Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2679 three giants gather

What appeared in front of everyone was a very familiar head sculpture. The figure carved was Aristotle, one of the three famous giants of ancient Greek philosophy in the history of Western civilization.

Aristotle, a famous ancient sage and an ancient Greek, is one of the greatest philosophers, scientists and educators in the ancient history of the world, and he can be called the master of ancient Greek philosophy.

He is not only the most knowledgeable person among the ancient Greek philosophers, but also an encyclopedic scientist who has made outstanding contributions in every discipline he is involved in.

His writing involves ethics, metaphysics, psychology, economics, theology, politics, rhetoric, natural science, pedagogy, poetry, customs, and Athenian law, among others.

Aristotle's many works constituted the first extensive system of Western philosophy, including morality, aesthetics, logic and science, politics and metaphysics, etc.

For the entire Western civilization, it is not too much to say that Aristotle is one of the ancestors of Western civilization, and it is an appropriate metaphor.

From this point, we can see how lofty Aristotle's position in the history of Western civilization is, almost unmatched by anyone!

Because of this, almost every educated person in the West knows the existence of Aristotle and his general appearance, and everyone present is no exception!

There is another reason why this Aristotle head sculpture is very familiar!

Because the Louvre in Paris, France, has a sculpture that looks exactly like this head, and it is the most famous Aristotle head sculpture in the world.

In the Western world, in the field of antique art collections, the sculpture of Aristotle's head in the Louvre is a household name, and almost everyone knows it!

As long as you have studied Western civilization and history, people who know the three giants of ancient Greek philosophy basically know the existence of the sculpture of the giants of ancient Greek philosophy in the Louvre!

But the statue of Aristotle's head is a replica, a marble sculpture.

The head of Aristotle in the Louvre was created by the ancient Roman sculptor in the 2nd century AD, based on the original work of the master sculptor Leucippus, one of the three major sculptors of the Hellenistic era.

Due to the long history, displacement and weathering, the sculpture in the Louvre has been damaged and its outline is not very clear.

But this does not hinder its value. The head can be regarded as one of the most important sculptures in the Louvre. It is a priceless top-level artwork. It has been admired by countless people throughout the ages!

But the head of Aristotle in front of him is a bronze sculpture, with some green and patina on it, it seems to be older, more exquisite, and intact!

Appreciated from the perspective of sculpture art, this bronze Aristotle head sculpture looks more idealistic, simple and elegant in shape, more perfect, and more like a real ancient Greek sculpture!

The moment they saw this bronze sculpture, everyone was stunned, staring at this Aristotle's head, their eyes full of disbelief!

Ye Tian also behaved in the same way, but his eyes were full of smiles and ecstasy.

It's almost time for the show,

Then he said excitedly:

"Wow! It's a huge surprise that the bronze head of Aristotle, the last head sculpture of the ancient Greek philosophical giants that I have been thinking about for a long time, is actually hidden here!

It seems that I have to thank poor Balbo for leaving behind such a treasure that is enough to cause a sensation in the world, leaving the bronze head of Aristotle, what a perfect day"

Following his words, everyone was awakened immediately.

The next moment, the scene immediately boiled, and almost crazy exclamations sounded immediately.

"My God! Isn't this priceless treasure of the head sculpture of Aristotle, the three giants of ancient Greek philosophy, in the Louvre? How did it appear here? It's simply incredible!"

"This is obviously not the sculpture of Aristotle's head in the Louvre. That sculpture is made of marble, and this one is a bronze sculpture. The two just look highly similar!"

While exclaiming unceasingly, everyone quickly gathered around this bronze head sculpture, admiring it fascinatedly, everyone's eyes were full of obsession!

Seeing their performance, Ye Tian couldn't help laughing softly, with a complacent look.

After a while, Bishop of Kent suddenly turned his head, looked at Ye Tian expectantly and asked:

"Steven, please don't tell me that this seemingly very ancient bronze head of Aristotle is the original work of the three major sculptors of the Hellenistic era and the master sculptor of ancient Greece, Leucippus?

If this is really the original piece by Leucippus, then there is no doubt that this Aristotle bronze head will be one of the most valuable ancient Greek sculptures found in Italy so far!

