Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2716 1 sold and 1 kept

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After admiring Tintoretto's "Battle of Lepanto", Ye Tian pretended to carefully check the secret compartment dug out by Philip, and also carefully checked the narrow room, to see if there is any hidden space here. wearing something.

It's a pity that there is nothing else in this simple dark compartment except for the rusty metal frame, and he found nothing else in this room.

Afterwards, he left the room with David and others, and walked to the hall on the first floor.

Of course, when the group of them left this room, they took the two priceless top artworks they had just discovered, as well as the diary full of resentment and curses.

As for Zac and the others, they put away their excitement and continued to explore with a pulse metal detector. There are still many rooms on the second floor that have not been explored yet.

While speaking, Ye Tian and his group had already arrived at the first floor.

Those guys who had been waiting in the reception area on the first floor before, saw them coming down, immediately got up, and looked at the two oil paintings in the hands of Ye Tian and David respectively.

Without exception, the eyes of these guys are extremely hot, everyone is very excited, everyone's eyes are full of curiosity and anticipation, and also full of envy and hatred!

Although they couldn't go upstairs and go to the room on the second floor to witness the process of exploring and discovering these two top artworks, they already knew what they found and what this discovery meant through the intercom!

In this way, they suffered even more, they could hardly sit and sleep at ease, and it felt like their days were like years.

At this time, they finally saw these two priceless top artworks, can they not be excited?

"Steven, the oil painting you are holding in your hand should be the masterpiece of Giorgione, the master of Renaissance art and one of the founders of the Venetian School, "Venus Bathing", right?"

"Wow! Tintoretto's "Battle of Lepanto", who would have thought that after nearly 500 years, we can still see this legendary top-level artwork that has long been burned. It is simply unbelievable Already!"

There was a sound of exclamation at the scene, and every voice was excited.

In the midst of these exclamations, Ye Tian and David had entered the reception area on the first floor, and put the two top-level oil paintings in their hands on the easels that had been prepared.

However, the outside of these two top-level oil paintings is still wrapped with a layer of moisture-proof oilcloth, so it is impossible to see clearly.

After placing the oil painting, Ye Tian immediately turned around, glanced at the crowd, and then said loudly with a smile:

"That's right, ladies and gentlemen, the two oil paintings that David and I took down are "Venus Bathing" by the master Giorgione and "Lebanon" by the master Tintoretto. Tuohai Battle".

The smaller one is Giorgione's "Venus Bathing", and the slightly larger one is Tintoretto's "Battle of Lepanto". They once belonged to the Republic of Venice and now belong to me.

Undoubtedly, the discovery of these two top-level works of art will definitely cause a huge sensation in the field of Western antique art collections. Next, everyone will be able to see these two oil paintings for a sneak peek.

Before I take off the moisture-proof tarpaulins on the outside of these two oil paintings and let everyone enjoy them, I must explain something. These two oil paintings have been hidden in the dark for nearly five hundred years and have never seen the light.

In that case, the state of preservation of these two oil paintings is very good. It can be said that they are intact. When they see the light again after nearly five hundred years, they will definitely be affected by environmental changes!

The first thing to bear the brunt is the oxidation, and then the impact of light changes on the oil paint, canvas and frame. In fact, such an impact has already occurred, the moment we opened the dark frame.

In order to protect these two top artworks as much as possible, I can only limit everyone's viewing time. These two top artworks can only be displayed here for ten minutes.

I hope everyone can understand and cooperate with this point.

Then I will put them away and put them in a portable painting bag to avoid long-term exposure to strong light. Only after we have done some technical processing and they have adapted to the outside light will they be exhibited publicly!

Another point is that during the display later, everyone can appreciate it carefully, but it must not be touched by hand, so as not to cause irreparable huge losses. I think everyone does not want to see such a result.”

Before the words fell, the curator of the National Museum of Rome nodded and said:

"You're right, Steven, these two top-level works of art just discovered are indeed not suitable for being exposed to strong light and air for a long time now, they need to be well protected, and we will cooperate."

