Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2669 Let me perform a magic trick

In the cafe, the Bishop of Kent and the cultural counselor of the American embassy had been waiting for more than an hour and drank several cups of coffee.

On the street outside, Giovanni, the others, and several media reporters were staring at the old Roman-style building, somewhat anxiously waiting.

In addition to them, there are many media reporters on the street who heard the news, as well as many tourists and Roman citizens who watched the excitement, all staying outside the police cordon.

At this time, people were curiously looking at the Roman-style building in front of them, and they were discussing enthusiastically.

"Have you heard that Steven, that lucky and cunning bastard, secretly purchased six historical buildings in downtown Rome. It is said that there are likely to be important secrets or treasures hidden in those historical buildings!"

"Who would have thought that there might be hidden treasures in this Roman-style building. We have lived in this neighborhood for decades, but we have never found any clues. That bastard Steven is in vain!"

Just as people were talking, the door of the Romanesque building ahead suddenly opened, and a guy wearing gloves came out of the building.

Walking out of that historic building was that guy Derek.

As soon as he came out, Giovanni and Pizarro, who had been waiting at the door for a long time, and two media reporters rushed up immediately, and everyone's eyes were full of anticipation.

At the same time, the Bishop of Kent, the cultural counselor of the American embassy who had been staying in the cafe, and several other people who came here later got up and left the cafe, and walked towards the door of this Romanesque building.

"Hello, buddy, I'm a reporter from NBC TV. Can you tell us what you found in this Romanesque building?"

The reporter from NBC TV couldn't wait to ask, and the rest of the people at the scene also looked eager.

However, Derek did not answer this question immediately, but asked the media reporter to wait until everyone was here before he introduced the situation.

While speaking, the Bishop of Kent, the cultural counselor of the American embassy and others all came here, looking at Derek with full expectation.

It wasn't until this moment that Derek started to introduce the situation.

"Gentlemen, we did find something in this Romanesque building, which we did not open to ensure the transparency of our exploration.

Steven asked me to come out to invite everyone to go in and uncover those hidden secrets together to see what those secrets are. Gentlemen, please come with me! "

With that said, Derek pointed out a few people and led them into this Romanesque building.

Those who are qualified to enter this building and witness this exploration operation are the bishop of Kent, the cultural counselor of the American embassy and their two assistants, Giovanni and Pizarro, and two media reporters.

As for the others, they can only continue to wait outside and continue to be tormented by curiosity.

As soon as they entered this Romanesque building, the Bishop of Kent and the others saw Ye Tian standing at the entrance of the living room with a smile on his face. He was also wearing a pair of gloves.

"Gentlemen, welcome, I have kept you waiting"

Ye Tian smiled and said hello to these old friends.

Before his words fell,

Giovanni couldn't wait to ask:

"Steven, what did you find in this historic building? Is it a treasure?"

Following his inquiry, everyone looked at Ye Tian, ​​expecting his answer.

Ye Tian glanced at these guys, then smiled and said:

"In this historical building, we did find something, but whether this discovery is a treasure or some great secret is hard to say now, because we have not opened the things we discovered.

We found two hidden secrets in total, one is a safe hidden in the wall of a bedroom on the second floor, and the other is a secret room hidden in the basement of this historic building!

Next, I will take you to the bedroom on the second floor, open the safe made during World War II, and then take you to the basement, open the secret room that may be older, and see what you can find! "

Hearing this, everyone nodded in unison, and they were all very excited.

Of course, Giovanni and Pizarro are not included here. The faces of these two guys have become even uglier, as if they were bereaved!

as expected! It's really bad luck that Steven, a greedy bastard, discovered the treasure!

After briefly introducing the situation, Ye Tian made a gesture of please, and then walked to the second floor with these old friends and two media reporters.

After a while, everyone was in the bedroom on the second floor.

At this time, the situation in this bedroom is quite different from before, and it seems quite messy.

The wallpaper on the wall on the north side of the bedroom has been removed by Derek and the others, and a thick layer of wall skin has been shoveled off, exposing the stone slabs inside the wall.

One of the blue-black stone slabs, about fifteen centimeters thick, had been cut into pieces by Derek and the others with a cutting machine, and then taken out.

Behind this blue-black slate is a square old-fashioned safe, embedded in the wall.

And around this old-fashioned safe, there is a circle of strong and abnormal steel frame, which wraps the safe and supports the wall.

This old-fashioned safe should have been treated with anti-rust treatment. Although it has been hidden in the wall for decades, it has not rusted and still radiates a dark luster.

As soon as they entered the bedroom, the Bishop of Kent and Giovanni saw the safe, and everyone's eyes lit up.

At this moment, Ye Tian's voice came out again, and he began to introduce this discovery to everyone.

"When my company employees scanned the historic building with pulse metal detectors, they detected a strong metal signal in this bedroom, and then we opened the wall and found this old safe.

From the style of the safe, the brand and the Italian written on it, I was able to confirm that it was a safe made in the early 1930s, and it was an Italian brand, which no longer exists.

From the analysis of traces inside and outside the wall, I can be sure that this safe was installed in this wall in the early 1940s, and has been hidden here since then, never moved, and rarely opened by anyone.

The person who installed the safe in this wall at the beginning took advantage of the fact that the walls of Romanesque buildings are very thick, so they hid the safe here, and it will not arouse the suspicion of the latecomers.

As for what is contained in this safe, it is still unknown. The previous owners of this Romanesque building did not discover the existence of this old-fashioned safe until we came here today! "

While Ye Tian was introducing the situation, Giovanni and the Bishop of Kent all stepped forward and checked the old-fashioned safe embedded in the wall!

They naturally knew the Italian words engraved on this safe, and they knew that this was a local safe made in Italy, and it was quite old.

On the handle and combination knob of the old-fashioned safe, they saw no fingerprints, just a layer of dust.

It can be confirmed from this that although Ye Tian and the others discovered this old-fashioned safe, they did not try to open it, but waited for everyone to arrive, and then opened the safe in front of everyone.

After confirming this point, even Giovanni, who hated Ye Tian so much that his teeth were itching, had to secretly give a thumbs up to express his admiration.

While the Bishop of Kent and Giovanni were checking the old-fashioned safe, the two reporters from NBC TV and Italian National TV raised their cameras and began to shoot non-stop.

"That's right, Steven, this brand of safes is indeed Italian. Although this manufacturer no longer exists, there are still many old-fashioned safes left. The Vatican has this brand of safes."

Bishop Kent said, affirming Ye Tian's judgment.

As soon as his words fell, Giovanni continued:

"Steven, everyone has come to this bedroom and seen this safe. How are you going to open it? Do you cut it? That may damage the things stored in the safe."

Ye Tian shook his head slightly, then smiled and said:

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome. This old-fashioned safe has been treated with anti-rust, the quality is very good, and the preservation condition is also very good. I can easily open it without destroying the safe!"

"How is this possible? Steven, you don't know the password of this old-fashioned safe, how can you open it easily?"

The cultural counselor of the American embassy said that he obviously didn't believe that Ye Tian had this ability.

Except for David, Derek and others, everyone else on the scene looked at Ye Tian suspiciously.

"Okay then, please keep your eyes open, I will show you a wonderful magic trick"

After speaking, Ye Tian took a backpack from the side, took out a stethoscope from it, and hung it around his neck.

Seeing this scene, the Bishop of Kent and Giovanni were all stunned!

no? This guy Steven is going to use a stethoscope to open the safe, what a joke!

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