Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2707 Pope's residence

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Just after the hotel in the morning, Ye Tian and the others arrived at the street behind the Venice Palace Museum.

Since the news had been leaked last night, the street at this time was already overcrowded. As far as the eye could see, the street was filled with black heads, and the entire street was completely blocked by the surging crowd.

The people gathered here include tourists from all over the world, as well as a large number of Roman citizens. People came here early in the morning to occupy seats, waiting to watch the excitement!

There are also many officials from the Italian government and the Rome city government, experts and scholars from major museums and universities in Italy, as well as many experts and collectors of antique art appraisal.

In addition, relevant people from the Vatican and the US embassy in Italy, as well as representatives from European and American embassies in Italy, have also arrived here early in the morning.

Of course, there are also a large number of media reporters here, from major news media in Italy and the world.

These media reporters have already set up their long guns and short cannons, and they are waiting for Ye Tian and the others to come and witness the miracle again.

It was a large number of Roman policemen who were in charge of maintaining order on the scene. Ye Tian's staff and security personnel stayed in the three historic buildings beside the street and did not appear on the street.

There were also a lot of security personnel from different backgrounds and in plain clothes. Most of these guys were mixed in the crowd, and because of their different identities, they had different purposes.

And outside the police cordon pulled out by the Roman police, facing the street of the three historical buildings, there are also a group of protesting college students. These guys are waving flags and slogans vigorously, protesting loudly!

From the location of these protesters, it can be seen that they were deliberately let in by the Roman police, and the purpose was naturally to put pressure on Ye Tian and the others.

As soon as the convoy drove into this street, Ye Tian and David, who were sitting in the car, saw the situation on this street at a glance, and both of them were speechless.

"Wow! This scene is so lively. The whole city of Rome will not be dispatched. All the citizens and tourists will come here to watch the excitement? No wonder there are so few pedestrians on other streets!"

David joked, and pointed to the bustling street outside the car.

Ye Tian looked at the situation outside the car window, then smiled and said:

"For us, the more lively the scene, the better, as long as Matisse and the others guard the three historic buildings and don't let people from the streets rush in to interfere with the subsequent exploration operations.

If we find something in the three historic buildings on the street, with so many witnesses at the scene, no matter how unwilling the Italian government is, they will not dare to rob openly."

Hearing this, David couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

While the two of them were chatting, the people gathered on this street also saw this much-anticipated convoy.

Unsurprisingly, the entire street boiled instantly.

Everyone on this street turned their heads to look at the convoy, and many media reporters pointed their cameras or video cameras at the convoy and kept pressing the shutter.

Those guys who stayed on the street to protest and demonstrate, as if they had been beaten with blood, shouted at the top of their voices, and the sound of protest and abuse resounded through the entire street!

For this situation, Ye Tian had expected it a long time ago, and he didn't take it to heart at all.

The speed of the convoy suddenly dropped, like a turtle, and slowly drove towards the three historical buildings on the street.

At the same time, Matisse's voice also came from the wireless invisible headset, reporting the situation to Ye Tian.

"Steven, our guys have occupied several commanding heights around the street and cleared out several gunmen ambushing in those commanding heights, now the whole street is under our control, don't worry.

Among the crowd of onlookers on the street, there are still some guys with different backgrounds and ulterior motives hidden. Our buddy is watching those guys secretly, there should be no problem,

You can basically rest assured.

Kenny and the others have invaded the municipal monitoring system of this block, and anything that happens on this street and the surrounding streets cannot escape Kenny's eyes, and they will notify you as soon as possible,..."

After hearing Matisse's report, Ye Tian immediately responded in a low voice:

"Good job, Mattis, I will leave the security matters to you, I hope there will be no problems"

While speaking, Ye Tian and his convoy had arrived in front of the first historical building, and stopped in front of the baroque-style historical building.

As soon as the convoy stopped, Mattis came out of each vehicle with a large number of armed security personnel, and the wind quickly dispersed, and he became vigilant!

