Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2698 Conqueror's Rod

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Like the wooden box containing Caesar's sword, the wooden box placed on the stone platform to the right of the bronze statue of Caesar is also a black walnut box, the corners are also wrapped in gold, and some exquisite patterns and characters are engraved.

It's just that this wooden box is a little smaller, no more than seventy or eighty centimeters long, about thirty centimeters wide, and about twenty centimeters high. It looks more like a flat and narrow box than a box.

The black walnut box was also covered with dust and a layer of moss grew on it, which covered up the patterns and words engraved on the box, making it unreal.

When he came to the stone platform, Ye Tian didn't clean up and open the wooden box immediately, but pretended to observe the situation carefully to prevent any accidents.

There are no traps around the stone platform. Both the stone platform and the ground under their feet are made of marble and granite, which is very strong.

After confirming this point, Ye Tian looked at the black walnut box placed on the stone platform, and bursts of ecstasy flashed in his eyes from time to time.

Fortunately, he turned his back to other people, so he didn't have to worry about his emotional changes falling into the eyes of others, thus revealing flaws and attracting suspicion.

The Bishop of Kent and Giovanni who followed stood a little later, staring closely at the ancient wooden box placed on the stone platform. Everyone was excited and full of expectations.

"Gentlemen, everyone may wish to guess what is contained in this wooden box? Could it be another relic of Julius Caesar?"

David said excitedly, his eyes fixed on the ancient wooden box on the stone platform.

As soon as the voice fell, other people on the scene responded.

"Since this wooden box is placed next to the bust of Caesar, it is likely that what is contained in it is the relic of Caesar, but I don't know what this relic of Caesar is?"

"Judging from the shape and size of this box, the thing contained in this wooden box is obviously a long object. It may be another Roman short sword, or even the dagger used to assassinate Caesar!"

Just as everyone was discussing, Ye Tian had already stepped forward, and began to use the towel in his hand to wipe off the dust and moss attached to the ancient wooden box.

With previous experience, his movements were more gentle this time, lest this black walnut box that has existed for more than two thousand years suddenly collapse, it would be a pity!

As if stroking his lover's skin, he gently wiped the dust and moss on the box with a towel, his movements were extremely gentle.

With his movements, the dust and moss attached to the wooden box were wiped off bit by bit.

This ancient wooden box that has existed for more than two thousand years, as well as the decorative patterns and ancient Latin characters carved on the box, gradually revealed its true appearance.

Especially the line of Latin engraved on this wooden box is particularly dazzling.

The moment he saw this line of Latin, even Ye Tian, ​​who knew all about it, couldn't help but pause for a moment, and ecstasy flashed in his eyes.

The Bishop of Kent and Giovanni, who were standing a little behind, froze in place as if they had been struck by lightning. Everyone's eyes were wide open, and their eyeballs were about to fly out.

In an instant, these guys woke up.

Immediately afterwards, there were bursts of excited exclamations at the scene.

"'I came, I saw, I conquered', my God! What did I see? It's Julius Caesar's most famous quote, I can't believe it!"

"Wow! I always thought that the domineering words of Emperor Julius Caesar were just fabricated by later generations. I didn't expect it to actually come from Caesar's mouth. This discovery is really amazing!"

Before everyone's exclamation fell, Ye Tianqing's clear voice came out again and reached the ears of everyone present.

"I really didn't expect that the text engraved on this antique wooden box is actually this famous saying that is famous all over the world,

Undoubtedly, just this line of ancient Latin on the wooden box is enough to cause a sensation in the world!

I am now more interested in the items stored in this box. Obviously, this item in the box must be a relic of Caesar, but what is this item? I am looking forward! "

Following Ye Tian's words, the eyes of everyone on the scene looking at the wooden box suddenly became hotter, even scalding hot, as if they were about to burn.

At the same time, everyone is looking forward to the things stored in this wooden box.

