Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2675 Impressionist Art Exhibition

After letting everyone appreciate Monet's "Pond. Water Lilies" for a while, Ye Tian rewrapped this top artwork with a tarpaulin, put it aside, and leaned against the wall on the west side of the utility room.

At this time, David, who made an excuse to go out to make a phone call, had also returned to the utility room.

And everyone in this utility room is staring at the small secret room and the things placed in the secret room, and everyone's eyes are extremely hot.

Ye Tian glanced at the crowd, then pointed to the dark secret room and said:

"Derek, move out the rest of the items from the secret room. Be careful. If you're not mistaken, the other picture frames wrapped in tarpaulins are priceless and top-notch works of art!"

"Okay, Steven, leave it to us"

Derek nodded in response, and then walked into the secret room again with another company employee.

Soon, they carried another picture frame out of the secret room, and under Ye Tian's instructions, they put this picture frame, which was also wrapped in a thick layer of moisture-proof tarpaulin, by the wall.

Ye Tian was not in a hurry to take off the tarpaulin and show the artwork under the tarpaulin to everyone, but let Derek and the others continue to carry the rest of the items from the secret room.

After a while, many picture frames hidden in Balbo's secret room were carried out, and all leaned against the remaining three walls of the utility room.

So far, only the central wooden box remained in the secret room.

Just as Derek and the others were about to move the wooden box, Ye Tian suddenly said:

"Derek, you guys come out first, don't move that wooden box, to avoid danger, the situation in the wooden box is not clear, maybe there is a mechanism trap, I will check it later and make sure it is safe, then let's move that wooden box box"

Hearing this, Derek and the others immediately nodded, and then retreated from the secret room.

However, Ye Tian didn't immediately go into the secret room to check the condition of the wooden box, but looked at the picture frames that were just taken out of the secret room and were leaning against the wall of the utility room.

The rest of the people in the utility room were the same, they all turned their heads to look at those picture frames, and everyone's eyes were full of curiosity.

"Steven, do you think these works of art wrapped under tarpaulins are the works of that top artist? How much are they worth? It's really exciting!"

Bishop of Kent asked curiously, eyes full of anticipation.

Ye Tian smiled softly, and then continued:

"The artwork that the former Italian Air Force Marshal took a fancy to and took great pains to hide here must be extraordinary, even the ordinary artwork Balbo would not like it!

I guess, under these tarpaulins, there must be priceless top artworks. As for which art master they are, the answer will be revealed soon! "

As he said that, Ye Tian walked towards the picture frame next to Monet's "Pond. Water Lilies", and that picture frame was also the second one to be moved out of Balbo's secret room.

In Balbo's secret room before, that picture frame was placed next to "Pond. Water Lilies", and there may be some kind of internal connection between the two.

come near,

Ye Tian first took this relatively small artwork and observed it all over.

Then, he reached out and pulled the rope tied with the tarpaulin, pulled the rope out, and then began to dismantle the layers of dark gray tarpaulin.

After a while, an oil painting appeared in front of everyone, and it was another impressionist painting.

What this painting depicts is a port illuminated by the setting sun.

The foreground of the picture is a sparkling sea, and there are two or three small boats returning late, while the foreground is several sailboats preparing to dock, and the port shrouded in twilight!

The moment they saw this painting, everyone couldn't help being stunned again, everyone was stunned, their eyes were full of incredible!

Ye Tian, ​​who was holding the painting, pretended to carefully appreciate and appraise the impressionist painting carefully, and then said jokingly:

"I didn't expect the former Italian Air Force Marshal Balbo to be a loyal fan of Impressionist art, and even a fanatic fan of art master Claude Monet. This is another painting by Monet.

If I read correctly, the name of this impressionist painting should be called "Le Havre Port in the Sunset". The harbor in the painting is exactly Le Havre, an important port in northern France.

The creation time of this painting should be around 1872, and it was created at the same period as Monet’s famous painting "Sunrise. Impression". The name Impressionism comes from "Sunrise. Impression""

Not surprisingly, there was another exclamation at the scene, and everyone was shocked by Ye Tian's words.

"How is it possible? It's another outstanding painting by the master artist Monet. Where did Balbo get these top-level works of art? Could it be that he ransacked some famous museum?"