Almost at the same time, the door of the Baroque-style building on the street was also opened, and several Fearless Exploration Company employees and security personnel walked out from inside.

After confirming the safety of the scene, Ye Tian and David got out of the car and landed on the street.

With their appearance, the street suddenly became more lively, and the sound of protests and demonstrations from across the street became even crazier!

And those media reporters standing at the front of the crowd shouted and started to ask questions one by one, lest they fall behind others and miss this rare opportunity.

"Steven, I'm a reporter from Corriere della Sera. Can you tell us what you found in this baroque historical building? Could it be that there is also a huge treasure hidden here?"

"Hello, Steven, I'm a reporter from The Washington Post. According to relevant sources, you bought three historic buildings on this street last year. What is your basis?

Why would you go out and buy them? At that time, did you already know what great secrets or treasures are hidden in these three historical buildings? Can you explain? Everyone wants to know"

For these annoying noises, Ye Tian chose to ignore them, as if he didn't hear them.

He quickly scanned the situation on the street, and then looked at the bishop of Kent, the cultural counselor of the American embassy, ​​and a group of Italians who were walking towards him.

While speaking, these people had already come closer, shook hands with Ye Tian and David one by one, and said a few polite words.

After going through the procedures on these scenes, everyone will get to the point.

"Steven, I believe you also know that the three historical buildings you bought on this street used to belong to the Palazzo Venezia Museum, which is considered an annex to the Palazzo Venezia Museum.

In the early 1920s, this Baroque-style building was sold to a wealthy local merchant in Rome, and then changed hands several times, and you sent someone to buy it quietly.

The other two early Renaissance-style buildings connected together have always belonged to the Palazzo Venezia Museum. They have never been sold, but only rented out, and eventually fell into your hands.

With this in mind, today we at the Palazzo Venezia Museum would like to be part of your exploration of these three historic buildings, we are eager to see what we are missing! "

The curator of the Palazzo Venezia Museum whispered, his words were full of expectation and bitterness.

Ye Tian looked at this old friend, then glanced at the other people present, then nodded with a smile and said:

"Paul, I know very well about the situation of these three historical buildings. You are right. They used to belong to the Palazzo Venezia Museum, but now they belong to me. This is indisputable!

As for whether there are any major secrets or treasures hidden in these three beautiful historical buildings, I don’t know for the time being. Only after thoroughly exploring these three historical buildings can I know the answer.

Due to the relationship between the Palazzo Venezia Museum and these three historical buildings, I can let your people participate in this exploration operation, but you can only supervise on site and must not interfere with our operations.

And there can only be four of you at most participating in the exploration operation. If you can accept this condition and promise to accept our command, then you can participate, otherwise there will be no game! "

Upon hearing this, the face of the curator of the Palazzo Venezia Museum immediately flashed a look of surprise.

Without the slightest hesitation, the Italian nodded hurriedly and said:

"No problem, Steven, we can accept these conditions, as long as we are allowed to participate in this exploration operation."

Ye Tian nodded slightly, then turned to the Bishop of Kent and the curator of the Vatican Museum, smiled and said to them:

"Bishop of Kent, you also need to send a few people to participate in this exploration operation and supervise the site. I believe you also know that the Venetian Palace Museum was once the residence of the Pope when it was built in the middle of the fifteenth century.

According to my speculation, if we really find something in these historical buildings, it is likely to be related to the Holy See of the Vatican and several popes who once lived here, so you are invited to participate! "

Hearing this, everyone at the scene couldn't help being stunned.

Immediately afterwards, a look of sudden realization appeared on everyone's faces.

Especially those Italians in the Palazzo Venezia Museum, when they suddenly realized it, they all regretted it, and wished they could just slap themselves two big mouths!

It seems that the secret or treasure hidden in these three historical buildings is probably hidden by a pope who lived here in history, and this secret or treasure is likely to be very amazing.

But how did this guy, Steven, know these things? It's incredible!

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