Following Ye Tian's words, everyone once again looked at the surrounding walls and the ground under their feet.

As before, everyone still has nothing to discover, let alone treasures.

"Steven, don't pretend to be mysterious. Let's talk about it. What important secrets are hidden on the walls and floors of this wine cellar? I can't see it anyway.

Moreover, there are no obvious marks on the four walls or on the ground, and we are not archaeologists or experts in the identification of antique works of art, so our eyesight is quite limited.”

The Bishop of Kent shook his head and said, and the rest of the audience also shook their heads.

Obviously, even though Ye Tian gave a reminder, everyone still didn't find anything.

Ye Tian glanced at the crowd, then smiled and said:

"Gentlemen, the secret I am talking about is actually the building materials used to build this wine cellar, that is, these stones and strips, and it is through these building materials that I have established that this wine cellar was built in BC. .

As we all know, in 107 AD, in order to commemorate the victory of the expedition to Romania and show off his illustrious military exploits, Emperor Trajan ordered the construction of Trajan's Square not far away, and for this reason he also flattened two hills in Rome.

Rome is located in a hilly area. At that time, there were seven hills in the city, collectively known as the "Seven Hills of Rome". Nalei Mountain was razed to the ground.

That is to say, the building materials used to build Trajan's Square basically came from these two hills. In the next thousand or two thousand years, these building materials from Capitoline Hill and Quilinare Hill were constantly being used. reuse.

As for the Roman underground city located around Trajan’s Square, there are many stones and building fragments from those two hills. Regarding this, it should not be difficult to find evidence in the ruins of Trajan’s Square on the ground. .

The basement above this wine cellar and the basement of the two historical buildings just now are part of the Roman underground city, and in these three basements, building materials from the ruins of Trajan's Square can be seen.

But in this wine cellar located deeper underground, I did not find any building materials from the ruins of Trajan's Square. It is this discovery that is one of the reasons why I was able to determine that this wine cellar was built in BC "

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but nodded, but everyone's eyes were still full of doubts.

Even if there are no building materials from the ruins of Trajan's Forum, it may be a coincidence!

Besides, the stones and strips used to build this wine cellar are all stones, so how different can it be from the building materials used to build Trajan's Square!

Based on this, it is a bit too mysterious to judge that the wine cellar was built from 50 BC to 150 BC, which is longer than the formation of the Roman underground city.

Through the expressions on everyone's faces, Ye Tian could tell at a glance what they were thinking.

He smiled softly, and then continued:

"What I just said is just one of the reasons, and there is another more important reason, which is the root of my conclusion. The building materials used to build this wine cellar come from a very special source.

The stones and strips on the four walls and the ground that you see now come from the Palatine Mountain not far away,

In ancient legends, the Palatine Hill has always been regarded as the origin of the Roman city.

According to legend, the she-wolf who nursed the brothers Romulo and Remo found them on the banks of the Tiber River near the Palatine Mountain, and they survived, and later the city of Rome was born!

Although the Palatine Hill and the other six hills in Rome are not far apart, the stones produced are different. Of course, this difference is very subtle and cannot be seen without careful observation.

The same stone can be seen in the ruins of the Temple of Caesar in the ancient Roman city square and in the ruins of the Imperial Forum, but it is difficult to find in the ruins of Trajan's Square.

The reason for this is that at the beginning of the establishment of the Roman Empire, in order to prevent the Palatine Mountain, which was regarded as a holy mountain by the Romans, from being destroyed, it was listed as a restricted area and quarrying was prohibited!

It is precisely because of this prohibition that the Palatine Hill and many surrounding ancient Roman architectural sites have been preserved, otherwise, after a long period of one or two thousand years, the Palatine Hill would have ceased to exist long ago.”

"That's right, Steven, when the Roman Empire was first established, such a prohibition was promulgated, prohibiting citizens from quarrying stones from the Palatine Hill, and this prohibition is still valid now!"

Giovanni continued, affirming Ye Tian's statement.

When he said these words, this guy's tone was quite excited. He is now completely sure that there must be some important secrets and treasures hidden in this wine cellar hidden deep in the ground!

Thinking of this, he quickly scanned the wine cellar again, focusing on the floors in the center of the wine cellar.

Because of Ye Tian's previous actions, he used a saber to scrape off the dirt, dust, and other debris in the gap between the two floors in the center of the wine cellar, and those two smooth floors looked very eye-catching!

Not only Giovanni, but everyone else at the scene was also staring at the two floors, everyone's eyes were extremely hot!

Everyone knows that if there is any great secret or amazing treasure hidden in this wine cellar, it is probably under those two floors!

This guy, Steven, will never be aimless. The reason why he cleaned out all the dirt and debris in that gap must be something he discovered!

After a short pause, Ye Tianqing's clear voice came out again and reached the ears of everyone present.

"Because of this discovery, I was able to confirm that this underground wine cellar was built in BC, but why between 50 BC and 150 BC? There is another reason.

From 50 BC to 150 BC, due to the failure of the reforms led by the Gracchi brothers, the Roman Republic began a period of turmoil, especially in the city of Rome.

In that environment, the nobles living in the city of Rome needed to build a secret room for self-protection for their own safety. This deep underground and extremely strong wine cellar came into being.

By 49 BC, after Caesar unified the Roman Republic and became the lifelong magistrate of the Roman Republic, he immediately began to build the Imperial Forum, using stones from the Palatine Hill.

In fact, at that time, the authorities of the Roman Republic prohibited ordinary citizens from quarrying stones on the Palatine Hill, and the stones from the Palatine Hill could only be used for some very important buildings.

After Caesar was assassinated, in 42 BC, the Roman Senate made Caesar a god, and the first emperor of the Roman Empire, Octavian, built a temple for his adoptive father.

This Ionian column temple is the Caesar Temple located in the ancient Roman city square. Although it is now in ruins, through the ruins, you can still see the original magnificence.

Most of the stones used to build the Caesar Temple came from the nearby Palatine Hill. When the Caesar Temple was built, Octavian announced that ordinary citizens were prohibited from quarrying stones on the Palatine Hill!

From this, it can be determined that the construction time of this underground wine cellar should be between 50 BC and 150 BC, but the exact time needs further exploration to know! "

Having said that, Ye Tian paused for a moment, and scanned the crowd.

At this time, David and the Bishop of Kent were all stunned, looking at Ye Tian as if they were looking at an alien!

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