Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2689 the secret at the bottom of the pit

Except for the secrets hidden under the few floors in the center of the wine cellar, there are no other traps in this wine cellar, it is very safe, and you can rest assured to start the next exploration.

In this ancient Roman-style building on the ground, the other exploration teams found nothing surprising.

During the exploration process, everyone found two relatively hidden secret compartments, but they were all empty and contained nothing!

With the end of the exploration on the ground, everyone's eyes are focused on this wine cellar deep underground, and everyone is full of curiosity and expectation.

People from all walks of life who have entered this Roman-style building have entered this wine cellar one after another, learned about the situation here, and after listening to Ye Tian's brief introduction, they know that there may be a secret or a treasure hidden here.

After going through the necessary procedures in these scenes, Ye Tian pretended to explore the wine cellar thoroughly, and acted for others.

After confirming that there were no traps here and it was very safe, he asked Derek and Ian to start digging to see what the secret or treasure that had been hidden for more than two thousand years was.

Next, Derek and the others took equipment such as portable water jets and electric drills, and started to get busy.

For the sake of safety and confidentiality, except for Ye Tian, ​​Bishop of Kent, Giovanni and two media reporters, the rest of the people left the wine cellar and went outside to wait for the results.

Then there was a noise from the wine cellar, but it seemed very pleasant to listen to.

After a while, Derek and the others cleaned out the ancient Roman cement in the gaps in the floor in the center of the wine cellar, then shut down the machine, and the noise disappeared.

Ye Tian stepped forward to look at the conditions of those gaps, then smiled and said:

"Derek, you guys go outside and bring the combination winch we brought here, and set it up here, and hang these ancient floors to see what secrets are hidden under the floors.

These floors are also considered as antique cultural relics. Although the value is not high, they have been placed here for more than two thousand years. They have witnessed countless wind and rain, and they have a certain meaning. We still need to protect them as much as possible.

In addition to the combined winch, the protective equipment was also removed. If the expectations are correct, the hidden space under these floors should have been closed for more than two thousand years. The situation is still unclear, and we must be prepared."

"Okay, Steven, we're going up here"

Derek nodded in response, and then led people out of the wine cellar to pick up the equipment on the ground.

As soon as they left, Giovanni said impatiently:

"Steven, can people from our side participate in the next exploration work? Whether it is the National Museum of Rome or the Venice Palace Museum, which is close at hand, there are top cultural and archaeological personnel.

The cultural relics military police also have experts and scholars in this field. If they can participate in the subsequent exploration operations, they can also provide a little help to you, speed up the process of exploration operations, and provide professional guidance! "

Ye Tian looked at this old friend full of expectations, then smiled and said:

"Giovanni, in terms of exploring and discovering treasures, we are the top company and the top team in the world today,

For this, I am very confident that our previous exploration results are enough to explain everything.

I understand your thoughts. This is Italy, and you are the military police of cultural relics. It is understandable that you want to participate in this exploration operation. But don’t forget, this is my personal property.

Private property is sacrosanct! I believe you also know this golden rule, who is allowed to participate and who is not allowed to participate in the exploration carried out in this Romanesque building is entirely up to me, and no one else has the right to interfere.

In the same way, all the secrets or treasures found here belong to me. This is indisputable. I am very sorry. I do not accept the participation of third parties in this exploration operation, which will cause some unnecessary interference to us!

However, I can allow you to witness the exploration process on the spot. You, the Italian Cultural Relics Gendarmerie and the National Museum of Rome, etc., can jointly elect two or three representatives to follow us and witness on the spot.”

Hearing this, Giovanni fell silent immediately.

But the situation is stronger than people, so what can he say? After a moment of silence, he can only nod his head in agreement.

Afterwards, he left the wine cellar, went outside to discuss with the other Italians, and selected two or three representatives to conduct on-site supervision.

Soon, Derek and the others returned to the wine cellar with several huge metal suitcases, opened the boxes, took out the equipment they brought down and started assembling.

During this process, Giovanni also finished discussing with other Italians, and returned to the wine cellar again, waiting for the answer to be revealed.

About ten minutes later, a combined winch was erected directly above the granite floors in the center of the wine cellar.

At the same time, everyone in this wine cellar put on protective clothing and gas masks.

As for those people who stayed outside the wine cellar, each of them was assigned a pair of gas masks and put them on one after another, just in case!

Next, under Ye Tian's guidance, Derek and the others began to lift the granite floors in the center of the wine cellar.

Although those granite floors are quite heavy, they are not worth mentioning in front of modern equipment.

In the blink of an eye, those floors were hoisted one by one and moved aside.

What then appeared in front of everyone was a pit about 40 to 50 centimeters deep. The bottom of the pit was a piece of compacted soil. something.

Seeing this pit about 1 meter wide and 1.23 meters long, everyone was somewhat disappointed. This is obviously not what everyone wants to see.

Unlike them, Ye Tian didn't show the slightest disappointment, but was a little bit excited.

He came to the edge of the pit to check the situation, then jumped into the pit again, stepped on the bottom of the pit hard, and carefully observed the soil and rocks on the bottom of the pit and the walls.

After some performances, he smiled and said:

"I guessed right, shortly after the construction of this wine cellar deep underground, someone secretly dug up these floors and buried an important secret or treasure deep underground to hide it from the public.

The reason for saying this is because the soil and rocks at the bottom of the pit are much looser than those around them. The soil and rocks around the pit have been rammed very firmly, as if they have gone through thousands of tempers.

Obviously, this was done by professionals. The ancient Roman construction workers must have spent a lot of effort when building this underground wine cellar, but the soil and sand in this pit are far from the same thing.”

While saying these words, he kicked hard at the bottom of the pit a few times, and kicked out a stone the size of a baby's fist.

Immediately afterwards, he forcefully broke a stone on the side wall, but it took a lot of effort to break the stone off.

Seeing this scene, everyone immediately understood that there must be some secret or treasure hidden deeper in this pit.

Thinking of this, everyone immediately became more excited, and there was no trace of disappointment.

Afterwards, Ye Tian came up from the bottom of the pit, and then asked Derek and the others to enter the pit with hand-held drilling rigs and other equipment to start digging.

The noise sounded again, and the treasure seemed to be close at hand, within reach!

In the blink of an eye, fifteen or sixteen minutes had passed.


Accompanied by a heavy muffled sound, Derek, who was digging at the bottom of the pit, suddenly shouted excitedly:

"Steven, we seem to have dug up something, it seems to be a stone slab, very hard, maybe it is the entrance to the underground secret passage or treasure house!"

Following Derek's words, everyone in the wine cellar looked towards the bottom of the pit, and everyone's eyes lit up!

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