Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2729 ban on Ye Tian

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Not long after Ye Tian and the others checked into the hotel, the mayor of Milan brought a group of senior city officials from the municipal and cultural departments, as well as several historians and archaeologists, to the hotel.

After all, this is Milan, and it is the other party's territory, so the face that should be given should be given, so as not to cause some unnecessary troubles.

Under Ye Tian's order, several company employees brought these Milanese into the atrium garden of the hotel, and he himself changed into casual clothes. Later, he brought David and others to the garden to meet these Milanese.

After everyone met, it was natural to have some polite greetings and introduce each other.

After going through the procedures on these scenes, the mayor of Milan couldn't wait to get to the point.

"Mr. Steven, I would like to ask, why did you secretly purchase these Renaissance-style historical buildings? What major secrets or treasures did you find in these historical buildings?

There are no media reporters here, and we do not deny your ownership of these historic buildings. We already know the agreement you reached with Mr. Prime Minister yesterday. I hope you can tell us the real answer! "

Following the words of the mayor of Milan, everyone at the scene looked at Ye Tian, ​​looking forward to his answer.

Ye Tian looked at the mayor of Milan who was sitting opposite him, then glanced at the others, and then said with a smile:

"Mr. Mayor, I have publicly stated at the entrance of this hotel before that the reason why I bought these Renaissance-style historical buildings was indeed because they are rare and well-preserved historical buildings.

It can be seen from the atrium garden where everyone is at the moment. There are a lot of flowers and beautiful scenery here. Looking around, there are all artistic window lattices, porches, and sculptures, just like being in the Renaissance period!

More importantly, they are all historical buildings planned by Leonardo da Vinci himself, and they have a good collection value. There are few historical buildings like this on the market. I bought them after seeing them.

As a professional treasure hunter, due to professional habits, I do have certain expectations for these Renaissance-style historical buildings. I hope that I can find something in these historical buildings, and that would be great.

Even if nothing is found, that's okay, let alone regret, for me, owning these Renaissance-style buildings is a matter of celebration, and I will keep them in my collection.

They are immovable historical buildings in Milan. If these Renaissance-style buildings are in New York, plus their background, if I want to buy them, I am afraid it will cost more than ten times the huge price!

Milan is a world-famous fashion capital. It is a city full of artistic atmosphere. It has a long history and rich humanities. In the future, I may open a branch in Milan. These historical buildings just come in handy! "

Not surprisingly, upon hearing Ye Tian's words, all the Italians at the scene rolled their eyes angrily and complained secretly!

Go ahead and lie to the ghosts, even the ghosts won't believe what you bastard said!

The same nonsense, you bastard just said it to the mayor of Rome a few days ago, and now repeat it again, just replace Rome with Milan, and I guess not a single word has changed!

While complaining secretly, all the Italians present were itching their teeth with hatred, but there was nothing they could do.

Unlike these Italians, David and Matisse, who were also present at the scene, lowered their heads in unison when they heard these words, and suppressed their smiles!

The reason why they did this was to prevent the smile in their eyes from being seen by the Italians at the scene. That would be a bit too disrespectful to the other party, and it would be disrespectful!

After taking two deep breaths and calming down a bit, the mayor of Milan just said:

"Steven, if you are interested in opening a branch in Milan, as the mayor of Milan, I personally welcome it, compared to Rome and other Italian cities,

I believe Milan is the best option.

But this is a matter of the future, not the subject of our discussion today, nor the purpose of our coming here. Needless to say, we are here today for these historical buildings.

Now there are rumors that you have found the famous treasures of the Sforza family in these buildings, and there are also rumors that you have found the treasures left by Da Vinci here. Are these true? "

After the words fell, Ye Tian immediately said jokingly:

"The treasure of the Sforza family, who once ruled Milan and was a famous art patron of the Renaissance movement? The treasure of Leonardo da Vinci, one of the three masters of Renaissance art? I sincerely hope these rumors are true, it would be perfect!

It's a pity that, like everyone else, I don't know what secrets or treasures are hidden in these historical buildings, or rather, whether there are any secrets or treasures here, and I can only find out by exploring."

Hearing his words, the Milanese at the scene couldn't help but feel a little angry, and then they looked at each other. Everyone saw the helplessness in the eyes of others!

After some verbal confrontation, the mayor of Milan and others quickly understood that there was no way to hear a single truth from Steven, a bastard.

What secrets or treasures are hidden in these Renaissance-style historical buildings? Before opening those treasures, others don't even want to know any relevant information!

In desperation, you can only settle for the next best thing!

"In this case, Steven, I would like to know when you are going to start exploring these Renaissance-style historical buildings? These historical buildings are all in Milan, and now they have become the focus of attention of all Milanese.

In order to appease the citizens and give an explanation to the people of Milan, I hope that we can join forces and explore together. It would be great if we can find some important secrets or treasures in these historical buildings! "

The mayor of Milan said sincerely, his words were full of expectation, but also somewhat helpless.

"Mr. Mayor, it's okay for us to jointly explore these historical buildings together. In Rome a few days ago, that's what we did. We explored those historical buildings together with relevant departments in Rome, the cultural relics gendarmerie, and the Vatican.

But we have the right to take the lead in the exploration operation. You can participate in the exploration operation, but you can only witness and supervise at the scene, and you must not interfere with our operations, and there is a limit on the number of people entering the venue. These are not negotiable, you think about it!

Our time in Milan is limited this time, and we have to return to Rome after the things here are over. In view of this, we will start operations tomorrow. If you want to participate, it is best to go back today and determine the relevant personnel.”

Ye Tian said with a smile, revealing the conditions for cooperation.

Hearing his words, the Italians at the scene fell silent immediately, fell into thinking, and began to weigh secretly.

After a moment of silence, and after discussing in a low voice, the mayor of Milan finally gave the answer.

"Okay, Steven, we accept your conditions and send people to participate in tomorrow's exploration operation. We will only witness and supervise at the scene and will not interfere with your operations. We will confirm the candidates tonight. I hope we can cooperate happily!"

With that said, the mayor of Milan stretched out his right hand, and reluctantly shook hands with Ye Tian, ​​finalizing the cooperation.

After chatting for a while, the mayor of Milan took the Italians and left the hotel to formulate strategies.

When they walked out of the hotel, all the Italians, including the mayor of Milan, looked back at the hotel door behind them, and everyone gritted their back molars.

"Steven, this bastard is too cunning and difficult to deal with! And he is extremely greedy. After this incident, I think it is necessary to make a ban to prevent this bastard from coming to Milan in the future!"

"Yes, this bastard should indeed be banned from coming to Milan again. If this bastard comes a few more times, Milan will be looted!"

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