Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2697 Caesar's Saber

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At the moment when the black walnut box on the stone platform collapsed and the bright light inside the box flashed past, Ye Tian suddenly made a move like lightning, and directly reached out his hand to hold the thing in the box to prevent it from falling to the ground. ground.

When the rest of the people at the scene adapted to the changes in the light and opened their eyes again, they saw that Ye Tian had a simple Roman dagger in his hand.

This Roman short sword is relatively old in style. It is the first generation of Roman short sword. The handle is only about 60 cm long. The famous murder weapon.

Although hidden in the depths of the ground for more than two thousand years, this ancient Roman dagger has no trace of rust. It is still extremely sharp and emits a faint cold light, which is frightening to look at.

Obviously, this Roman short sword has been treated with a special anti-rust process, so it can always maintain this state, ignoring the erosion of time and environment.

Moreover, the hilt of this Roman dagger is made of metal, with several gemstones inlaid on the hilt, and some patterns and characters are chiseled, especially the Roman eagle logo engraved in the center of the gauntlet, which is particularly conspicuous.

Due to the age, the gems inlaid on the hilt of the sword have lost their luster and are smudged, but they still look extraordinary and worth a lot!

Except for this ancient and sharp Roman short sword, and the gold sword holder used to rest the Roman short sword, there is nothing else in this wooden box.

The moment they saw the Roman dagger, everyone on the scene was stunned, each of them staring at the Roman dagger with their mouths dumbfounded, their eyes were extremely hot.

At the same time, a series of thoughts flashed through everyone's minds.

"Whose sword is this? Gaius Marius? Julius Caesar? Pompey or Crassus? Or Mark Antony? But whoever it is, it is a Truly a priceless treasure!"

Thinking of this, the eyes of everyone looking at this Roman short sword suddenly became hotter, and even almost burned.

After a brief silence, the Bishop of Kent asked excitedly:

"Steven, who owns this ancient Roman dagger? Is it Marius's or Caesar's? Is the owner's name engraved on it? Tell everyone!"

Ye Tian looked at the crowd at the scene, then looked at the Roman dagger in his hand, smiled and said:

"Gentlemen, you don't need to guess, this ancient Roman dagger belongs to Julius Caesar, the Roman eagle logo and Caesar's initials on the hilt are the best proof.

It is conceivable that after Caesar was assassinated in the Senate, some of his relics were taken away by his cronies, who hid them here before fleeing Rome.

What is amazing is that the Roman dagger of Julius Caesar has been hidden in this secret room for more than two thousand years without any trace of rust. I have to say that this is really a miracle! "

While saying these words, Ye Tian also erected the Roman dagger, and showed everyone the side engraved with the Roman eagle and the initials of Julius Caesar.

With his words and follow-up actions, the scene boiled instantly.

"My God! Did I hear you right? It's crazy that this Roman short sword is Julius Caesar's sword. What a crazy day!"

"If Caesar's sword is real, then this is the only Caesar's sword ever found, and it is so perfectly preserved, its preciousness can be imagined, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is a priceless treasure! "

While everyone was exclaiming, they quickly rushed up like a tide, trying to take a good look at the sword of Caesar, and everyone was so excited that it was almost crazy.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian immediately took a step back, stretched out his other hand, made a stop gesture, and said loudly with a smile:

"Gentlemen, please calm down, this sword of Julius Caesar is in my hand,

You won’t be able to grow wings and fly. You’d better line up and come up one by one to enjoy. If you have plenty of time, don’t come up in a crowd.

It can be seen that although this Roman short sword has been hidden here for more than two thousand years, it is still extremely sharp and its lethality cannot be underestimated. For safety reasons, it is best not to be crowded to avoid accidents.”

Hearing Ye Tian's words, those hot-headed guys calmed down a bit, and then began to line up, one by one, to appreciate this priceless Caesar's sword.

During this process, Ye Tian was holding the Roman dagger tightly all the time, not letting it go at all.

Especially when Giovanni and the curator of the National Museum of Rome came up to admire the Roman dagger, he held it tighter, staring at the two Italians who were so excited that they were almost crazy, lest they directly snatch it.

"That's right, Steven, the conclusion you gave is very accurate. This is Julius Caesar's sword. The Roman eagle and Caesar's initials engraved on the hilt guard are the best proof. There is no doubt about it. .

Moreover, this is a ceremonial sword used on important occasions, not a weapon for fighting on the battlefield, otherwise it would not be inlaid with gems. With Caesar's status, he would not have to go to the battlefield to fight with others in person!

There is no doubt that this Caesar's sword is definitely a priceless top-level antique relic, a priceless treasure, and its value is not inferior to the bronze statue of Caesar next to it, and it is comparable! "

After admiring the Julius Caesar's sword, the Bishop of Kent immediately said excitedly, affirming Ye Tian's appraisal conclusion.

Not only him, everyone at the scene counted one by one, and they all nodded frequently, and no one raised any objections.

After watching this Julius Caesar sword, Giovanni and Antonio's eyes were so hot that they were almost on fire, and they were so red that it was a bit scary!

They have been staring at this ancient Roman dagger all the time, wishing they could rush forward and snatch this priceless treasure from Ye Tian's hands and keep it as their own!

However, they clearly know that this is just wishful thinking, and there is no possibility of realizing it at all!

If the two of us really couldn't restrain our desires and rushed up to try to snatch this incomparably precious Caesar's sword, we would definitely be beaten up, and even half our lives would be left here!

Such a thing, Steven, a lucky and ruthless bastard, can definitely do it, and he won't have the slightest psychological burden, and he will never show mercy!

Naturally, Giovanni and the others would not do such a foolish thing that seeks their own death, even if they are almost crazy with jealousy!

After everyone had finished admiring the Caesar's sword, Ye Tian returned to the stone platform, carefully removed the wooden box fragments from the stone platform, and placed them on the ground.

Although the wooden box has fallen apart, Julius Caesar's sword has been contained in this box for more than two thousand years, giving the wooden box a special layer of meaning and making it more valuable.

In fact, just a black walnut chest that has existed for more than two thousand years can be regarded as an antique relic.

Whether it is from the perspective of historical and cultural research, or from the perspective of environmental and microbiological research, this wooden box from more than two thousand years ago has certain research value, so naturally it cannot be discarded casually!

After cleaning up the fragments of the wooden box, Ye Tian took the golden sword holder that also came from more than 2,000 years ago, placed it in the center of the stone platform, and then put the Caesar sword in his hand on the sword holder again.

Immediately afterwards, he called Walker over and said to him:

"Walker, you guard this stone platform and this Caesar's sword. Without my permission, no one can touch this priceless treasure, so as to avoid any accidents!"

"Understood, Steven, just leave this matter to me, there won't be any problems"

Walker nodded in response, his tone was decisive, and his expression even had a sense of sacredness.

You know, this is the sword of Julius Caesar. Walker, who was educated and raised in the West, can't be excited by it?

Seeing Ye Tian's action, Giovanni and Antonio's expressions changed, but they were also very helpless.

They knew very well in their hearts that Ye Tian's arrangement was to guard against them!

Next, Ye Tian gave Walker a few more words, then turned around and left, and walked towards the stone platform on the other side of Caesar's bust.

There is also a rectangular wooden box on that stone platform, but I don’t know what it contains, but it is also a relic of Julius Caesar, and it is also a priceless treasure!

The other people who were at the scene followed Ye Tian closely and walked towards the stone platform together. Everyone was full of expectations!

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