Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2723 Constantine's gift

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When the air in this underground space was almost replaced, two small drones were released one after another, and flew into the secret passage behind the stone gate leading directly to the deep underground.

With the entry of these two small drones, this secret passage, which has been closed for more than five hundred years, and the underground space at the end of the secret passage finally ushered in new visitors.

The searchlights and high-definition cameras carried by these two small drones also presented the secret passage and the situation in the underground space to everyone.

On the monitoring screen, the first thing everyone sees is a steep and sloping downward secret passage, several bronze candlesticks on the walls on both sides of the secret passage, and a marble statue of the Virgin Mary.

And this is exactly the situation at the top section of the secret passage, and everyone can see it visually through the light in the basement.

When the two small drones flew over the first curved turn in the secret passage, the situation deeper in the secret passage was immediately presented to everyone.

The secret passage extends here. Although it is still sloping downward, the slope has been reduced a lot, and the steps in the secret passage have become much gentler.

Moreover, the height and width of this secret passage have been increased accordingly, enough for two grown men to walk side by side, with a little extra space above their heads.

On the walls on both sides of this secret passage, there are also many religious patterns engraved, most of which are derived from biblical stories, but they are not very real.

In addition, on the wall of this secret passage, there are also several niches dug out of the wall, whether large or small.

In those large alcoves, there is basically a marble or bronze statue, which is carved with religious figures, such as the Virgin and angels.

And in those smaller alcoves, there are bronze candlesticks. These bronze candlesticks cast in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries can also be regarded as antique relics and have a certain collection value!

In addition to these, on the walls on both sides of this secret passage and the vault above, you can see several irregularly arranged small holes at intervals.

When the light of a small drone shines into these small holes, you can often see some rusty arrowheads and javelin spear heads. Although they are dim, they exude a deadly atmosphere!

Obviously, those are deadly organ traps, trying to kill anyone who enters rashly!

And this is just an organ trap that is relatively easy to find!

Under the floor of the secret passage, inside the walls on both sides, on the vault above the secret passage, in places where the light cannot reach, in the corners that cannot be photographed by high-definition cameras, God knows how many traps there are, and there are many of them!

It has been more than 500 years since these traps were set up here, but no one knows whether they are still useful, whether they are as deadly as before, posing a fatal threat to later intruders!

One thing is for sure, even if the mechanism traps relying on mechanical drive are completely scrapped and cannot attack again, simple and deadly traps like flaps will never fail!

The moment they saw these organ traps, everyone couldn't help but gasped, secretly terrified.

Especially for Antonio and Bishop of Kent, their expressions suddenly became more dignified.

Obviously, seeing these traps in the secret passage, they have begun to worry about the exploration team of the Vatican Museum, worried that those guys will encounter danger in this secret passage.

At the same time, everyone is more interested in and looking forward to the secret hidden at the end of the secret road!

What kind of secret or treasure is it that takes so much energy and cost to dig such a secret underground space here and set up so many traps to protect it?

The two small drones continued to fly down the secret passage, and the situation deeper in the secret passage was also presented to everyone one by one.

There is another curved turn ahead, but this time to the left.

In a niche at that corner, there is a bust of St. John the Baptist, about fifty centimeters high,

The carving is very delicate, and it is a masterpiece at first glance.

Undoubtedly, this is another valuable antique, like the statue of the Virgin Mary at the first bend of the arc.

After the two small drones flew over this curved bend, a more spacious, taller, and gentler secret passage appeared on the monitoring screen and in front of everyone.

In this secret passage, there are also some bronze candlesticks, the walls are engraved with patterns from biblical stories, and there are several marble or bronze statues placed in niches.

Of course, there are also some deadly traps set up here, some of which are visible to the eye, while others are invisible, but they are even more dangerous and deadly!

The two small drones flew forward another three or four meters, and a rusty iron fence suddenly appeared a few meters ahead, and behind the iron fence, there was a dark space.

Seeing this scene, there was an exclamation of excitement in the basement where Ye Tian and the others were located.

"Wow! At the end of this secret passage, there is indeed a secret room. I don't know what secrets or treasures are hidden in this secret room deep underground!"

"Judging from the location, the dark space behind the iron fence is just below the atrium garden, where we were sitting and drinking coffee just now.

But who would have thought that there is an unknown religious holy place under our feet, this feeling is so amazing, I even feel like I am in a dream! "

Just when everyone was exclaiming, two small drones flew to the iron fence one after another, hovering in the air about one meter in front of the iron fence, one high and one low.

As the light from the searchlight carried by the small drone shone in, the situation in the space behind the iron fence was partially displayed on the monitoring screen.

The first thing you see is seven or eight boxes, large or small, lined up in two rows on a wooden shelf. There is a layer of dust and moss on the boxes, and the words on the boxes seem to be: some text.

However, the specific content of those words and what is contained in those boxes are temporarily unknown. Only by observing closely, wiping off the dust and moss, and opening those boxes can we know the truth.

Extending the line of sight further, two stone tablets erected on the ground appeared on the monitoring screen one after another.

These two marble steles are tall and short, the tall one is about 1.78 meters including the base, and the short one is only about 1.4 meters including the base. It is also covered with dust and covered with a layer of moss.

These two marble steles are engraved with exquisite patterns, statues of cherubs, and a large amount of text.

Especially the few lines of text engraved on the top of the stele, because the font is relatively large, even if it is hidden under the dust and moss, it can still be discerned vaguely!

The moment they saw these two marble steles, Antonio and the Bishop of Kent shook their bodies violently as if they had been shocked by electricity.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them stared wide-eyed and stared at the monitoring screen in amazement. The four eyeballs of the two of them almost flew out of their eye sockets!

They seemed a little unable to believe what they saw. They reached out and rubbed their eyes to gather themselves together, and then looked at the surveillance screen again.

The other people on the scene reacted a little slower than them, but not much slower.

Except for a few people such as Ian and David, everyone quickly showed the same reaction as the Bishop of Kent and the others. They stared at the two stone tablets in amazement, with eyes full of inconceivability and madness!

"Oh my god, can't I be dazzled? 'Constantine's gift', does this legendary gift really exist? Hasn't it been proven to be a forgery?"

"Compared to the 'Gift of Constantine' stele, the engraved content on the larger stele at the back is more shocking. If it is true, then there is no doubt that it is a A genuine religious relic!"

There was a frantic exclamation at the scene, and the Bishop of Kent and Antonio were awakened immediately.

In the next moment, the two guys said in unison with trembling voices:

"Steven, let two small drones fly into the secret room to take a clearer picture of these two stone tablets. These two stone tablets are really important. If they are real, they will definitely cause a sensation in the entire West. world!"

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