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"Sorry, Bishop of Kent, the gap between the iron fence in front is too narrow for these two small drones to pass through safely. They can fly half a meter forward at most, and they will hit the iron fence any closer. up"

Manipulating one of the small drones, Ian continued, introducing the reality.

Hearing this, Bishop of Kent and Antonio were stunned immediately, and then Bishop of Kent said eagerly:

"Then what should we do? Steven, the situation in this underground secret passage has not been fully investigated, and those deadly traps have not been lifted, so it is obviously impossible to go in and explore.

The two Catholic holy relics in the underground secret room seem to be close in front of us, but we can only watch and wait here. This is really tormenting! "

Ye Tian looked at this old friend, then smiled and said:

"Don't worry, Bishop of Kent, I have a way to solve this problem, so that everyone can see the situation in the underground secret room as soon as possible, but it takes time to prepare, please wait patiently for a while.

While waiting for further video images, you can carefully study and discuss the video images captured by these two small drones, I believe this is also a rare pleasure.”

After the voice fell, everyone at the scene glanced at each other and nodded one after another.

It can only be this way! They can only accept this result!

Afterwards, Bishop of Kent and Antonio, as well as representatives of various parties, experts and scholars, and two media reporters quickly gathered together and began to study the images captured by the two small drones, and discussed them enthusiastically.

Ye Tian didn't participate in it, he first nodded to Mathis.

Mattis understood immediately and understood what he meant.

It's time to unleash the Beetle Drone and explore the depths of the tunnel, so you can get into that underground chamber and take a close-up shot.

Since the beetle drone is a very sensitive high-tech equipment, it is often used in military operations, and it is not suitable to be exposed to the eyes of representatives of all parties, so as not to frighten these guys.

To use the beetle drone to explore, you need to avoid the eyes and ears of these people at the scene, and then just show the captured video screen!

Matisse turned and walked out of the basement to get ready.

Ye Tian came to David and the others, smiled and said in a low voice:

"The reason why the Bishop of Kent and the others are so excited is because of the two stone tablets placed in the secret room. Once the content engraved on the two stone tablets is made public, it is bound to cause a sensation in the entire Western world.

On the smaller stone tablet in front, the engraved content is "Constantine's gift". Although the text on the larger stone tablet at the back is not clear, it can still be discerned. .

Let’s start with the stele in front, the gift from Constantine, which is a very famous legend in Western history, and it is also a legend that has caused great controversy and even almost caused a religious war.”

Having said that, David suddenly interjected and said:

"I've heard of 'Constantine's gift', but I don't know the details. I didn't expect to encounter it here today. Steven, please introduce it to everyone in detail."

Ye Tian nodded slightly, and continued to say:

"It is said that when Constantine the Great moved the capital of the Roman Empire to Constantinople, he handed over the city of Rome and all the provinces and cities in Italy to the Holy See at that time, and the Holy See would rule forever.

The legends and documents related to it appeared around the eighth century, more than 400 years after the reign of Emperor Constantine, but during these 400 years, no one knew about this legend and documents.

As soon as this legend and related documents appeared, they played a huge role. In the middle of the eighth century, Pepin the dwarf, king of the Franks and founder of the Carolingian dynasty, led an army to capture Italy and Rome.

Then there is the famous "Pipin offering soil", in order to thank the Pope for his support when he usurped the throne of the Merovingian Dynasty and established the Carolingian Dynasty,

Pepin dedicated Rome and the surrounding area to the Holy See.

"Pipin offering soil" strengthened the connection between the king and the church, made the religious power over the royal power, and laid the foundation of the Papal State. This famous historical event is based on the "Constantine's gift give'.

Shortly thereafter, the already declining Eastern Roman Empire protested, demanding to take back all the land donated to the Holy See by Pepin. The Pope at the time rejected this request on the basis of "Constantine's gift" as a legal basis.

It can be said that the "Pipin's offering of soil" laid the foundation of the Papal State. After that, the Pope gradually became the spiritual leader of the West, and he was also a secular monarch in Italy, under his jurisdiction.

For more than a thousand years after that, and even to this day, the entire Western world has been deeply affected by this historical event. Although the Vatican no longer owns Italy and Rome, their status is still lofty.”

"Wow! This is really an extremely important legend!"

David exclaimed in a low voice, and the whole person became even more excited.

At the same time, the Bishop of Kent and others who were standing aside also stopped talking and looked towards this side.

Ye Tian glanced at these guys and continued his performance.

"By the time of the Renaissance, the power and influence of the Holy See had been greatly reduced, and it had even been reduced to the doll of certain European powers. Even the appointment and dismissal of the pope was in the hands of several European powers.

With the rise of the Reformation Movement and the rise of Protestantism, many humanities scholars have questioned the "Constantine's gift", which has also become an important basis for attacking the Holy See in the Reformation Movement.

These humanist scholars believe that in order to legitimize the "Pipin offering soil", the Pope forged relevant legends and documents. In this way, what Pepin did was to return the territory belonging to the Pope to the Pope.

I will not comment on the authenticity of the legend of "Constantine's Gift" and related documents. I don't want to cause controversy, let alone a religious war. I am an outsider, and these things have nothing to do with me.

From my point of view, if Julius II, who built this underground space, has the relevant physical evidence and documents of "Constantine's Gift" in his hands, he should be more careful, and it is necessary to hide them .

At that time, the Holy See had just gone through nearly one or two hundred years of turmoil, and its strength and influence were not as good as before, and it was criticized by humanist scholars and strongly impacted by the religious reform movement.

The "Gift of Constantine" became an important basis for new sects to attack the Holy See in the Reformation Movement, which directly aroused people's doubts about the Holy See, and also inspired Western scholars to doubt the Holy See's documents.

Under such circumstances, Pope Julius II had only one choice, and that was to hide all the physical evidence and documents related to the "Constantine's Gift" so as not to be destroyed or trigger religious wars.

At the same time, there may be many sensitive documents of the Holy See that are hidden at the same time. They are likely to be stored in those seven or eight boxes. As for the authenticity of these documents, we need to study them slowly in the future! "

After the voice fell, the scene suddenly fell silent, and everyone fell into deep thought.

However, due to their different positions, the expressions on everyone's faces are also different.

Both the Bishop of Kent and Antonio were extremely excited, their faces were full of joy, and they even couldn't wait to enter this secret passage and that underground chamber, and take out those religious relics that had been hidden for more than five hundred years.

However, there is still a bit of worry in their eyes. What if the stone tablet that records "Constantine's gift" is indeed forged? How should we deal with it?

Compared with them, Paul, Giovanni, and the Deputy Minister of Culture of Italy all had extremely solemn expressions, and everyone's eyes were full of worry!

What they worry about is, if the legendary "Constantine's gift" is true, what should they do? Is it really going to give Italy and Rome to the Vatican?

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