Without exception, everyone at the scene was secretly guessing, what exactly is this thing? What would go with this world-famous Caesar quote?

After a short pause, Ye Tian moved again, and continued to wipe the dust and moss on the wooden box, his movements were gentler and more careful than before!

It didn't take long for the dust and moss attached to the wooden box to be almost cleaned up.

Ye Tian then put the towel in his hand aside, then carefully observed the ancient wooden box, and calmed down his excitement.

After a while, he reached out his hands and lightly rested on the ancient wooden box, ready to open it.

The wooden box was not locked, and there was only a golden buckle with a chiseled daisy pattern on its side. Although it had a history of more than two thousand years, it could still be opened.


With a soft sound, the golden buckle was opened by Ye Tian, ​​and the ancient and precious wooden box did not undergo any changes, and it was still lying quietly on the stone platform.

Seeing this scene, everyone at the scene heaved a sigh of relief and somewhat relaxed.

The next moment, Ye Tian carefully opened a gap in the ancient wooden box that had been sealed for more than two thousand years.

There was no abnormal noise coming from the box, no crossbow arrows or other hidden weapons were shot out, and no poisonous smoke or the like was sprayed out.

After confirming that it was safe, Ye Tian completely lifted the top cover of the wooden box, then held the top cover with both hands, and placed it on the floor next to it.

And in this wooden box, a long and narrow box completely made of gold appeared in front of everyone, lying quietly inside the box, radiating golden light.

On this gold box, there are also some simple and elegant patterns engraved on it, very exquisite, but there is no ancient Latin.

The moment they saw this golden box, everyone's eyes lit up, and the curiosity in their eyes became stronger!

What exactly is contained in this golden box? How cautious!

Just as everyone was secretly guessing, Ye Tian reached into the wooden box and carefully took out the golden box.

He weighed the box lightly, then smiled and said:

"Wow! The weight of this gold box is not light, and the things inside should also be made of gold."

As he spoke, he held the golden box with one hand, and gently opened it with the other hand.

In the next moment, the things contained in that box, after more than two thousand years, finally reappeared in the world and appeared in front of everyone.

This is a golden scepter, only sixty to seventy centimeters long, and about two or three centimeters in diameter. At the top of the scepter is a Roman eagle ready to fly. It is the eagle of Jupiter, the king of gods in Roman mythology!

And under the two sharp claws of this Roman eagle, there are four ancient Latin letters "SPQR" engraved, which means "Senate and Roman people", which is the official name of the Roman Republic and later the Roman Empire.

The golden rod further down is not a smooth and straight cylinder, its surface is uneven, it can even be said to be pitted, and many exquisite patterns and patterns are engraved on the cylinder.

The most eye-catching thing is a line of ancient Latin engraved on the rod body, arranged from top to bottom.

Everyone has just seen that line of ancient Latin, and everyone is very familiar with it. It is Caesar’s famous saying full of domineering, ‘I have come, I have seen, I have conquered! '

The moment they saw this golden scepter, everyone on the scene was stunned, including Ye Tian.

Of course, he had already seen this golden scepter through clairvoyance, and he didn't know how many times he saw it.

But at this time, when he saw this golden scepter again, he was still shocked, and almost went crazy with excitement!

"Hoo hoo hoo"

There was only the sound of rapid and heavy breathing, like an old cow pulling a wrecked cart, and heartbeats like beating drums, and there was no other sound.

Without exception, everyone at the scene was completely shocked by this ancient golden scepter, everyone was dumbfounded, their eyeballs were about to burst from shock, and they were almost crazy with excitement.

After a moment of silence, a distraught murmur sounded from the scene.

"My God! This is the Conqueror's Rod!"

Before the words fell, Ye Tian continued excitedly and said:

"That's right, gentlemen, the golden scepter you see now is the famous Conqueror's scepter in legend, and it is the symbol of the highest power in ancient Rome!"

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