Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2732 Sleepless Night in Milan

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"bang bang bang"

Accompanied by a burst of intense gunfire, the people living on Via Vincenzo Monte, as well as the citizens of Milan living on several adjacent streets, were awakened.

People who just woke up from their sleep turned on the lights in their homes one after another, looking at the night sky outside the window in horror, wondering what happened on the street outside, who was fighting on the street?

When the brains of these Milanese citizens were a little clearer, they immediately realized that the gun battle taking place on the street outside must have something to do with that damn bastard Steven.

It seemed that the rumors were true. No matter where that greedy bastard went, he would never find peace. This time it was the turn of the street where his family was located.

After reacting, people immediately turned off all the lights in the room, stayed away from windows and doors, and hid in the deepest corner of the room, shivering, praying for God's blessing, and cursing in low voices.

The targets of their cursing are naturally Ye Tian and his men, as well as those bastards who exchanged fire with them!

How did these Milan citizens know that the two sides that are exchanging fire at the moment are the Milan police and a group of bank robbers from France.

Not only Via Vincenzo Monte, but also in one scene, on another street in the city of Milan, and in a small town on the outskirts of Milan, are being performed simultaneously.

On another street not far away, there were also loud gunshots, and it was the group of Frenchmen pretending to be decoration workers who exchanged fire with the Milan police.

And in a small town on the outskirts of Milan, the Milan police are besieging several other Frenchmen, trying to rescue the kidnapped restaurant owner's family!

The reason why the Milan police were able to attack accurately was entirely because of the information provided by Matisse and the others. The police were able to determine the location of the rest of the robbers in the first place!

A few minutes passed, and the gunshots on the street outside finally became much sparser, only some sporadic gunshots.

Hearing this change, many Milanese citizens who were hiding in the room couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and somewhat relaxed. It seems that this sudden dark night killing is coming to an end!

At this time, the situation changed.

"Boom, boom"

Two huge explosions sounded in succession in the distance, resounding throughout Milan.

The moment they heard the explosion, those who had just got up and planned to go to the window to see what was going on outside immediately rushed to the ground, lay dead on the floor or hid behind the furniture, and clasped their heads tightly with their hands .

Some of the timid guys, as well as many women and children, even screamed in horror, and there are also guys who are so frightened that they cry loudly!

On the street outside, the atmosphere became even more tense.

Many Milan police officers held their guns tightly and stared at everything around them in horror, especially those places shrouded in darkness, like a flock of frightened birds!

All the Milan police cars parked on this street turned on their headlights at this time, shining on every corner of the street, trying to disperse the darkness as much as possible and reduce the possibility of being attacked.

Fortunately, the gun battle on this street is coming to an end, and the piercing gunfire has finally disappeared!

Five or six minutes later, a group of heavily armed Milan policemen, dragging three guys covered in blood, wearing only a pair of shorts, and covered in mud, came out of the historical building on the street.

It can be seen that the three half-fruited guys are all seriously injured, half dead, and beaten beyond recognition, in extremely miserable condition!

Even so, the Milan police who dragged them out seemed to feel that it was not enough to relieve their hatred.

While dragging the three guys out like dead bodies, they kept punching or kicking the three guys, and cursed loudly, not paying attention to the many media reporters outside. .

In fact, the situation of those Milan special police is not much better.

Several of the Milanese police who came out of the historic building were injured,

Whether it was light or heavy, as they walked out, they wailed non-stop, and it sounded like they were in pain!

When they came to the street, the Milan special police threw the three bloody, comatose, and even dead Frenchmen on the ground, like throwing corpses, and handcuffed each of them. up.

Immediately afterwards, several uninjured Milan special police turned around and rushed into the historic building. The special police left on the street were more or less wounded and covered in blood!

Those guys were not idle either. They picked up the walkie-talkie and began to report the situation to their superiors, and asked the superiors to send someone to help immediately, and the most important thing is to send an ambulance to save people!

After a while, the second wave of Milan SWAT came out of the historical building again.

This time they dragged out four more dirt-covered guys in shorts, and these four guys were all extremely thin, just like four steel bars!

Compared with the first three Frenchmen, these guys didn't seem to have suffered much injuries, at least they could still stand and walk, but they were also beaten badly, with bruised noses and swollen faces, covered in blood, probably they didn't even recognize their own mothers!

While dragging the four back-cuffed Frenchmen outside, those Milan special police officers were still venting their anger, punching these guys as they walked, and there were constant screams at the scene, which was terrible!

The last ones to walk out of the historical building were a few seriously injured Milan special police officers. They were all helped out or even carried out by other policemen. They were in a very miserable condition!

In comparison, the situation of the Milan special police who broke into the restaurant next door is much better!

In the restaurant that was being renovated, except for a few broadsword mines at the door, no one was hiding in the restaurant. Naturally, there was no battle, and there were no casualties!

As the battle ended, those gopher-like Frenchmen were dragged out one by one, and the street outside suddenly became more lively!

The media reporters guarding the street rushed straight to the historic building, the Frenchmen in miserable condition, and the Milan special police in a panic like they had been injected with chicken blood!

During the process, they kept pressing the shutter, and the flashes continued to light up, illuminating the street even brighter!

In the buildings on both sides of the street, people who were still in shock came out of their hiding places cautiously, slowly moved to the window, and began to check the situation on the street outside.

When they saw the heavily armed and highly alert Milan police outside, and the Frenchmen lying on the ground covered in blood, they couldn't help but gasped, everyone was terrified!

It wasn't until this time that people realized that the two sides in the previous fire did not include Steven and his gang of American bastards, but the Milan police and those guys who were almost naked.

Just don't know where those guys are from, why is everyone only wearing a pair of shorts? Is this the style of a certain gang? Have you never heard of a gangster with such a peculiar hobby?

Just when people were surprised, Ye Tian was listening to the situation report in the hotel on the street.

"Steven, in the historic building on the east side of the street, there are seven French guys hidden in total, four of them dig secret passages, and three guys stay in the basement, responsible for transporting the soil dug out from the ground.

When the Milan special police sneaked into the basement of the historic building, they accidentally touched the alarm device set by the Frenchmen, and then there was a fierce exchange of fire. The Milan special police in charge of the attack could only attack by force.

During the exchange of fire, both sides suffered casualties. Several people were injured on the Milan special police side, one of whom was seriously injured. Fortunately, no one was killed. One person died on the French side, and the other two were not far from death.

The four guys who were digging the tunnel were directly killed by the Milan special police with tear gas. They had no way to escape in the tunnel, so they had to throw their pistols out of the tunnel, and then raised their hands in surrender.

When they came out of the tunnel, they were beaten up by the Milan special police. Everyone was seriously injured, with bruises and swollen faces. If it weren’t for the media reporters outside, those guys would never have survived.”

Hearing this, Ye Tian couldn't help laughing lightly, and jokingly said:

"It seems that the ability of the Milan special police is not bad, it is not as hip as the rumors, it is a little better than I imagined, but I don't know, how did the Milan special police perform in the other two firefighting locations?

Now that the battle is over, it's our turn to play, Matisse, please contact the police officer in charge and apply to enter the historical building to check the scene. The focus is naturally on authenticity.

You used the drone to enter the tunnel dug by the Frenchman to see where you dug, and what did you find? Once that tunnel is dug here, we can justifiably intervene! "

"Understood, Steven, leave these matters to us!"

Matisse nodded, then turned and left.

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