One can even be removed, because since ancient times, Italy has not found the complete works of the three major sculptors of ancient Greece and the three major sculptors of the Hellenistic era, most of which are just some Roman replicas! "

Before the bishop of Kent finished speaking, Giovanni immediately continued:

"That's right, Steven, neither the Vatican Museum nor the major museums in Italy, including the National Museum of Rome, have any original works by the three major sculptors of ancient Greece and the three major sculptors of the Hellenistic era.

Even in Greece, there are only some fragments and no complete sculptures. As far as I know, in the whole world, only you have the works of the three major sculptors of ancient Greece and the three major sculptors of the Hellenistic era! "

When he said these words, Giovanni's tone and eyes were full of envy, even jealousy.

The rest of the people at the scene were the same, everyone's eyes were full of envy, and even the eyeballs were almost red.

Ye Tian looked at these old friends, then smiled confidently and said:

"Gentlemen, I can say with great certainty that the bronze head of Aristotle in front of me is indeed an outstanding work of one of the three major sculptors of the Hellenistic era, the famous ancient Greek sculptor Leucippus!

In the absence of careful research and textual research, I gave such a positive appraisal conclusion, and everyone must have doubts in their hearts, thinking that I was too hasty and hasty, and the appraisal conclusion given may not be accurate! "

Hearing this, everyone nodded slightly, but didn't say much.

Obviously, everyone still has a lot of doubts about this bronze head of "Aristotle", which is full of the beauty of ancient Greek idealism.

They also have doubts about the appraisal conclusion given by Ye Tian.

After all, he only glanced at it once or twice, so is this sure to be the masterpiece of Leucippus, one of the three major sculptors of the Hellenistic era? This is too amazing!

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"The reason why I gave this appraisal conclusion is of course for a reason, because the other two bronze statues of the three giants of ancient Greek philosophy created by Leucippus, one of the three major sculptors of the Hellenistic era, are in my hands. !

The two bronze statues are "Socrates" and "Plato". They were both made by the ancient Greek sculptor Leucippus. I found them on the ancient Roman fleet at the bottom of the Ionian Sea. !

Everyone must know about the exploration operation in the Ionian Sea. On the ancient Roman fleet that sank on the bottom of the sea, we found many ancient Greek sculptures, including "Socrates" and "Plato".

If we put those two bronze statues and this "Aristotle" together, we can see that the carving skills, artistic expression techniques, shape and size of the three bronze statues are exactly the same!

In particular, the idealistic beauty unique to ancient Greek sculptures comes from the same source, even the breath is the same. They are obviously from the same hand, and they are the works of the top sculptors.

Because of this, I can see at a glance that this head of "Aristotle" is the work of the ancient Greek sculptor Leucippus, and it is the last of the three bronze heads of ancient Greek philosophy created by him! "

Having said that, apart from Ye Tian's confident voice, there was only heavy and rapid panting.

Although I was mentally prepared and guessed that I might hear this shocking answer, when Ye Tian said it himself, the Bishop of Kent and Giovanni were still completely stunned!

Without exception, each of them has a dumbfounded expression, and their eyes are rounded, staring at the outstanding work of the ancient Greek sculptor Leucippus, "Aristotle's Head".

It can be seen that the eyes of many of them quickly turned red, full of jealousy!

Especially Giovanni and Pizarro, the eyes of these two guys are so red that they are about to bleed, which is quite scary!

Ye Tian glanced at these guys and continued his performance.

"Ever since the bronze heads of Socrates and Plato were found in the Ionian Sea, I have been wondering if it would be possible to find this last bronze head of Aristotle, that would be perfect !

To my surprise, the bronze head of "Aristotle" created by Leucippus was found here, which is really surprising. This is really a huge surprise. I must thank Balbo!

Thanks to Balbo for letting me gather together the bronze sculptures of the three giants of ancient Greek philosophy! How he got the bronze statue is unknown, and to me it doesn't matter, now it belongs to dude! "

At the same time as the words fell, Ye Tian stretched out his hands, picked up the bronze head of "Aristotle", and admired it intoxicated.

Following his action, the Bishop of Kent and Giovanni were also attracted to their eyes, and they all looked at him and at the "Aristotle" statue!

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