Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2713 fighter among scumbags

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After a series of exclamations, everyone continued to admire the painting "Venus Bathing", with an intoxicated expression on everyone's face.

At the same time, Ye Tian also began to introduce Giorgione, a master of Renaissance art, and the background of creating this oil painting.

"Giorgione is a famous painter of the Venetian School in the late Renaissance and one of the most outstanding representative artists of the Venetian School. He is considered to be the first real Venetian painter and the pioneer of easel painting.

In the history of Western art, Giorgione has a very high status. He studied painting under the famous Italian painter Bellini at that time. Same.

It was he and Titian who together founded the famous Venetian School of Painting in the history of Western art, and pushed the Venetian School to the peak of art at that time, which directly contributed to the transfer of the art center of late Renaissance painting to Venice.

Giorgione, like Titian, is a talented painting genius. During the period of studying with Bellini, they showed extraordinary genius. Titian, who was younger, even regarded Giorgione as a Idol worship.

Titian liked Giorgione's hedonistic outlook on life, and Giorgione's lyrical and dreamlike pastoral style, poetic and joyful lines and colors were a model for Titian to learn painting, and he was even picked up by Titian later. Enshrined as an imperial decree.

For a while, Titian even only imitated Giorgione's painting style, but ignored the advice of his teacher Bellini. out of the studio

After leaving Bellini's studio, the two of them established a joint studio, and became famous in one fell swoop, becoming a famous young painter at that time. Because of their very good relationship, they often collaborated in painting.

Not only did they paint together, they also did a lot of things together, such as indulging in sex, having fun, and even mistresses. These two guys can share. These two famous masters of art are definitely fighters among scumbags! "


There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and everyone laughed out loud and nodded in sympathy.

After the laughter subsided, Ye Tian continued to say:

"In terms of painting art, Giorgione was deeply influenced by Bellini and Leonardo da Vinci, with a unique and eye-catching style. He is the most lyrical painter in the Venetian school. Regarding this point, in this oil painting reflected very clearly.

His paintings are beautiful in shape, with gorgeous colors, soft light and shade, and the natural blending of figures and landscapes, creating a new pattern of landscape figure painting. At that time, Florentine painters only used landscape as a foil for figures.

Titian, who was a student of the same school, later developed another style. Titian brought the characteristics of the Venetian School of painting to the extreme. His paintings are colorful and the figures are healthy, setting a new model in Western art.

Although their painting styles are different, they can live in harmony, and the two are so proficient, or extremely good at imitating each other's painting styles, that it is almost difficult to distinguish the real from the fake, which paved the way for their cooperation.

Giorgione and Titian often work together in joint paintings. The most famous work is "Sleeping Venus" collected in the Museum of Old Masters in Dresden, Germany. Most of the famous oil painting is made by Giorgione is done.

But unfortunately, when he created that oil painting, it was the period when the Black Death ravaged Venice. The mistress he shared with Titian, the female model in the painting, unfortunately contracted the Black Death , and then infected him.

Not surprisingly, Giorgione died of the Black Death together with his goddess Venus before finishing the painting "Sleeping Venus". After Titian got the news , and helped him finish the oil painting.

Not only "Sleeping Venus", Titian also helped Giorgione complete several other unfinished paintings. Since the painting styles of the two of them were relatively similar during this period, who created some of the works? There is still controversy.

Giorgione's untimely death indirectly helped Titian, and his talent gradually attracted people's attention. After a few years, their teacher Bellini also died, and Titian truly became the most famous painter of the Venetian School. famous painter.

Titian, who is smart and sociable, began to be called to paint by the courts of Italy and European countries. From this, he began to build his own painting kingdom, became the "sun among the stars", and became an extremely dazzling master .

In the history of Western art, Titian, known as the "sun among the stars", is invincible, but his lifelong friend Giorgione has become a mysterious figure. Giorgione's tragic life situation has to be make people sad

Although Giorgione died very early, he had a huge impact on the Venetian School of Painting and later Baroque art, etc., and some humanist scholars even listed him as an artist worthy of comparison with Da Vinci and Raphael. Greatest painter ever! "


There was a sound of sighing at the scene, and everyone felt sorry for Giorgione's tragic experience.

But Ye Tian's explanation did not stop.

"Giorgione was only 32 years old when he died, so it can be said that he died young. During his short and brilliant artistic career, he created a total of more than 30 works, and it is said that there are only five oil paintings, all of which are collected in the in top museums.

No one would have thought that Giorgione still has a representative oil painting handed down, which is the "Venus Bathing" in front of you. This painting has been hidden in Rome for more than 300 years. it's here.

This painting adheres to the consistent style of Giorgione's paintings, with beautiful shapes, brilliant colors, natural blend of scenery and figures, and like all his paintings, this oil painting also does not have his personal signature.

As for why this oil painting appeared in the Palace of Venice, it is actually very easy to explain. In 1507, Giorgione was hired to paint for the Doge’s Palace in Venice, and became the most prestigious royal painter in Venice at that time.

His works have thus become an important collection of the Government of the Republic of Venice. For a long time, the Palace of Venice was the seat of the embassy of the Republic of Venice in Rome. It is normal to have Giorgione's paintings here.

It is a pity that this priceless top-level artwork was stolen by this guy named Philip and secretly hid it for more than three hundred years until we came here. Of course, I would like to thank Philip! "

With Ye Tian's explanation, everyone at the scene had a deeper understanding of Giorgione's life and the "Venus Bathing" in front of him.

At the same time, everyone envied Ye Tian even more, and even scratched their hearts and lungs with jealousy!

Why! All the good things fell into the hands of this guy, and the others could only look at it, God is so unfair!

Especially Giovanni and Paolo, as well as the other Italians at the scene, looked at Giorgione's "Venus Bathing", everyone's eyes were red, and everyone's heart was full of excitement. Blood!

Ye Tian saw the performance of everyone on the scene, but he seemed to have seen nothing, did not express anything, not even a word of comfort.

After introducing Giorgione's life and the origin of this "Venus Bathing", Ye Tian stopped talking, and joined everyone to quietly appreciate this top-level artwork, eyes full of obsession.

The scene was quiet again, without any sound.

It wasn't until three to five minutes later that Ye Tianfang put away this priceless top artwork, and said with a smile:

"We have just discovered the sixth work of Giorgione handed down to the world, this "Venus Bathing", and it would be great if we can find the works of his good brother, the master artist Titian. Perfect!"

As he said that, Ye Tian reached out to pick up another picture frame placed in the dark compartment, that is, the larger picture frame that was also wrapped in black moisture-proof tarpaulin, and prepared to dismantle it.

Hearing his words, all the Italians at the scene rolled their eyes angrily, and their teeth were itching with anger!

At the same time, they were also staring closely at the picture frame that Ye Tian had just picked up, feeling very uneasy, and a little worried about gains and losses!

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