Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2676 oil painting that reaches people's hearts

“What Renoir’s impressionist oil painting depicts is an outdoor party, and everyone in the painting is very happy. This is Renoir’s favorite and best creative subject matter, and it is also a major feature of his works,… ..."

Ye Tian explained this masterpiece of Renoir's impressionism to everyone, and gave a positive appraisal conclusion.

However, he still didn't give an accurate valuation, just because he didn't want to stimulate the guys in front of him too much, so as to prevent them from being jealous and going crazy!

Following Renoir's Impressionist oil paintings, the fifth and sixth works of art are still two Impressionist masterpieces, and they come from the same artist.

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The artist who created these two Impressionist masterpieces is the famous French painter, founder of Impressionism, and top artist Edouard Manet.

These two impressionist oil paintings of his were created in the middle and late stages of his art career respectively, and they are both priceless and top-notch works of art!

What appeared after Manet was still a masterpiece of Impressionism, made by the master artist Modigliani, he is the most outstanding representative of Impressionism in Italy!

Of course, Modigliani spent the peak period of his artistic career in Paris until his untimely death in the Montmartre Heights in Paris!

The emergence of this series of impressionist masterpieces directly detonated this small utility room, and almost caused everyone in this utility room to lose their brains.

Fortunately, this exploration operation was not broadcast live. The two media reporters who were on the scene could only report this series of amazing discoveries that shocked the world after they left here!

Otherwise, the streets outside, the city of Rome, and even the entire Western art world and the field of antique art collections would have been a complete sensation!

After the scene became quieter and everyone calmed down, Ye Tiancai began to introduce this Impressionist painting by Modigliani, and gave a positive appraisal conclusion.

Due to Modigliani's short artistic career, he died young at the age of only 36, and the works left in the world are very rare. Except for those collected by major museums, it is extremely rare to see them in the antique art market!

Rare is more expensive!

This makes the price of Modigliani's works extremely high, and every time one appears on the market, it will create a staggering auction record.

In particular, the oil paintings of female nude bodies he painted with his girlfriend as models are top-notch works of art that can't be met, and are enthusiastically pursued by countless top collectors and museums.

In 2015, his peak work, "Lady on Side", once set an auction record of 170 million US dollars!

What appeared in front of everyone at the moment was an oil painting of a nude female body created by Modigliani at the peak of his art. The model in the painting was his girlfriend, Jenny!

Apart from being extremely rare, the artistic level of this oil painting is no less than that of "Lady Lying on Side", its value can be imagined!

Following Ye Tian's explanation, this small utility room boiled again, and exclamations kept ringing out one after another!

After the explanation, everyone admired Modigliani's Fruit Girl for a while intoxicated.

Only then did Ye Tian put away this priceless top-level artwork and put it aside!

Afterwards, he took another picture frame wrapped in a tarpaulin, untied the knots with great anticipation, and peeled off those dark gray tarpaulins layer by layer!

Everyone watched his movements and the frame wrapped in tarpaulin excitedly, expecting to see another masterpiece of impressionism, but they didn't know which impressionist master it was!

However, what appeared before everyone's eyes was a still life oil painting, not the impressionist work that everyone expected.

In this still life oil painting, there are only a few bottles and jars of different colors, quietly placed on a dining table!

The composition of this still life oil painting is very simple, but it seems to give people a sense of tranquility, and it is the kind of tranquility that penetrates people's hearts.

The moment they saw this still life oil painting, everyone couldn't help but feel a burst of astonishment, so that they were stunned!

Ye Tian was the same, of course, he was performing.

After a while, he smiled and said:

"Wow! I didn't expect to see the still life oil paintings of the art master Giorgio Morandi here. I am so lucky! It must be admitted that Balbo's artistic accomplishment is really not low, and he has a good eye for choosing artworks. Everything is excellent!"

Following his words, everyone woke up.

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of exclamation at the scene.

Of course, some people can't understand this still life oil painting, and don't understand the value of this oil painting.

"Steven, you said this is a still life oil painting of Giorgio Morandi. What is the basis? As we all know, Balbo was beaten to pieces by his own hands in 1940, but Giorgio Morandi lived until the last century. sixties.

