesitated, and all chose to take the money and leave.

After chatting for a while, Ye Tian pondered for a moment, then said to Jason:

"When all the tenants living in those old buildings move out, the real estate deal between us and the New York City government will be formally concluded, and the work of building the Indian History Museum will begin.

The demolition work will be handled by you. You contact the construction company and go through various procedures. Once the tenants have all moved out, as soon as the news is confirmed, you will take people to demolish the building as soon as possible, so as not to have long nights and dreams!

In this way, even if the tenants who moved out wanted to go back on their word and blackmail more money, they would have no chance. What they saw when they came back were only ruins and legal documents endorsed by the New York City government.”

"No problem, Steven, leave this matter to me, it must be interesting to demolish buildings."

Jason nodded, this guy was even a little impatient.

After chatting for a few more words, Jason left the office to contact the construction company.

Ye Tian, ​​who was staying in the office, picked up the phone and directly dialed the mobile phone of the mayor of New York to get a general idea of ​​the situation.

Later, he called David to the company to discuss the issue of the land to avoid legal loopholes.


In the blink of an eye, nearly a week has passed.

In the past few days, the tenants who used to live in the old apartment buildings on East Seventy-eighth Street in Manhattan have gradually moved out of there and moved to new apartments.

When they moved from East Seventy-eighth Street, they took not only their luggage and furniture, but also their memories, and an extra $10,000 in their bank accounts, and everyone was smiling.

Just the day after the last tenant moved out, such a piece of news was published in the New York Times.

"It is reported that the Intrepid Exploration Company bought a piece of land on East Seventy-eighth Street in Manhattan. The Museum of Indian History in Steven's vision will be located on East Seventy-eighth Street in Manhattan, echoing the Metropolitan Museum.

With the completion of this Indian History Museum, New York will have one more world-class private museum, and the prices of houses and land in Manhattan’s East Seventy-eighth Street and nearby neighborhoods where the museum is located will surely rise,…”

The moment they saw or heard the news, those tenants who had just moved out of East Seventy-eighth Street with $10,000 in their pockets couldn't help being stunned and stunned!

When they came to their senses and hurried back to East Seventy-eighth Street in Manhattan with the anger of being played on, all they saw was a ruined building!

The old apartment buildings where they used to live had been torn down overnight. The site was full of construction machinery, bricks, rubble and other construction waste!

In addition, there are many New York police and security personnel responsible for maintaining order, as well as lawyers wearing hard hats and suits!

Seeing this scene, the tenants who came back in a hurry were all itchy with hatred, but there was nothing they could do!

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