Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2731 Broadsword Landmine

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Ye Tian put on his clothes again, and fully armed, then left the luxury suite where he lived, took Walker and another security team member, and followed the hotel manager to the hotel basement.

Since this is a protected building built in the Renaissance period with a history of more than 500 years, the structure must not be altered without authorization, so this hotel does not have an underground parking lot, and the layout of the basement remains the same.

The hoteliers have simply converted these ancient basements and added modern equipment for different purposes such as storage rooms and wine cellars.

After entering the basement, Ye Tian took Walker and the others to inspect every room carefully.

The focus of their inspection was naturally the ground, and Ye Tian would bend down from time to time, with his ears pressed against the floor, pretending to listen to the movement deep underground.

In addition to listening in person, Walker and the others also took out corresponding high-tech exploration equipment and began to investigate the situation deep underground to see if there were any abnormal vibrations.

If someone digs deep underground in this historical building, as long as there is a slight vibration, there is no way to escape detection, and his whereabouts will definitely be exposed!

Next, those idiots lurking deep underground will never even think about returning to the surface!

Seeing Ye Tian and the others in full armor and their series of actions, the manager of the hotel felt curious, excited, and nervous!

At the same time, the hotel manager was so remorseful that he wanted to slap himself hard.

Deep underground in this historical building, there must be some great secret or treasure hidden, it may be a shocking treasure, just like the treasure of Pope Julius II who just turned out in Rome!

Like the treasures of Pope Julius II and Balbo, the discovery of this treasure may shock the whole of Italy and the world, attracting countless attentions.

You know, this guy Steven is notoriously unprofitable.

If they hadn't made any major discoveries, they would never have come to Milan with great fanfare, nor would they have valued these historical buildings so much and bought them secretly.

Those guys hiding in the depths of the ground will not risk their lives trying to dig a tunnel halfway to find and loot this unknown treasure before Steven!

It's a pity that people like myself have been sleeping on Jinshan, but they don't know that there may be a shocking treasure hidden deep underground in these historical buildings, and in the end it's for nothing!

Just as the hotel manager was thinking wildly, Walker suddenly said:

"Steven, the depths of the ground are very quiet and there is no movement. Obviously, those guys haven't dug here yet, and those guys are very careful to avoid making big vibrations as much as possible, so as to arouse our vigilance!"

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian nodded lightly, then said with a sneer:

"Obviously, this is a group of very experienced gophers. This method of committing crimes should be their specialty. Unfortunately, they chose the wrong opponent this time, and they are destined to pay an extremely painful price.

Let's go to the other rooms and check one by one, don't let go of any corner, we will officially launch the exploration operation tomorrow, and all hidden dangers must be eliminated before that."

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian walked towards the door of this basement, preparing to go to the storage room next door.

Walker and the others immediately followed, including the hotel manager with mixed feelings.


Under the cover of night, many Milanese policemen guarding Via Vincenzo Monte were groping towards a dark historical building on the side of the street.

Without exception, these Milanese policemen were all armed with guns, both long and short, and some of them were armed with various police equipment such as heavy police shields and breaking hammers.

Moreover, each of them has a dignified expression and a tense expression, and they are covering each other, or using the vehicles and buildings on the street to cover each other, and they are moving forward.

On the way, some Milan policemen kept murmuring, complaining, and venting their dissatisfaction.

"Damn it, why do we want to be the thugs of that bastard Steven, to deal with the robbers who came for him? I wish that bastard Steven would be ransacked!"

"The cunning bastard who robbed Steven? Don't dream, as far as I know, everyone who tried to rob that bastard Steven was sent to hell by that bastard and his group of murderous men!

The idiots who hid in the building in front and tried to intercept that bastard Hu Siwen were no exception. How could they have imagined that their actions that they thought were very secretive had already been discovered by their opponents! "

While talking, the voice of the immediate boss suddenly came from the intercom of the Milan police.

"Guys, that guy Steven's subordinates have just received news that they have used corresponding technical means to cut off the surveillance probes installed at the entrance of the target building and the restaurant, and are videotaping the idiots hidden in those two buildings .

In other words, you don’t have to worry about being exposed before breaking into those two buildings. Guys, we must deal with those idiots as soon as possible. We must not give Steven and his bastards a chance to participate in the firefight. This street must not become a battlefield !

The bloodbath that took place on Sixth Avenue in New York, on the Champs Elysees in Paris, in Berlin, and in Piacenza and a few other places, must not be allowed to happen in Milan, otherwise, bad luck for each of us "

Following the words of the immediate boss, all the Milan policemen on this street couldn't help being shocked and shuddered.

At this moment, they immediately thought of the crazy killings that Ye Tian and the others created that shook the world.

If the same thing happened in Milan, on this street, there is no doubt that this ancient and bustling street would instantly become a battlefield full of corpses!

At the same time as the Milan police started their operations, many media reporters who were also on this street also picked up their cameras and video cameras, and quickly followed up.

At this moment, each of them was very excited, their eyes were shining brightly, and they even wished they could cheer loudly!

These guys are also secretly glad that they stayed on this street, so they didn't miss this wonderful show.

The rumors were true, as long as that guy Steven appeared, something big would happen, and sure enough, the explosive headlines came right away!

For these media reporters on the scene, the only regret is that they cannot broadcast live, so as not to startle the snake!

Only when the Milan police took full control of the situation and caught or targeted all those idiots who came for the treasure, could they report and pass on the situation and pictures here.

While speaking, several groups of heavily armed Milan police officers were already in place, completely surrounding the target building and the adjacent restaurant.

Two of the assault teams were guarding both sides of the door of the target building, and they had lined up to attack at any time, smashing open the door and rushing into the dark historical building.

In order to avoid alarming the guys who were hiding in the basement and digging the tunnel, the Milan police did not choose to break in directly, which might alarm the other party.

The two assault teams at the door used the telescopic ladder that had been prepared, put the ladder in front of a window facing the street on the second floor, and sent people up to quietly cut the glass on the window, and then sneaked into the historical building.

The strike team that attacked the restaurant next door was doing the same thing.

About five or six minutes later, the doors of the historical building and the restaurant were opened from the inside one after another, and several Milan special police officers who had sneaked into the historical building and restaurant before slowly walked out.

It can be seen that the Milan special police are holding one or two dark things in their hands, and they are very careful in their movements.

With the help of the lights on the street, many Milan policemen could tell at a glance that they were several landmines with huge lethality.

To be more precise, those things are the famous M18A1 broadsword mines, which are extremely lethal and extremely vicious. Since its birth, it has harvested many lives and created many disabilities!

The moment they saw those broadsword landmines, the assault teams hidden outside the doors of the two buildings and every Milan policeman near the door felt their legs go limp and they almost fell to their knees. !

The next moment, expressions of fear appeared on the faces of these guys, everyone broke out in a cold sweat and trembled all over!

At the same time, they were also secretly rejoicing, and even quickly drew the sign of the cross on their chests, thanking God for his blessing!

Fortunately, they didn't choose to break in. In that case, the first few assault teams probably wouldn't be able to survive even a single person. Even if they survived by chance, their lives would probably be worse than death!

Also terrified were the media reporters who were filming in the distance with cameras and video cameras. Only now did they really know how dangerous the situation was tonight!

After calming down a bit and mustering up courage again, the assault teams guarding the door just sneaked into the two historical buildings!

About six or seven minutes later, there was a sudden burst of gunfire from one of the historical buildings, instantly tearing up the peaceful night sky.

At the same time as the gunshot rang out, Ye Tian and the others had already returned to the first floor of the hotel, and then looked in the direction of the gunshot!

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