Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2680 Belvedere's Apollo

Ye Tian pretended to admire the bronze head of "Aristotle" seriously for a while, and then handed it to the Bishop of Kent, who was eager to see through it.

The rest of the people at the scene, like the Bishop of Kent, stared at the bronze statue with radiant eyes, their eyes were so hot that they were almost on fire.

Next, the bronze head of "Aristotle" began to circulate in everyone's hands. Everyone looked at it carefully over and over again, and couldn't put it down.

At the same time, bursts of endless admiration sounded from the scene, endlessly!

Nearly ten minutes later, Ye Tian smiled and woke up the intoxicated crowd.

"Gentlemen, time is limited. When today's exploration operation is over, I will set aside time for everyone to appreciate and study this head of "Aristotle" by the master sculptor of the Hellenistic era, Leucippus.

There is another ancient bronze statue here, waiting for everyone to appreciate. After the exploration in this Romanesque building, I will take you to the next historical building to see if you can get another surprise! "

Following Ye Tian's words, everyone at the scene suddenly woke up and turned their heads to look over.

Without exception, these guys were very excited, their eyes were full of envy and jealousy, and they all wished they could replace Ye Tian and take this priceless bronze head of "Aristotle" as their own !

After a short pause, Giovanni suddenly said solemnly:

"Steven, what are you going to do with this bronze head of Aristotle created by Leucippus, one of the three major sculptors of the Hellenistic era? Will you bring it back to New York, or sell it on the spot?

This is an undoubted priceless treasure, which has very special significance both to the entire Western civilization and to Italy. As an Italian cultural relic gendarme, I hope it can stay in Italy! "

Hearing this, everyone at the scene couldn't help but nodded slightly, obviously deeply agreeing.

Each of them knew very well in their hearts what this head of "Aristotle" by the top sculptor of ancient Greece meant and what value it had!

As Giovanni said, for Western civilization, the head of "Aristotle" is of great significance, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is one of the symbols of Western civilization!

At the same time, everyone heard the subtext hidden in Giovanni's words.

Although this priceless bronze head of "Aristotle" belongs to Ye Tian, ​​there is no doubt about it, but it was found in Rome, the capital of Italy. This is also an indisputable fact!

No need to think about it, this priceless treasure will definitely be included in the list of 'restricted departure antique works of art', no one can leave Italy with it, not even Ye Tian!

The cultural counselor of the American embassy, ​​who was also present at the scene, became impatient after hearing Giovanni's words, and was ready to refute!

From his standpoint, of course, he must do everything possible to get this priceless treasure to the United States. How could he just watch it being forcibly detained by the Italian government!

However, Ye Tian stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Giovanni, the bronze head of "Aristotle" by the ancient Greek sculptor Leucipos, of course, I am very clear about its meaning and value!

As for whether I will bring this bronze head back to New York, or sell it on the spot in Rome,

Leave it in Italy, it's too early to say, so don't worry! "

Ye Tian said loudly with a smile, looking confident.

Having said all this, Giovanni and Pizarro could only nod their heads slightly, without saying anything, but they had already made up their minds!

After chatting a few words, everyone's eyes shifted to the other bronze sculpture. Everyone was full of expectation and curiosity.

Everyone is secretly guessing, what is this bronze statue? What figure or deity is carved? Which famous sculptor in ancient times was it?

Ye Tian glanced at the crowd, then squatted down, and began to disassemble the rope and tarpaulin wrapped around the second bronze statue.

In just a moment, he removed layers of moisture-proof tarpaulin, and the bronze statue hidden underneath finally appeared in front of everyone.

Like the previous bronze head of "Aristotle", this is another very familiar sculpture, and it is a statue that almost every Westerner knows.

This bronze statue is quite old, with a layer of green and patina attached to it, but it does not affect the appreciation, but adds a bit of historical vicissitudes to this statue!

What it carves is Apollo, the sun god in ancient Greek mythology, and also a symbol of male beauty in ancient Greek art. Among all ancient Greek sculptures, this is the most common god!

The statue of the sun god Apollo in front of everyone has a handsome face, firm eyes, facial contours like knives and axes, sharp edges and corners, and smooth and natural body lines, full of strength and beauty!

