Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2706 Greatness belongs to Rome

Ye Tian and his team left St. Peter's Square and headed straight for the hotel not far away.

While the convoy was driving, David, who was waiting for Ye Tian to sit in the same car, asked curiously:

"Steven, there is a question that has been bothering me. I always wanted to ask it before, but I didn't find a good opportunity. Now it's okay. There are no other people here, so don't worry about being heard by others.

What I want to ask is, why do you store all those top-notch antiquities and artworks found today in the Vatican Museum? Aren't you worried that the Vatican is detaining those antique works of art?

Many of the antique cultural relics and artworks discovered today are priceless treasures. Even the Vatican Museum does not have many antique artworks of the same grade. It is hard not to be moved by them! "

Hearing this, Ye Tian smiled softly, and then said confidently:

"Although the Vatican is also a country, it is different from all secular countries in the world. Under the temptation of huge interests, ordinary secular countries can choose to shamelessly and blatantly rob.

But the Vatican can't, even if they want to get those top-level antiques and artworks, they won't choose to openly rob. They have to take their face into account, because they call themselves moral models!

More importantly, we will soon cooperate with the Israelis to go to Africa to explore the legendary Solomon's treasure, and the most important thing in Solomon's treasure is the legendary Ark of the Covenant.

Whether it is for the Israelis or the Vatican, nothing is more important than finding the Ark of the Covenant. For them, other top antique works of art cannot compare with the Ark of the Covenant.

It is precisely in consideration of this situation that I safely store the top-level antique relics and artworks discovered today in the Vatican Museum, without worrying about the safety of those antique artworks at all.

Not only that, I bet that for the Ark of the Covenant, the Vatican will definitely try its best to protect those top-level antiques and artworks, and the Italian government can't take advantage of them!

Until the Ark of the Covenant is found, the top antiques and works of art stored in the Vatican Museum are safe, so that we can avoid a lot of trouble and not be tied up."

Before the words fell, this guy David laughed out loud.

"Hahaha, you are so shrewd, you have calculated everything"

During the talk,

Ye Tian and his convoy had already arrived at the hotel and stopped at the entrance of the hotel.

Although it was already midnight, the street where the five-star hotel was located was still very lively, crowded with media reporters from Italy and all over the world.

Seeing Ye Tian and his convoy approaching, these media reporters rushed towards the hotel entrance as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

Fortunately, the hotel security, the police, and Mattis were all prepared to stop these excited media reporters directly.

Seeing that they couldn't get close, these media reporters could only ask questions loudly, trying to get Ye Tian's attention and get the desired response.

"Good evening, Steven, did you store the fabled Caesar's Rod of the Conqueror in the Vatican Museum? When can we see that priceless piece in the Vatican Museum?"

"Hello, Steven, according to the news we just received, you have also acquired three historical buildings next to the Venice Palace Museum. May I ask, what are hidden in those three historical buildings? Will you go there to explore? ?”

Ye Tian did not respond to the questions from these media reporters.

When he got out of the car, he just waved at these media reporters, and then walked into this five-star hotel under the guard of Mattis and the others!

Seeing this scene, the media reporters near the hotel entrance couldn't help sighing, everyone's eyes were filled with regret!

Even so, these so-called uncrowned kings have no intention of leaving.

Fortunately, the weather is good now, whether they are camping on the street or staying overnight in the car, there is no problem, and they don't have to worry about being frozen!


In the blink of an eye, it was another day.

Early in the morning, a large number of media reporters rushed to the door of this five-star hotel, waiting here, and these guys also brought more than a dozen TV broadcast vans, which almost blocked the street!

There is a reason why this happens, of course!

Almost all media reporters have received the news that that guy Steven has also purchased three historical buildings near the Venice Palace Museum. Today they are likely to go to the Venice Palace Museum to continue exploring!

Perhaps just like yesterday, Steven, that extremely lucky guy, is likely to perform miracles again today, discover several huge treasures, continue to shock the whole world, and make everyone dumbfounded!

These media reporters are all ready to follow up and report, and no one wants to miss such an opportunity, otherwise it would be too stupid!

In addition to many media reporters, there is another group of people at the entrance of this five-star hotel!

This is a group of guys who came to protest and demonstrate, mainly composed of college students from various universities in Rome, and the number of these guys is constantly increasing, and their momentum is getting bigger and bigger!

At this time, these guys were waving the flags and banners in their hands, as well as various slogans, shouting hoarsely, some of which contained personal attacks.

"Steven, you are a complete robber, leave those antiques and artworks belonging to the Italians, get out of Rome, and go back to damn New York!"

"Greatness belongs to Rome! Julius Caesar's Conqueror Rod can only stay in Rome, no one can take it away!"

With the passage of time, the protests at the entrance of the hotel have become louder and louder, and it can be said that they are rampant!

The Roman police and hotel security personnel responsible for maintaining order at the scene also became more and more nervous. They all kept their eyes on the crowd of protesters and demonstrators for fear of any accidents!

Ye Tian, ​​who was in the presidential suite of the hotel, was sitting in the living room with David and the others, listening to Matisse's report on the situation outside.

"Steven, after we left the Vatican Museum last night, several groups of people tried to break into the Vatican under the cover of night, but were stopped by the Vatican and Italian police and security personnel.

During this process, there were two small-scale exchanges of fire, and both sides suffered casualties. The targets of those guys were the antiques and artworks from the Balbo treasure and the Mark Anthony treasure.

This situation continued until 4:30 in the morning, when the sky brightened, and then it stopped! Not only the Vatican Museum, but also the three historical buildings near the Palazzo Venezia Museum were also visited overnight.

It's a pity that as soon as those guys entered that street, they were discovered by our guys, and then they notified the Italian police, and then they were driven away by the Italian police guarding that street!

As for Milan, nothing happened. Only a few Italian policemen came to inquire about the situation, checked the IDs of the guys and lawyers, and then left without finding anything.

Then there is the entrance of the hotel. Now a large number of media reporters have gathered, and many protesters from various universities in Rome are blocking the entrance of the hotel to protest and demonstrate, and the momentum is not small! "

Hearing this, Ye Tian couldn't help turning his head to look out the window, then said with a sneer:

"No matter how they protest, let's continue to follow the plan and go to the Venetian Palace Museum later. We may still have a huge surprise today!"

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