Although the two of them lived in overlapping eras, it was after World War II that Giorgio Morandi became famous and recognized as a top art master. From this point of view, it seems unlikely that Balbo would collect Morandi’s works.”

Pizarro asked curiously, obviously not quite understanding this still life oil painting.

Not only him, but the rest of the people at the scene also had doubts about this still life oil painting. Everyone looked at Ye Tian one after another, expecting his answer.

Ye Tian glanced at the crowd, then smiled and said loudly:

"That's why I just said that Balbo's art appreciation is very good, and he has a good eye for choosing artworks. He was able to collect this still life oil painting of Giorgio Morandi in the 1930s and 1940s, which is enough to illustrate this point.

In fact, in the 1930s and 1940s, Giorgio Morandi had already become famous, but his influence was not so great, he did not become the greatest Italian painter in the 20th century, and not many people knew him.

In the French and Italian art circles, all painters know that there is a paranoid genius painter at the Bologna Academy of Fine Arts in Italy. His art is by no means inferior to any art master at that time.

As an art lover and Marshal of the Italian Air Force, Balbo obviously knows the existence of this master artist who has almost never left Bologna, and he knows how to appreciate art, so he will collect Morandi's works.

As for whether this still life oil painting is the work of Giorgio Morandi, it can be identified from two aspects. One is the style of painting. Morandi's art can give people extremely gentle spiritual comfort and can reach people's hearts.

In terms of still life sketching, there are not many modern Western artists who can do this, and Morandi has his very unique personal style. You can appreciate this painting carefully, and I believe you can understand it! "

After the voice fell, the scene immediately fell silent.

Everyone stared at this still life oil painting, trying to experience the artistic conception in the painting with their hearts, and to find the feeling that Ye Tian said!

After a while, Giovanni woke up first, and then said excitedly:

"That's right, Steven, looking at this oil painting of still life with a simple composition, it will indeed make people calm down. The picture of this oil painting seems to have some kind of magical power, it's incredible!"

Before the words were finished, the Bishop of Kent and David also echoed. Each of them felt the same, and everyone was amazed by it!

Ye Tian smiled softly, then pointed to the bottles and jars on this oil painting and explained:

"The reason for this is that when Morandi created still life oil paintings, those seemingly randomly placed brushstrokes, as well as simple colors and compositions, created this kind of tranquility that directly reaches the soul.

In the entire picture of this oil painting, the power given by the painter to these still lifes restricts and cancels each other, so as to achieve a perfect visual balance, and this is the artistic direction Morandi pursues in composition.

In terms of color, Morandi almost never uses bright colors, and only uses some seemingly dark middle tones to express objects, unpretentious, quietly releasing the most simple shocking power and direct inner happiness and elegance.

Morandi's artistic pursuit and spiritual realm, which seeks to explore the deepest consciousness in the most ordinary state, coincides with the will of Chinese literati painters. Therefore, he is known as the European painter closest to Chinese painting! ..."

With Ye Tian's explanation, everyone has a deeper understanding of this seemingly simple still life oil painting, and they feel immersed in it, and their emotions and hearts gradually calm down.

Even Giovanni and Pizarro slowly calmed down, and their red eyes are gradually returning to normal!

Soon, Ye Tian finished explaining this Morandi's still life oil painting.

Then, he pointed to the lower right corner of the painting, jokingly said:

"Gentlemen, please look at the lower right corner of this oil painting. There are two small letters 'GM' there. That is not the logo of General Motors, but Morandi's personal signature!"

Following the direction of his finger, everyone saw the two letters very clearly.


Immediately there was a burst of laughter at the scene, and everyone laughed out loud.

Next, Ye Tian put away this still life oil painting of Morandi, carefully wrapped it up, put it aside, and leaned against the wall of the utility room.

During the process, the reporter from NBC TV curiously asked about the valuation of this oil painting, but Ye Tian shook his head slightly, and did not give an answer!

However, everyone in this utility room knows in their hearts that this is another top-notch work of art that is priceless!

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