Like most ancient Greek sculptures, this statue of Apollo is also naked, with only a cloak tied around the neck, standing on a circular base with one foot in front of the other, and staring at the left front.

Looking along his line of sight, his left arm is slightly bent and stretched forward to the left. He is holding a simple Roman bow in his left hand. arm!

His right arm and right hand seemed to have just released the arrow feathers, and they were retracted to the right side of his body. They were slightly bent and rested on the arrow box standing on the ground. The index finger and thumb of his right hand were still in the shooting motion!

And on his back was a sharp sword, obviously a weapon for melee combat!

This is a nearly perfect ancient Greek sculpture, regardless of the carving skills, artistic expression techniques, or the portrayal of the power and beauty of the sun god Apollo, it is impeccable, and it is shocking to look at!

The moment they saw this bronze statue, everyone was stunned, and each of them was stunned, and they froze in place, as if they had been hit by a freeze spell, with astonished expressions on their faces.

The same is true for Ye Tian, ​​he also showed a surprised expression at the right time, very appropriate to the occasion.

After a while, the Bishop of Kent was the first to wake up from the brain shutdown.

The first time he woke up, he hugged his head and exclaimed like crazy.

"Am I not mistaken? This is "Apollo of Belvedere". Isn't that famous statue of Apollo in the Vatican Museum? I saw it yesterday. How could it appear here?

"Apollo Belvedere" is a marble statue more than two meters high. When did it become so small? When did it become a bronze statue again? Am I dreaming? "

Following Bishop Kent's words, the scene was immediately detonated, and the rest of the people all came to their senses, and they all hugged their heads and exclaimed!

Like the Bishop of Kent, everyone was completely shocked by this extremely familiar yet extremely unfamiliar bronze statue, so much so that they couldn't believe their eyes!

The reason why everyone is very familiar with this bronze statue is that it is almost exactly the same as the "Apollo of Belvedere" collected by the Vatican Museum, which is one of the treasures of the Vatican Museum!

The reason why everyone feels unfamiliar is because this bronze statue is much smaller than "Apollo of Belvedere", and the materials of the two are different!

In addition, this Apollo statue with a lot of green and patina looks more perfect, with simple and smooth lines, more idealistic beauty of ancient Greek sculpture, and more attractive.

More importantly, this ancient bronze sculpture is almost intact, unlike the "Apollo of Belvedere" collected by the Vatican Museum, because it is too old and has already been scarred!

"Apollo of Belvedere" is a famous marble sculpture collected in the Vatican Museum. It is about 224 cm high and is one of the treasures of the Vatican Museum.

The marble sculpture was created in ancient Rome by one of the most famous master carvers of the time, but it was a replica!

What it reproduces is the statue of "Apollo, the sun god" by the famous ancient Greek sculptor Leocares.

Sadly, the original bronze of Leo Cares has long since disappeared, leaving only this ancient Roman replica!

Because it was first collected in the Belvedere Palace in Rome, the marble statue of the sun god Apollo in the Vatican Museum is called "Apollo of Belvedere".

In ancient Greek mythology, Apollo is the son of Zeus, the main god. He is the sun god, in charge of light, youth, medicine, animal husbandry, music and poetry, etc. He has great rights and is a god who symbolizes talent, bravery and light.

The ancient Greeks worshiped Apollo, the sun god, and created many sculptures to praise him. The statues of Apollo, the sun god, are essentially typical images of the idealized heroes of the ancient Greeks.

In Western civilization, the handsome and brave Apollo, the sun god, has always been regarded as a symbol of male beauty, and his strong and fit body is regarded as a model of male bodybuilding, which has a profound influence on the plastic arts of later generations.

The "Apollo of Belvedere" collected in the Vatican Museum has always been regarded by Westerners as the "most beautiful man" and the benchmark of male aesthetics in the Western world, just like Song Yu and Pan An in China!

Because of this, Westerners often use "Apollo of Belvedere" to praise a man with a beautiful figure, and this special vocabulary can often be seen in many Western literary works!

At this time, the bronze statue of Apollo, the sun god, appeared in front of everyone, which made everyone realize the true meaning of this word and how appropriate it is!

"Wow! This bronze statue of the sun god Apollo is so perfect, it's just stunning!"

There was a burst of admiration at the scene, which was undoubtedly the voice of everyone!

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