Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2688 The Mystery of Rome City Standing Standing

After a moment of stunned, everyone just woke up.

Immediately afterwards, the Bishop of Kent said with emotion:

"Steven, you are such a monster, a walking encyclopedia. It seems that there is nothing in this world that you don't know, and there is no treasure that you can't discover. It's incredible!"

As soon as his words fell, Giovanni continued:

"That's right, Steven, especially when it comes to antique artworks and all kinds of treasure-related knowledge, you seem to know everything, which is really scary!"

Hearing what they said, everyone else at the scene nodded, obviously feeling the same way.

Ye Tian smiled lightly, jokingly said:

"We Chinese have an old saying, 'If a worker wants to be good at a job, he must first sharpen his tool', to the effect that if a person wants to do a job well, he must be well prepared and learn how to succeed.

As a professional treasure hunter and an expert in the appraisal of antique works of art, if I want to excel in these two fields, find more treasures, discover more antique relics and works of art, I must keep learning!

You may have heard that whether in Beijing, New York or other places, most of my free time is spent in major museums, and I also read a lot of books.

It is through uninterrupted learning that I have mastered a large amount of knowledge in appraising antique cultural relics and artworks, and have continuously improved my eyesight. It is also through learning that I can discover many treasures! "

While saying these words, Ye Tian was also secretly muttering in his heart.

"Because of what you said just now, and these sounding excuses, in the past few months, my buddies have almost rummaged through "History of Rome" and other related history books, and they are almost becoming experts in Roman history. Is it easy, buddy!"

After a few jokes, everyone returned to the topic.

"Steven, even if, as you said, this wine cellar was built between 50 BC and 150 BC, it was built with stones from the Palatine Mountain, and it is a very ancient underground building!

However, what everyone is most concerned about is not this underground wine cellar, but the secrets or treasures hidden here. What secrets or treasures have you found in this wine cellar? Where is it hidden? "

Giovanni asked curiously, but his eyes were fixed on the two floors in the center of the wine cellar.

The same goes for the other people on the scene, counting one as the other, all staring at the two floors, everyone's eyes were extremely hot and full of expectation.

Ye Tian looked at Giovanni, then glanced at the crowd, and then said with a smile:

"That's right, Giovanni, if it was just this underground wine cellar built in BC, there would be no need to mobilize so many people. I did find a hidden secret here, and it might be a huge surprise!

As for whether this secret is an astonishing treasure, I don’t know for the time being, I believe everyone can see it, the secret or surprise I mentioned is hidden under these two smooth floors, which needs to be excavated.”

While saying these words, Ye Tian stretched out his right foot and lightly stepped on the two stone slabs in the center of the wine cellar.

Although this result had been expected for a long time, everyone was still very excited when they heard Ye Tian's words and saw his actions.

The eyes looking at the two floors became even hotter.

The Bishop of Kent and Giovanni stepped forward to examine the two floors carefully. They were all extremely focused, and each of them wanted to see through directly to see what secrets or treasures were hidden under the two floors.

After a while, Bishop of Kent asked suspiciously:

"Steven, we really can't see that there is anything special about these two floors. Compared with other floors around them, they don't seem to be different"

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately took a step forward, pointed to the gap between the two granite floors and said:

"These two granite slabs also come from the Palatine Hills not far away, and like the other floors around them, they were here as soon as this ancient wine cellar was built, and they have been here for more than two thousand years!

However, they have been moved later, to be precise, they have been pried up, and then relocated here, it looks as if nothing happened, there is no flaw!

Look at the gap between these two stone slabs, and then look at the gaps between other stone slabs around, and see the difference in the ancient Roman cement used to fill the gap, this is the mystery."

Following the direction of his finger, the Bishop of Kent and the others all looked at the gap that Ye Tian had cleaned up. Everyone's eyes were full of curiosity!

However, except for Giovanni, who is a half-professional, who seemed to see something and thought about it, the rest of the people were still at a loss!

But it doesn't matter, Ye Tian immediately revealed the mystery.

"To put it simply, the material used to fill the gaps between these stone slabs is ancient Roman cement, but the methods used by the builders to mix the cement are different. One looks very professional, while the other is very amateurish!

The ancient Roman cement used to fill the gaps in the other floors was made by professionals. Seawater was used to stir the cement, but the cement between these floors was mixed with fresh water!

We know that the ingredients of ancient Roman cement are volcanic ash and limestone. In ancient Roman times, professional construction workers used seawater to mix cement, and only laymen would use fresh water.

Due to the special composition, after the ancient Roman cement contacts seawater, the seawater will dissolve some components in the volcanic ash, and then slowly form new minerals in these gaps, such as aluminum-containing alabaster.

These minerals not only have high strength, but also connect the original building into a stronger whole, and the reaction between ancient Roman cement and seawater takes many years, which is a very time-consuming project.

Because of this, the Roman Pantheon, built in BC, can stand for more than two thousand years without falling down, and the city of Rome can become the world's largest "open-air history museum". This is the mystery.

This characteristic of ancient Roman cement determines that only professional construction workers can make reasonable use of it. Ordinary people do not have such professional knowledge, nor do they have such a long time and patience to consume.

The ancient Roman cement that filled the gap between the floors was mixed with fresh water, and it had not been washed again and again. Compared with the gaps between other floors, it was much looser.

In other words, this wine cellar was originally built by professionals, and it was very strong. After it was built, someone did secret construction here, and the construction was very hasty.

I just discovered this, observed the gaps between other floors, and combined with the situation on the spot, I was able to confirm that these floors had been pried up by someone, and it happened in BC!

Why did the people who used to live here go to such great lengths to pry open these floors? And then sneakily stirred ancient Roman cement to seal it up again? This is where it gets interesting! "

After Ye Tian's pointing, and the comparison with other floor gaps around, after careful searching, everyone finally saw something!

"That's right, Steven, the gap between these two floors is indeed different from the gap between other floors, and the rest of the gaps seem to be denser, just like what we saw in the Pantheon in Rome.

The gap between the two floorboards is a bit loose, and the smearing is not very smooth. It seems that it does not seem to be done by professionals, but more like the homeowner did it by himself. So what is hidden under the two floorboards? "

Giovanni said excitedly that as a semi-professional, he has seen more than others.

Ye Tian smiled softly, and then said confidently:

"If you want to know what secrets are hidden under these two floors, it's very simple. Let's pry open these two floors to know the answer. I have a hunch that this may be a huge surprise, and it may even cause a huge sensation! "

Hearing this, everyone at the scene became even more excited. They wished they could pry open the two ancient stone slabs immediately to see what secrets were hidden underneath!

However, Ye Tian, ​​who discovered this secret, was not in a hurry.

Next, he asked the Bishop of Kent and Giovanni to leave the wine cellar first, and let the American ambassador to Italy and the director of the National Museum of Rome and others who were waiting outside come in, so that those guys could also witness the discovery process.

The reason why he did this, of course, has his own considerations, it is a rainy day! In order to prevent the Italian government from playing any dirty tricks afterwards, they cheated themselves.

Soon, the American ambassador and the director of the National Museum of Rome entered the wine cellar.

When they got down to the ground and stood still, Ye Tian introduced his discovery to these people, but it was much simpler and more direct!

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