Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2677 The Pioneering Work of Cubism

Following the still life oil painting, Ye Tian found another work by Giorgio Morandi, but this is no longer a still life painting, but a landscape of Morandi's hometown of Bologna.

Giorgio Morandi is a very famous paranoid in the history of Western art, and he is also extremely home-loving. He has almost never left his hometown of Bologna in his life, and has always stayed in that one-third of an acre of land!

And there are two main themes of his artistic creation, one is still life sketching, specializing in painting all kinds of bottles and cans, and the paintings are superb! The other is the scenery of his hometown Bologna, which he never tires of!

With the appearance of this slightly post-impressionist landscape oil painting, even a bit like Cézanne, there was another burst of exclamation at the scene.

Same as before, Ye Tian briefly explained this landscape oil painting, introduced the relationship between Morandi, Post-Impressionism and Cézanne, and gave a positive appraisal conclusion.

However, he did not give an estimate for the landscape oil painting, which continued to whet everyone's appetite.

After admiring the landscape oil painting of Morandi, Ye Tian rewrapped it, put it aside, and leaned against the wall of the utility room.

Then, he picked up another unopened picture frame, ready to reveal the secret.

While doing it, he joked expectantly and said:

"You have seen a series of masterpieces by Impressionist art masters and two masterpieces by Giorgio Morandi. I don't know which top art master is the painting that is about to be disassembled?

It would be great if the painting was by Leonardo da Vinci, or Raphael, or Michelangelo, then today would be a perfect day without a doubt! "

Hearing this, everyone at the scene rolled their eyes angrily and complained secretly!

"You bastard is really greedy to the extreme, you just got so many priceless Impressionist masterpieces, and two equally priceless Morandi paintings, you are still not satisfied!

Only a few of the paintings of the three masters of Renaissance art have been handed down. Each of them has a name and a surname, so it is so easy to obtain. If you come across all of them, it would be unreasonable!

What's more, you guys have discovered the paintings of the three masters of Renaissance art before. This kind of good thing can't happen to you again and again, so how can others live? "

While complaining secretly, everyone also had some murmurs and doubts in their hearts.

There is no other reason. From their point of view, Ye Tian's luck is really against the sky. It seems that it is not impossible for him to find the paintings of the three masters of Renaissance art here!

While speaking, Ye Tian had already removed the layers of moisture-proof oilcloth that wrapped the picture frame, and another oil painting appeared in front of everyone.

This is a baroque portrait of a figure with sharp contrasts between light and dark. The figures in the painting stare out of the painting, as if they are watching everyone in the utility room.

The moment they saw this oil painting, everyone was stunned. Everyone's eyes widened, and they looked stunned.

It took only a moment for everyone to wake up, and then excitedly said in unison:

"My God! This is a self-portrait of the master artist Rembrandt, another top-notch work of art that is priceless!"


Everyone immediately recognized this baroque portrait and directly pointed out who the creator of this top-notch work of art is!

This happened because Rembrandt was so famous.

His status in the history of Western art is not much worse than that of the masters of the Renaissance, it can be said that it is comparable!

In Rembrandt's life, he painted more than one hundred self-portraits, which is the most famous and outstanding series of his works.

Rembrandt's self-portraits are collected in many top museums in the West, and most of them are treasure-level collections, which can be called priceless treasures!

Because of this, everyone immediately recognized this Rembrandt self-portrait when they saw it!

Ye Tian glanced at the crowd, then nodded triumphantly and said:

"That's right, gentlemen, this is the famous 'Takeaway Rembrandt', it is a great surprise to find a self-portrait of the master Rembrandt here, and it is worth celebrating!

Since it's a Rembrandt, and Rembrandts are historically a favorite of art thieves, hence the 'takeaway Rembrandt', I'm guessing this might be a top-notch stolen piece of art as well !

However, the theft of this Rembrandt painting was at least before World War II, and it is now unknown. Balbo got the painting through some channels and hid it in this secret room.

Fortunately, Balbo was killed by his own men, so this Rembrandt's self-portrait can stay until now, until we find it, and it can see the light of day again and bloom the bright light of art again!

Just now everyone recognized Rembrandt's self-portrait at a glance. It can be seen how popular Rembrandt's self-portrait is in the Western world. It is estimated that many people know the method of authenticating Rembrandt's paintings!

When we see a Baroque style oil painting with superb painting skills and strong contrast between light and dark, every character in the painting looks like a tramp under a dim street lamp, that is Rembrandt!

Although this is not the work of the three masters of Renaissance art that I expected, the self-portrait of the master artist Rembrandt is also acceptable. After all, Rembrandt has a very high status in the history of Western art! "

Hearing Ye Tian's words, everyone at the scene couldn't help but feel a burst of anger, and at the same time, they were almost crazy with envy and jealousy!

This is Rembrandt's self-portrait, a top-notch work of art that can be called a priceless treasure, you bastard is still not satisfied, you really have a lack of heart, don't you really want to find the "Mona Lisa" here?

After a few jokes, Ye Tian began to explain this Rembrandt's self-portrait to everyone, but he still didn't give an accurate valuation of this painting!

But, as everyone in this utility room knows, this is a priceless treasure!

After briefly explaining this Rembrandt's self-portrait, Ye Tian rewrapped this priceless treasure, put it beside him, and leaned against the wall.

At this time, only three of the picture frames taken out of Balbo's secret room remained unopened.

Not surprisingly, everyone's attention was focused on the remaining three picture frames, secretly guessing which artist's work was hidden under the layers of dark gray moisture-proof tarpaulins!

While speaking, Ye Tian picked up another picture frame and carefully began to dismantle it.

Other people in this utility room were staring at his every move with full expectation, staring at the picture frame wrapped under the tarpaulin!

After a while, the moisture-proof tarpaulin wrapped outside the picture frame was uncovered layer by layer by Ye Tian!

What appeared in front of everyone this time was a cubist oil painting with very distinctive features, which seemed familiar!

Presented in this cubist oil painting are several girls with nude bodies, fat or thin, standing or sitting, with different postures, posing, as if they are showing their enchanting and charming figures to the world!

However, the shape of each character in the painting is completely distorted and deformed, making it difficult to recognize, only a general outline can be seen!

All the backgrounds and characters in the painting are completed with color, the use of color is exaggerated and grotesque, the color contrast of the picture is strong, but very restrained, with great visual impact!

The moment they saw this cubist oil painting, everyone was taken aback, and a look of disbelief quickly flashed across everyone's face!

Immediately afterwards, the cultural counselor of the US embassy in Italy said in surprise:

"Isn't this Picasso's "Girl of Avignon"? But isn't that pioneering work of cubism collected in MOMA in New York? How could it appear here? And the picture and scale seem to be different!"

Hearing these words, other people at the scene nodded in agreement. Everyone's eyes were full of doubts and curiosity, and at the same time they were extremely excited, as if they had discovered a new world!

Ye Tian didn't say anything immediately, but carefully observed the cubist painting, and then pretended to be excited and said:

"Gentlemen, this is not the pioneering work of Cubism, "The Maiden of Avignon", no matter in terms of scale or composition, the two paintings are quite different, but at first glance they are somewhat similar!

But I am very sure that this is definitely an authentic work by Picasso, and it is an unknown work. It may be more accurate to say that this cubist painting and "Girl of Avignon" are sister works! "

Before the words were finished, the scene started to boil, and everyone's eyes widened in an instant, so that the eyeballs almost flew out!

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