"Treasure Hunting World ()" Find the latest chapter!

It was midnight, and everything was quiet.

Vincenzo Monte, the street next to the Sforzesco Castle, finally calmed down after a day of hustle and bustle.

The turbulent crowd that had gathered here during the day had all dispersed, leaving behind only a pile of rubbish, some persistent media reporters, and many Milan policemen with live ammunition.

And above this street, in the dark night sky, several small drones are flying around, condescending, patrolling this quiet street!

In a luxurious suite on the second floor of the hotel, Ye Tian, ​​who had finished washing, was about to go to bed and rest.

The luxurious suite he lived in was not facing the street, and the windows opened on the side of the atrium garden. It was very quiet and relatively safe, so there was no need to worry about someone breaking through the window at night.

Even so, before going to bed, Ye Tian took out his body armor, the G36C short assault rifle with a night vision scope, and a few full magazines, and put them on the bedside table for emergencies.

In addition, he put a CZ83 pistol and two full pistol magazines under the pillow.

In the event of an accident, he would be able to touch the pistol and the clip with his hand, and then he would only need to press the clip into the pistol, and he would be able to fire in an instant, killing anyone who broke into this bedroom.

After finishing these things, Ye Tian was going to turn off the lights and go to sleep.

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door, interrupting his movements.

Ye Tian looked at the door, then walked over and opened the door,

Standing in the doorway is Mattis, and this guy is fully armed with an assault rifle.

After entering the room, Matisse immediately said:

"Steven, I'm afraid there will be a good show tonight. Just now we used drones to thoroughly investigate the situation on this street and found a very interesting thing.

On the street outside, except for some media reporters who stayed here and many Milan police officers, there were no other people, and the surrounding residents also rested.

However, in a historical building not far from us, there are some guys who are sweating profusely. Judging by their posture, it is obvious that they do not plan to rest tonight! "

Hearing this, Ye Tian couldn't help sneering.

"Hey! There are really stupid idiots who don't know how to live or die. Don't ask, those guys hidden in that historical building are obviously coming for us. That's fine, with the participation of these idiots, this exploration operation will become even more exciting. interesting"

Matisse nodded slightly, and continued:

"The historical building is on this side of the street, on the east side, next to the historical buildings you bought, and only ten meters away from the outermost Renaissance-style building.

When the drone flew past the gate of the historic building, nothing unusual was found. The historic building was pitch black, with no lights and no sound coming out.

In the past two days, no one has been in or out of the historic building, and it gives the impression that no one lives in the historic building, or that people who live there have gone out.

According to the investigation of the guys who stayed in Milan, the people living in that historical building are two young fashion designers. They are indeed not in Milan, but they are in Los Angeles.

After confirming this point, everyone didn't pay much attention to the historical building, but when the drone just flew over the building, they found some abnormalities.

In the atrium garden of the historic building, the drone spotted a light that was emanating from a vent window in the basement and was fleeting and then disappeared.

After discovering the light, the guys lowered the height of the drone, flew close to the wall into the atrium garden, and flew all the way to the obliquely above the basement ventilation window from which the light was shining.

Later, using the infrared night vision device carried by the small drone, the guys discovered that in the basement, there were two guys hiding in the basement, and they were lifting things up from deeper underground.

Judging from their actions, those guys should be digging a tunnel, and they have been digging for a while. The length of the tunnel is estimated to be quite long, and there must be other accomplices in the tunnel.

In order to cover up their whereabouts, those guys sealed the basement so airtight that it was difficult for even a trace of light to come through, and they did soundproofing to prevent people outside from hearing abnormal noises.

After confirming this, we immediately released the Beetle drone, flew directly to the historical building, and tried to sneak into the basement to check the situation there.

It's a pity that the basement was built too long ago, and there are no other entrances and exits except for ventilation windows and doors, and those guys even blocked the cracks in the door.

The beetle drone was unable to sneak into that basement, but outside the door of that basement and several rooms next to it, a large amount of soil dug out of the ground was found.

At the door of the basement, there are several large or small metal boxes with lines of French written on them, which shows that the guys in the basement are probably from France.

On the hotel side, the guys quickly called up the surveillance video of the street and the surrounding area in the past few days, as well as the conditions of almost all the buildings on the street, and checked them one by one.

It turned out that there was a restaurant next to the historical building, and the owner had just changed a while ago, and the new owner was renovating the restaurant, and there was no problem before.

But just the afternoon before yesterday, a group of decoration workers came there to replace the previous decoration workers and continued construction in that restaurant. The strange thing is that the restaurant owner did not show up.

Based on what we found, it is almost certain that the owner of that restaurant was kidnapped in all likelihood, and the people who kidnapped him were those French guys who were digging tunnels.

After those Frenchmen entered the restaurant as decoration workers, they quickly sneaked into the historic building next door, calmly made various layouts, and then began to dig tunnels!

Obviously, there are a lot of Frenchmen, and each has a division of labor. Some dig tunnels, and some act as decoration workers in the restaurant next door. They cooperate skillfully with each other and are very professional.

Those French guys in the restaurant look like ordinary decoration workers, they are lazy, have more rest time than work time, and they will go outside to watch the excitement from time to time!

When we came here during the day, those guys would run out of the restaurant and gather at the door to watch the excitement. When it was time to get off work, they left on time, with almost no flaws.

When they left the restaurant in the evening, in addition to taking away some tools, they probably also took away a large amount of soil dug from the deep underground in a car, so as to avoid attracting suspicion from outsiders.

As the guys in the restaurant left, the French guys who were in charge of digging the tunnel also chose to rest for safety reasons, and they started digging again in the dead of night.

The tunnel they secretly dug, no need to ask, must lead to our side, I have to admit, these Frenchmen really have two brushes, and they almost hid it from us."

Hearing Matisse's report, Ye Tian couldn't help being stunned for a moment, quite surprised.

When they entered Vincenzo Monte Avenue by car at noon, they entered from the west side of the street, and the historical building was on the east side. Due to the distance and angle, he really didn't see the whole picture of the building through perspective.

Who would have imagined that in the basement of that historic building, there would be a group of gopher-like Frenchmen sweating profusely digging tunnels!

Don't even think about it, the purpose of those Frenchmen digging tunnels is to get ahead of them and find the treasures that are likely to be hidden under these Renaissance-style historical buildings.

After Mathis finished introducing the situation, Ye Tian was silent for a moment, then said with a sneer:

"Matisse, it seems that we have met a group of old thieves. Judging from their behavior, these guys are probably a group of robbers who have robbed countless banks, or top art thieves !

Their way of digging tunnels and looting sounds very familiar. Similar bank and jewelry store robberies have occurred in Marseille, France, Spain, and Switzerland before, and were even adapted into movies.

It's a pity that the building where those guys are located does not belong to us, we have no excuse to do it directly, so we can only inform Giovanni and the others, let the Italian police deal with it, and we will take action at another time."

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