Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2674 Anthem of Light and Shadow

This is the pinnacle work of Impressionism, which is well-known in the history of Western art, or it should be said that it is one of the most outstanding representative works of Impressionism art.

Monet, who created this "Water Lilies", is one of the most important schools of art in modern Western times, the founder and highest achiever of Impressionism, and one of the greatest painters in the history of Western art.

The painting is medium in size, approximately 100 by 90, and is presented in a minimalist cherry wood frame.

The content depicted in the painting is a pond with rippling blue waves, and there are pieces of water lilies floating on the water surface, one on the left and one on the right, spreading along the water surface to the distance of the pond.

On the patches of naturally floating water lilies, there are occasionally a few blooming lotus flowers, red like fire, white like snow, blooming delicately.

And on the bank of this pond, there are many big trees with luxuriant branches.

Together with the blue sky, they are reflected in the rippling pond in the painting under the sunshine of summer, as if they are gently swaying with the water waves, and the artistic conception is extremely beautiful.

Looking at this extremely beautiful picture, everyone's eyes were firmly attracted in an instant, and they were intoxicated by it, immersed in the poetic artistic conception created by this painting!

Then the utility room became quiet, and there was no more sound, only the sound of panting and heartbeat.

After a while, Ye Tian woke up first, then smiled and said:

"Gentlemen, this is only the first top-level artwork found in Balbo's secret room. I believe there are more and more valuable top-level artworks waiting for us to discover in this secret room!"

Following his words, everyone came to their senses.

The next moment, there was a burst of exclamation at the scene.

"Wow! This Monet's "Pond. Water Lilies" is so beautiful, it is simply mesmerizing!"

"Who would have thought that in this ancient basement, there is actually a pinnacle of Impressionist art hidden, it is really incredible!"

While exclaiming unceasingly, the eyes of everyone looking at this "Pond. Water Lily" became extremely hot. Everyone had an intoxicated expression, and everyone's eyes were full of envy and jealousy!

Especially those two guys, Giovanni and Pizarro, their eyeballs were already red, so red that they were about to bleed!

After some amazement, some people also raised questions.

"Steven, this Monet's "Pond. Water Lilies" is indeed very beautiful, but it also looks very familiar. I seem to have seen it there, either in a museum or gallery, or in some art book superior!"

The cultural counselor of the US embassy in Italy said, with a bit of curiosity and doubt in his tone.

As soon as his voice fell, Pizarro said again:

"That's right, the "Pond. Water Lilies" in front of you is very similar to the famous masterpiece "Pond. Water Lilies" collected by the Impressionist artist Monet in the National Gallery of London!

Is there such a possibility that this painting and the painting of the same name collected by the National Gallery in London, one of which is a fake, you know, Monet's paintings are everywhere! "

After the words fell, everyone at the scene turned their heads to look at Ye Tian,

Looking forward to his answer.

Ye Tian first looked at the painting in front of him, then glanced at everyone, and then said with a smile:

"Gentlemen, Pizarro is right about one thing. The "Water Lilies" in front of me is very similar to Monet's masterpiece "Pond. Water Lilies" collected by the National Gallery in London. The background of the two paintings is exactly the same!

Then, is it possible that one of the two pictures of "Pond and Water Lilies" with the same height is a fake? Could it be a counterfeit created by a certain painter in later generations imitating Monet's painting style and comparing with the London painting "Pond and Water Lilies"?

Here, I can tell you with certainty that whether it is the "Pond. Water Lilies" in the National Gallery of London or the "Water Lilies" in front of me, they are all authentic works of Impressionist art master Monet, which is indisputable! "

Following Ye Tian's affirmative appraisal conclusion, there was another burst of exclamation at the scene.

At the same time, the eyes of everyone looking at the "Pond. Water Lily" in front of them became even hotter, and even almost burned!

Regarding the appraisal conclusion given by Ye Tian, ​​no one at the scene questioned or raised any objections.

Everyone knows that his vision for appraising antique works of art is extremely sharp, and he has never looked at them before, and this time will be no exception!

Since he said with certainty that this is the authentic work of Impressionist artist Monet, then this is the golden rule and there is no need to question it!

Regarding this point, it has already been verified countless times, and it is an iron-like fact!

When the scene became quieter, Ye Tian continued to say:

"At first glance, the two paintings of "Pond and Water Lilies" are indeed highly similar, which may make people mistakenly think that they are the same painting, or that later painters copied Monet's works, but they are not.

In fact, there are still some subtle differences between the two "Pond. Water Lilies", these differences are mainly manifested in the changes of light and shadow, such as the reflections of these trees in the pond,..."

Next, Ye Tian pointed to this painting by Monet, and briefly explained the difference between this painting and the "Pond. Water Lilies" collected by the National Gallery of London.

Following his explanation, everyone suddenly understood that this is the authentic work of Impressionist artist Monet, which is genuine and priceless.

"As we all know, in Monet's later years, that is, between 1908 and 1918, Monet created a series of paintings with water lilies as the theme, a very large number, with a total of 181 paintings.

Many of the "Water Lilies" are group paintings. The so-called "group paintings" are multiple paintings created by the artist in the same position, facing the same object or scene, at different times and under different light and shadow conditions.

The "Pond and Water Lilies" collected by the National Gallery of London, and the "Water Lilies" in front of you are a group of paintings created by Monet in the same position, facing the same scene, and under different light conditions.

If the "Pond. Water Lilies" in the National Gallery of London shows the beauty at noon, the "Water Lilies" in front of you shows the beauty of the afternoon, which is equally beautiful!

It can be said that Monet's "Water Lilies" series of paintings are a series of great creations that can be called epics in the history of Western art, the pinnacle of Impressionist art, and an artistic hymn of light and shadow!

Before today, people did not know the existence of Monet's "Water Lilies", and no one would have imagined that the former Italian Air Force Marshal Balbo actually hid such a top-level artwork here.

And today, with our hands, the master artist Monet's "Pond and Water Lilies", which had disappeared for seventy or eighty years or even longer, finally reappeared in the world, shining brightly again,..."

Listening to Ye Tian's explanation, everyone felt fascinated, and was once again led into the wonderful artistic conception created by the master artist Monet and shown in this "Water Lilies", unable to extricate themselves for a long time!

After Ye Tian's words fell, the utility room fell into silence again, without any sound.

After a while, everyone just woke up.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of exclamation and warm applause at the scene.

"clap clap"

Everyone was applauding, applauding for Monet's "Pond. Water Lilies" and Ye Tian's wonderful explanation.

After the applause died down, the Cultural Counselor of the US Embassy in Italy couldn't wait to ask:

"Steven, since this is the pinnacle of Impressionist art and one of the most outstanding representative works of the master artist Monet, then I would like to ask, how much is this painting worth?"

Ye Tian looked at this one, then at this painting of Monet's "Water Lilies", then smiled and said:

"Among all Monet's water lily-themed paintings, this "Pond. Water Lily" can be regarded as the best of the best. There are few paintings of the same name that can compare with it. The "Pond. Water Lily" in London is considered one of them.

In recent decades, Monet's "Water Lilies" has appeared in major auctions many times, and has been enthusiastically pursued by countless top collectors. Transaction Record.

As far as the current antique art market is concerned, if Monet's "Haystack" can be sold for 110 million US dollars, then this "Pond. Water Lilies" can be sold for more than 200 million US dollars. will feel strange! "

Before the words were finished, the scene was completely blown up, followed by crazy exclamations.

Just when everyone was shaking their heads and exclaiming, Ye Tian gave David a wink, indicating that he could start the backhand that had been prepared!

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