Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2668 fragments from the Colosseum

Compared with the Romanesque building on the ground, the basement of this building seems to be older and stronger. This is an underground fortress made entirely of stones.

After entering the basement, Derek began to introduce the situation here to Ye Tian.

"Steven, as far as we know, Trajan's Square and the Venetian Palace not far away and the surrounding area are just above the famous Roman underground city, and almost every building here has such an ancient basement.

These basements were originally part of the Roman underground city, and they are very old. Except for a very small part of the buildings on the ground, most of them were built later, as is the case with this Roman-style building.

The construction of these buildings on the ground and the people living in them naturally occupied the underground city facilities under their respective buildings. They blocked the passages leading to other places and turned this part of the underground city into a basement!

There are also some people who have blocked the underground city under their residence and transformed it into wine cellars, treasure rooms, refuges, and even secret prisons, etc. On this street, it is said that there are two ancient secret prisons ! "

While Derek was introducing, Ye Tian was also observing this ancient and solid basement.

At his request, when Derek and the others cleaned up this Romanesque building and several other historical buildings, they had already moved all the things in the basement to the ground, and piled them in the atrium garden!

There are also some furniture and sundries, as well as the wine stored in these basements, which have been removed by the original owner or tenant. This basement is currently empty, which is very convenient for observation!

"This is human nature. The underground city of Rome is criss-crossed and extends in all directions, and the city of Rome has been turbulent since ancient times. No one who lives here dare not block these underground passages extending in all directions.

Some of these smart people, while sealing most of the secret passages in the dungeon, often leave one or two secret passages for escape. In case they encounter danger that day, they can escape from the underground secret passages.

There are also some guys who use the secret passages of the dungeon to cheat, engage in assassination activities, even carry out coups, and engage in various conspiracies and tricks. In modern times, the mafia also uses it to smuggle drugs and arms.

It can be said that Rome on the ground is showing the world a splendid side! The underground city is another side of Rome, and it is a dark, scary, ugly and unknown dark side.

What we are looking for are these possible escape routes and the hidden treasure rooms. The reason why I bought these six historical buildings is mainly because they are on the Roman underground city! "

While chatting with Derek, Ye Tian tapped on the walls of the basement and carefully inspected the ancient stones that made up the walls.

While speaking, he suddenly stopped talking, and reached out to touch a stone on the wall.

On that stone, there are some simple and unsophisticated patterns engraved, although they are not very clear, but they can still be recognized vaguely.

Seeing Ye Tian's movements, Derek immediately leaned over and looked curiously at the seemingly ordinary stone.

After observing for a while, Ye Tian smiled and said:

"Derek, look at this stone, it should be part of a Corinthian column, and it's a fragment near the capital, these decorations that look like buttercup leaves,

It is the most obvious feature, which is different from Ionian columns and Doric columns.

Let's look at the texture of this stone, which is very similar to those of the Corinthian columns in the Colosseum. It should be said that the two are stones produced in the same place, with basically the same texture, and the carved patterns on them are also basically the same.

From these two points, it can be confirmed that this fragment of the Corinthian column comes from the not-too-distant Colosseum, and the Colosseum collapsed around the sixth century AD, and the damage intensified further in the Middle Ages.

From then until the mid-eighteenth century, the Colosseum was a ruin without any protective measures. Many citizens in Rome, even the Holy See, moved stones from there to build houses or churches and other buildings.

From this point, it can be determined that the fragment of the Corinthian column was moved here after the sixth century AD, and according to my identification, the time it was placed here should be between the eleventh and twelfth centuries.

This is later than the formation of the Roman underground city, but coincides with the construction time of the building on the ground, so it can be concluded that the person who moved the fragment of the Corinthian column from the Colosseum is probably the builder of the building.”

While saying these words, Ye Tian kept moving his fingers, pointing at the ancient stone on the wall, and introduced his findings and conclusions to Derek.

Listening to his explanation, Derek kept nodding, and he had a deeper understanding of the ancient basement he was in!

It is a pity that this piece of Corinthian column fragment from the Colosseum, apart from its own historical value, does not hide any secrets, let alone treasures!

After admiring and appraising the fragment of the Corinthian column, Ye Tian looked at other places again, continuing to study this ancient basement with great interest, studying the walls and ground here and so on.

In the blink of an eye, seven or eight minutes had passed.

Ye Tian and the others came to a small basement that had been transformed into a wine cellar, and were about to check the situation here and see what they could find.

At this moment, an excited voice suddenly came from the intercom.

"Steven, you'd better come to the second floor to have a look. We have detected a strong metal signal in the wall of a bedroom. Based on the detected signal analysis, there is probably a safe hidden in this wall."

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian paused for a moment, then picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Okay, let's go up right away and see if it's a safe and what's in it"

After speaking, Ye Tian took Derek out of the basement and walked upstairs.

Soon, they came to a bedroom on the second floor.

Seeing them coming in, the two guys in charge of exploring this area walked over immediately, then pointed to a wall on the north side of the bedroom and said:

"Steven, it is inside this wall that we detected a very strong metal signal, and the range is not large. Judging from the range of the signal distribution, it should be a safe hidden in the wall.

But we didn't find the mechanism to open the safe on this wall, or the mechanism was covered under the wallpaper. The guy who lived here before probably didn't know the existence of this safe!

On the other side of this wall is a small study room, with a black walnut bookcase standing against the wall, and the window opens to the side of the atrium garden. The environment is quite elegant, and it is a good place for reading and resting.”

Saying that, the guy with the pulse metal detector in his hand walked to the wall on the north side of the bedroom, and stuck the detection coil on the wall.

Following his actions, there was a sound of a metal detector beeping in the room, which sounded very pleasant.

"Good job, guys, let me see what secrets or treasures are hidden in this wall, I hope it will be a nice surprise!"

With that said, Ye Tian had already stepped forward.

He first checked the detected metal signal, and then started to look at the wall covered with wallpaper, as well as the adjacent ground and walls!

By analyzing the detected metal signals and distribution range, he affirmed the judgment of two of his employees that there was indeed a safe hidden in this wall.

However, in this bedroom, he did not find the mechanism to open the safe, perhaps it was covered by the wallpaper on the wall!

After standing in front of the wall and observing for a while, Ye Tian said:

"Let's go to the study next door and maybe we can find something."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked out of this bedroom, and walked to the study next door.

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