"In an unknown secret room, two paintings by the master artist Monet were found. This is simply unbelievable. Steven, what evidence do you have to say that these are Monet's works?"

Hearing these exclamations, Ye Tian couldn't help but chuckled, and couldn't hide the complacency on his face.

When the exclamation subsided, he smiled and said:

"Everyone must not forget that from the 1930s to 1940, Balbo was the number two figure in Italy, only under Mussolini, and his power was overwhelming!

At that time, Balbo wanted to get his favorite artwork without any effort. As long as he wanted, he could get any antique artwork he wanted.

Is this the work of Monet? Let me teach you an identification method, any impressionist painting full of light spots, but without a clear outline, it is Monet! "


There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and everyone laughed.

At the same time, the eyes everyone looked at Ye Tian and the "Port of Le Havre in the Sunset" were full of envy and jealousy, and everyone's eyeballs were a little red!

Due to limited time, Ye Tian did not give everyone much time to appreciate this impressionist painting, nor did he explain in detail this early work of Monet's artistic career.

Also, he did not give an estimate for this top artwork.

However, everyone at the scene knew that this was definitely a priceless and top-notch work of art, and it was by no means much cheaper than the "Pond. Water Lilies" that I saw just now.

You know, this is the outstanding painting of Monet, the standard bearer of Impressionism. Its sister work is the famous "Sunrise Impression" that started the Impressionism trend!

After appreciating it roughly, Ye Tian took the tarpaulins that had just been unpacked, wrapped this Monet's painting again, and carefully put it together with the "Water Lily".

Next, he picked up the third picture frame, carefully pulled the rope that bound the picture frame, and bit by bit uncovered the layers of moisture-proof tarpaulin wrapped outside the picture frame!

What appeared in front of everyone this time was still a work by an impressionist master, and it was still a priceless top-level artwork!

However, this Impressionist oil painting is no longer the work of Monet, but the outstanding painting of another Impressionist master, Edgar Degas.

The contents of the painting are several dancing ballet dancers. This is Degas's favorite and best painting subject!

Unsurprisingly, as soon as Degas's "Ballerina" appeared in front of everyone, there was a burst of exclamation immediately, and everyone was completely shocked by the appearance of this top-level artwork!

After a while, Ye Tian gave a positive appraisal conclusion.

"Gentlemen, when we see such a culmination of Impressionist paintings, and the paintings are ballet dancers, then there is no doubt that this must be the work of Impressionist master Edgar Degas!"

Following the appraisal conclusion he gave, the utility room immediately boiled.

Although this result had been expected for a long time, when everyone heard the appraisal conclusion given by Ye Tian, ​​they were still shocked and almost crazy with envy.

As for Giovanni and Pizarro, the eyes of these two guys were already blood red, full of madness, and looked a little scary.

Fortunately, before these two guys entered this Roman-style building, they handed over the guns to their subordinates, and accepted Matisse's security check, without any threat!

Otherwise, Ye Tian was a little worried that these two guys would get into trouble and directly rob these top artworks!

After giving the appraisal conclusion, Ye Tian gave a brief explanation of Degas' "Ballerina", then rewrapped it with a moisture-proof tarpaulin and put it aside!

As before, he still didn't give an estimate for this impressionist masterpiece this time, so as not to over-stimulate these guys at the scene and make them even more crazy!

You must know that Degas has relatively few paintings handed down to the world, and most of them are collected in major museums around the world, and there are not many paintings left outside!

In view of this, every time a Degas work appears in the antique art market, it will cause a huge sensation and attract countless top collectors to pursue it enthusiastically.

Among all Degas's paintings, the works with ballet dancers as the theme are the most important works, and they are the works that attract the most attention, and their prices can be imagined!

After wrapping up this Degas work, Ye Tian picked up the fourth frame, and under everyone's extremely hot eyes, he peeled off the moisture-proof oil paper wrapped outside little by little!

When the oil painting hidden under the moisture-proof oil paper appeared, even he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then said excitedly:

"It's another work by a master of Impressionism, but this time it's Renoir. I have to say that Balbo is an extremely fanatical fan of Impressionism. It seems that the famous Impressionism is going to hold an exhibition here today!"

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