Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2662 start again

After winning the land on East Seventy-eighth Street in Manhattan as he wished, Ye Tian summoned several of the world's top architects who had worked with him to New York and asked them to design this museum of Indian history.

Among them are Santiago Calatrava and his team, as well as several of the most famous architectural design masters in New York City, each of whom is famous.

In order to highlight the Mayan civilization and Indian culture, Professor Delgado and other experts and scholars who study Indian civilization, as well as several Mayan tribal chiefs and Indian tribal chiefs, will also participate in the design of this museum.

The same as the previous strategy of designing the private museum in Beijing, Ye Tian asked every architectural design master and architect firm to come up with a plan, and then choose the work that best suits his wishes.

Even if their own designs are rejected, those architectural design masters and their firms that fail to be selected will receive a comforting compensation.

Under such circumstances, those famous architectural design masters and their teams were very enthusiastic about participating, and they all vowed that they would add a great landmark building to New York.

After confirming the teams of architectural designers participating in the competition, Ye Tian took these guys on a field trip and told these architectural design masters some of his thoughts on this Indian history museum.

For example, a Mayan pyramid square was built at the entrance of this Indian history museum, the main pyramid of the Golden City was perfectly reproduced, and the five Mayan sun-period prophecy pillars that shocked the world were erected on the square, etc.

When he expressed his ideas, he immediately got the unanimous response and approval of those architectural design masters, which also made those guys want to win this competition even more, and their enthusiasm for participation was even higher!

Not to mention anything else, just recreating the main pyramid of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire in New York City made each of them get goose bumps all over with excitement.

Undoubtedly, this is definitely an opportunity to go down in history, who would be willing to miss it?

During the field trip, some small episodes also occurred.

Some of the tenants who lived here before and moved out with 10,000 US dollars were obviously not reconciled, and ran back here to protest and demonstrate!

However, the old buildings that originally stood on the land had been demolished by the construction team led by Jason at the fastest speed, leaving only ruins here.

After those guys came back, they could only stand across the street to protest and demonstrate, shouting a few slogans!

Since they were not the previous owners here, and they were tenants who left after receiving compensation, and more importantly, the Brave Man has a full set of legal procedures endorsed by the New York City government, which is impeccable!

In this way, their protests and demonstrations seem a bit unreasonable. Even the news media, who are afraid of chaos in the world, no longer pay attention to them after understanding the basic situation.

When Ye Tian brought a few architectural designer teams here for field inspection, those guys were still protesting, and their voices became louder. Two of them even wanted to rush up to argue with Ye Tian!

It's a pity that those two guys didn't get what they wanted. As soon as they rushed across the street, they were pushed to the ground by the always-vigilant New York police and rubbed hard!

For those voices of protest, Ye Tian seemed to have never heard of them, and he didn't pay any attention to those protesters.

After the site visit, the team of architectural designers racked their brains and put into work, each of them wanting to win this much-anticipated project.

Ye Tian and the others also began to prepare for the next treasure hunt.


It's a Saturday in late July at JFK Airport in New York.

Many media reporters who have been guarding the airport all year round are chatting together and scanning the surrounding situation, waiting for the next celebrity or star to appear.

At this moment, Ye Tian took David and others into the terminal building under the guard of Mathis and the others. A group of people walked towards the VIP passage of the private jet, talking and laughing.

As soon as they appeared, they were discovered by the media reporters waiting here.

"Guys, that guy Steven is here. Seeing how they are pushing a lot of suitcases, they seem to be going abroad. Maybe there is some big news."

With a shout, all the media reporters at the scene turned their heads to look at Ye Tian and the others, and everyone's eyes lit up.

The next moment, these guys rushed towards Ye Tian and the others like a tide.

When they came close, these guys couldn't wait to start asking questions before they could stand firm.

"Good morning, Steven, where are you going? China? Honduras? Or some other country? Do you have any new exploration operations?"

"Hello, Steven, the exploration and cleanup operation of the Mayan Empire's Golden City has come to an end. Have you had any other treasure hunting operations recently? If so, what kind of treasure did you find this time?"

At the same time as these media reporters were asking questions, Ye Tian had already stopped in his tracks, and so had David and the others.

He first glanced at the many media reporters at the scene, then smiled and said loudly:

"Good morning, friends from the media, I am very glad to meet you here, you guessed it right, we are leaving New York this time, indeed there is a new treasure hunt to start!

In the next period of time, our company will cooperate with the Israeli government to explore a famous treasure in the legend. As for the name of this treasure, it will be kept secret for the time being!

When we arrive in Jerusalem and understand the specific situation, we will hold a press conference to introduce the treasure hunt and sign the agreement in front of the world's news media.

At that time, everyone is welcome to go to Jerusalem to report. I am basically sure that at the press conference where the joint exploration agreement was signed, you will gain a lot!

Well, that's all I have to say, once again, it's a pleasure to meet you all, and I wish you all a happy and wonderful day, friends, see you in Jerusalem! "

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian led David and the others forward, and under the protection of Mattis and the others, pushed aside these excited media reporters, and walked straight into the VIP channel!

During this process, those media reporters seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, and they were still unwilling to reconcile and raised their throats to ask questions loudly.

"Steven, what is this legendary treasure? Is it related to Israel and the Jews?"

"Where is this famous treasure? Steven, in the Middle East or in Europe, or somewhere else?"

It is a pity that Ye Tian turned a deaf ear to the questions of these media reporters and did not give any response.

The reason why he stopped and said those words to these media reporters just now is to attract the attention of the news media, and then contain the Israelis, so that the Israelis will be more scruples!

You must know that this cooperation is with the Israeli government. Compared with other countries, Israel has always had a tradition of using unscrupulous means to achieve its goals, so we have to be careful!

While speaking, Ye Tian and the others disappeared from the sight of these media reporters.

The next moment, the area at the entrance of the VIP passage of the private jet was boiling instantly.

"Wow! This guy Steven is dispatched again. I don't know what treasure they discovered this time? Which historically famous treasure is going to be looted by them?"

"I have to say that Steven is so lucky. The famous treasures in history seem to be buried for him, just waiting for him to discover them!"

While feeling deeply moved, these media reporters also quickly sent out this heavy news to their respective news media.

Not surprisingly, this news immediately caused a huge sensation in the outside world, and also attracted countless attentions.

Next, everyone turned their attention to the private jet that just took off from New York's Kennedy International Airport, and to the holy city of Jerusalem thousands of miles away!

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