Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2717 Sforza Family Treasure

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Ten minutes passed quickly, and Ye Tian squeezed into the crowd again, put away the two priceless top artworks, and put them into the portable painting bag that had been prepared.

Those guys who were admiring it like a fascination could only watch these two top oil paintings being put away, eyes full of reluctance and regret.

After collecting these two top-level oil paintings, Ye Tian handed them over to his company employees to put them away and strictly protect them.

Immediately afterwards, the curator of the Vatican Museum and several other experts and scholars immediately gathered around and made purchase requests at the same time, intending to acquire these two top oil paintings.

Just like how he dealt with Paul and Giovanni before, Ye Tian told these expectant guys about his decision. The only thing they could get was Tintoretto's "Battle of Lepanto".

And the price they have to pay is a considerable number of top Chinese antiques and artworks.

Hearing this, these old friends were all stunned on the spot, and they were also having a headache, where to find the top Chinese antiques and artworks that could satisfy Ye Tian's appetite.

And each of them knew very well in their hearts that if they wanted to win Tintoretto's "Battle of Lepanto", they were bound to be ransacked by this greedy guy in front of them!

Afterwards, Ye Tian chatted with everyone present, took his leave and left, took David and the others into the basement again, and continued to explore the rooms in the basement.

In the following time, many company employees scattered to explore the upstairs found several hidden compartments and sandwich walls, which were located on different floors and different rooms.

Since its completion in the middle and late fifteenth century, this Renaissance-style historical building has served as the residence of the Holy See and ancillary buildings of embassies of different countries, with a strong political color.

In a historical building like this, there are many hidden compartments and secret rooms, as well as places where secrets are hidden, such as sandwiched walls.

It's a pity that these secret rooms and secret compartments, as well as the inside of the sandwich walls, are empty and there is nothing.

Obviously, the things stored in these places before have been taken away by someone, and these secret rooms and hidden compartments are also known, and they are not secrets.

In the basement, Ye Tian also found two hidden secret rooms, but after opening the secret rooms, he found nothing.

This result made everyone somewhat disappointed and regretful.

However, with the two priceless oil paintings before, it is perfect today. The value of those two top artworks is enough to exchange for dozens of such historical buildings.

In the blink of an eye, it was already noon.

The people staying outside this historic building, as well as many media reporters, all looked at the historical building on the street with longing eyes.

After a whole morning of waiting, people are more or less tired at this time, and some people who are less patient, or those who have something to do, can't wait to leave.

The people and media reporters who are still here have more or less impatient expressions on their faces.

"It's been a morning, and Steven and his gang haven't come out yet. They must have found something in this historic building, but they don't know what important secret or treasure it is!"

"It's not necessarily true. Steven, that extremely lucky guy, may encounter Waterloo this time. As far as I know, there are many rooms and basements in these two historical buildings. It will take a lot of time to explore them all!"

There are endless discussions on the street, people are discussing enthusiastically, and there are also some guys who gloat.

At this moment, the door of the renaissance-style building on the street finally opened, and a group of heavily armed security personnel came out from inside, and stood guard at the door.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian and David, Paolo and Giovanni, the curators of the Palazzo Venezia Museum, and the Italian Deputy Minister of Culture walked out of the historical building one after another.

As for others, such as the Bishop of Kent and the cultural counselor of the American embassy, ​​they still stayed in the historic building and did not appear.

Seeing Ye Tian and his group appear, the streets immediately became restless.

Especially those media reporters standing at the front of the crowd raised their voices and asked loudly, no one wanted to miss this rare opportunity.

"Good afternoon, Steven, I'm the reporter of Le Figaro in Rome. May I ask what you found in this historic building? Can you tell us about it? Everyone here wants to know."

"Hello, Steven, I'm a reporter from Milan TV. According to the information we have received, you have not only purchased several historical buildings in Rome, but also in Milan.

Those historical buildings are said to be near the Sforzesco Castle. The news has spread in Milan and caused quite a stir. Those historical buildings have also become the focus of Milan.

Can you tell us why you bought those historical buildings in Milan? What is hidden in those historic buildings? Is it a great secret or a hidden treasure?

It is said that those historical buildings are very close to the Sforza Castle, only about 100 meters apart, so I would like to ask, are those historical buildings related to the treasures of the Sforza family? "

With the questions from these media reporters, the streets suddenly became more lively.

Especially the question from the Milan reporter directly aroused everyone's curiosity and made everyone envious!

Everyone is also full of curiosity about the historical buildings in Milan. They wish they could fly to Milan immediately and go to the vicinity of the Sforza Castle to see those historical buildings in person.

This time, I might be able to make a fortune. Whoever said that all the good things in the world are taken up by that guy, Steven, maybe good luck will patronize me this time!

Ye Tian, ​​who walked down the steps, first took a quick look at this very lively street, and then said loudly with a smile:

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, I have kept you waiting for a long time, and thank you very much for your support. I will not introduce more about the historical buildings I bought in Milan.

What I can tell you is that when the affairs in Rome are over, we will go to Milan. As for what is hidden in those historical buildings, the answer will be revealed when we arrive in Milan.

What everyone is paying attention to at the moment should be these two early Renaissance-style historical buildings. Next, I will introduce to you the discoveries in this historical building to satisfy your curiosity.

While exploring a room on the second floor of this historic building, my company employees discovered a hidden compartment in the wall, and in that hidden compartment, we made a surprising discovery.

The secret compartment was built in the middle and late seventeenth century by a cleaner of the embassy of the Republic of Venice in Rome, and that cleaner was a guy full of resentment.

He hid two oil paintings and a diary recording his daily life and his own psychological activities in that dark grid, and the major discovery I am talking about is those two oil paintings.

The two oil paintings should be an important collection of the Embassy of the Republic of Venice, or the ambassador's personal collection, stolen by that guy named Philip and hidden in a dark cell.

The artists who created the two oil paintings were two famous art masters in the Renaissance period, they were the famous Venetian painter Giorgione and Tintoretto who belonged to the same school.

The title of Giorgione's painting is "The Bathing Venus", which was created before the famous "Sleeping Venus", and the figure in the painting is the same female model, who is also Giorgione's mistress.

As for the painting by Tintoretto, I believe many professionals have heard of it, it is said to be the masterpiece "Battle of Lepanto" that was burned in the fire of the Doge's Palace in Venice in 1577."

Before the words fell, the whole street was completely boiling.

Especially those professionals who were at the scene or watching the live broadcast, they were completely shocked when they heard Ye Tian's words, all of them were stunned, their eyeballs almost popped out!

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