Hearing this, everyone else at the scene nodded and had no objection.

Next, Ye Tian asked his company employees to close the curtains of the windows in the hall to reduce the light intensity as much as possible to avoid accidental damage to the two top oil paintings.

Afterwards, he called two company employees and two security personnel to come over, divided into two groups, stood next to the two easels, and supervised the next appreciation activities.

After making all the preparations, Ye Tian nodded to David, and the two immediately unveiled the moisture-proof tarpaulin wrapped around the two top oil paintings!

Unsurprisingly, as soon as these two top-level oil paintings appeared in front of everyone, they immediately attracted exclamations of excitement.

Immediately afterwards, those guys who had been waiting for a long time walked quickly to the two easels, and began to admire the two top artworks, vying to be the first!

In the blink of an eye, they gathered in front of the two oil paintings, and were completely attracted by the two oil paintings. Everyone had a fascinated expression on their faces.

While everyone was rushing forward, Ye Tian and David retreated from the crowd, stood on the periphery of the crowd, chatting in low voices.

After chatting for a few words, Paul, Giovanni, and the Deputy Minister of Culture of Italy came over.

Walking closer, Paul immediately whispered expectantly:

"These two top works of art by Steven, Giorgione and Tintoretto were once collected in the Palace of Venice, and they are important collections of the Palace of Venice!

If possible, I hope that these two top-level works of art can be taken back to the Palace of Venice. As for the terms of the transaction, we can sit down and discuss slowly."

As soon as his words fell, Giovanni continued:

"Steven, everyone knows the importance and value of these two top-level works of art. As an Italian military police of cultural relics, I can tell you with certainty that they will all be included in the list of works of art restricted from leaving the country!

In other words, although these two top oil paintings belong to you and are your private property, you cannot take them out of Italy. In this case, I suggest you transfer them to the Venice Palace Museum! "

Ye Tian looked at these Italian guys with ulterior motives, and then said with a relaxed smile:

"Paulo and Giovanni, these two priceless and top works of art belong to me. No one can deny this. It is indisputable. Whether in the United States or in Italy, this is an iron-clad fact.

Let’s talk about the history of these two oil paintings. They were indeed collected in the Palace of Venice, but the Palace of Venice at that time was the embassy of the Republic of Venice in Rome, and the Republic of Venice has long since disappeared!

The Palazzo Venezia Museum is just a latecomer. Coincidentally, in the historical building of the Palazzo Venezia, there is no necessary connection with these two top oil paintings. It would be too far-fetched to connect them! "

Hearing this, Paul's face suddenly changed, and his expression was somewhat embarrassed.

But he knew that what Ye Tian said was the truth, there was no way to refute it!

Ye Tian didn't give them a chance to refute at all, he continued to say:

"I fully understand your desire to acquire these two oil paintings. As long as you like Western painting art, no one is not interested in them, and no one does not want to keep them for themselves. This is human nature.

But I can tell you very clearly that I do not plan to sell this "Venus Bathing" by Giorgione. I plan to collect it myself and display this top-level artwork in my private museum.

As for Tintoretto's "Battle of Lepanto", I intend to sell it. I believe you have heard or understood that I will not collect all Western sculptures and paintings involving religious themes.

Previously, I did not collect religious works such as Michelangelo's "Mourning for Christ" and Raphael's "Madonna", but gave them away or traded them out, and this oil painting is no exception.

The Battle of Lepanto has a very important and special significance to the Western world and Christianity. This is the earliest and most famous oil painting depicting the Battle of Lepanto. The painting also implicitly shows the light of God.

That is why I intend to trade this excellent painting of Tintoretto to the Vatican, to the Palazzo Venezia, or to any other person or museum!

But anyone or museum who wants to get this "Battle of Lepanto" must meet my trading conditions. I hope to exchange this oil painting for some top antiques and works of art from China! "

Before the words were finished, the eyes of Paul and Giovanni lit up, and then a look of embarrassment flashed across them.

Tintoretto's "Battle of Lepanto" is an equivalent exchange for some top Chinese antiques and works of art. Where do we go?

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