Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2733 bounty hunt

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It's a new day, a clear sky.

People who left Via Vincenzo Monte yesterday evening came back here one after another, ready to continue to watch the excitement, to see if there will be a miracle today, and if there will be an unknown treasure turned out.

In fact, almost everyone who rushed here hoped that Ye Tian and the others would encounter Waterloo, come here in high spirits, and return disappointed, and they didn't want to watch Milan, the fashion capital, being ransacked by the same person again!

Of course, if the protagonists were replaced by themselves, if the person who discovered the shocking treasure was themselves, that would be another matter.

No need to ask, it must be that God opened his eyes, heard his inner prayer, and saw his piety, so he rewarded himself!

While holding this kind of mentality, people also hope to see miracles happen, to see an unknown and shocking treasure appear in front of them, even if this treasure has nothing to do with them!

This is human nature, it is so contradictory!

As time goes on, more and more people pour into Via Vincenzo Monte, and this street becomes more and more lively!

Entering this ancient street again, people quickly find that it is different here.

Compared with yesterday, the atmosphere on this street has become more tense, and the air seems to be filled with a thick smell of gunpowder smoke and even a trace of blood.

The number of Milan police with live ammunition on the streets has multiplied, with three steps, one post and five steps, one sentry! There are also a lot of heavily armed security personnel. These guys are on high alert, staring at everyone and everything around them vigilantly.

A French restaurant on the street and an adjacent historical building have been surrounded by Milan police at this time, and a cordon has been pulled up to prevent anyone from approaching.

On the ground in front of the historical building, there were still a lot of bloodstains, extending from the door to the street. It seemed that someone was seriously injured and was dragged out of the historical building.

In addition, there are many media reporters on the street.

These guys were like sharks that smelled blood. Everyone was so excited that they kept taking pictures with their cameras and scrambling to interview the citizens living on this street, trying to dig out some inside information.

Around the hotel where Steven and his men stayed, heavily armed and highly alert security personnel could be seen everywhere, guarding the small hotel like a rock, and even the Milan police seemed unable to get close.

Seeing this scene, people suddenly realized.

The series of shootouts that shocked the entire Milan last night should have happened here, at least this was also one of the shootout scenes, and those shootouts were probably related to Steven!

Just like the rumors, wherever this bastard Steven goes, there will be no peace, and Milan is no exception. Unfortunately, it has become another unlucky city!

as expected!

Through social media and the interviews of many media reporters on the scene with the residents living on this street, people quickly figured out what happened here!

Before Steven and his gang arrived in Milan, a group of bank robbers from Marseille, France, secretly arrived here two days in advance, trying to rob that guy, Steven, and cut him halfway!

Those Frenchmen secretly kidnapped the owner of the restaurant on the street, then sneaked into the adjacent historical building, and secretly dug a tunnel directly to the underground of the historical buildings that Steven bought.

They want to find the secrets or treasures that are likely to be hidden under those historical buildings before that guy Steven, so as to make a fortune!

After more than two days of non-stop excavation, those guys have dug a 40 to 50-meter-long tunnel, leading directly to the historical buildings that Steven bought!

It's a pity that this plan died halfway before those guys found the treasure!

In fact, their plan sounds perfect,

The execution was relatively smooth, but unfortunately, those Frenchmen chose the wrong target for robbery this time.

What they thought was a very secretive operation was discovered by that guy Steven's subordinates. After mastering the whereabouts of all of them, they immediately notified the Milan police.

Next, at midnight yesterday, under the cover of darkness, the Milan police simultaneously launched raids in different places in the city, and this was just one of the battlefields.

During the raid by the Milan police, there was a fierce firefight between the two sides, and there were mutual casualties. It even triggered several violent explosions, which shocked the entire Milan!

Due to the disparity in power and mental calculation without intention, after paying a certain price, the Milan police finally got rid of this group of gangsters from France and sent many robbers directly to hell.

However, the results of this series of raids were not perfect, and a few robbers desperately escaped the siege of the Milan police and escaped under the cover of night!

The restaurant owner who was kidnapped also died under random gunfire. As for whether it was the robbers who did it, or the Milan special police who rescued the hostages, it is unknown!

Fortunately, the restaurateur's family members survived and are in the hospital, receiving observation and psychological treatment!

The robbers who escaped in the dark have escaped the sight of the police. No one knows if they are still in Milan. Maybe they have already escaped, or they may stay in this city waiting for a chance to take revenge!

Faced with this situation, the Milan police naturally did not dare to relax. They were conducting a search across the city, trying to find the gangsters from Marseille, France.

Not only the Milan police, but Steven's subordinates are also on the verge of an enemy, and have stepped up their guard to prevent those Frenchmen who escaped from the police roundup last night to come back for revenge!

You know, yesterday was the information they provided to the Milan police, so that the police could launch a series of raids and hit those French gangsters in one fell swoop!

If those escaped Frenchmen wanted revenge, the first target would naturally be Steven, a ruthless but extremely cunning fellow!

After understanding what had happened, everyone gasped, secretly terrified.

At the same time, many guys who watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal were also excited, their eyes shining brightly.

They know that this incident is not over yet, and there will definitely be a series of wonderful performances in the future, which are very worth looking forward to!

As these guys expected, it's not over yet!

Inside the hotel, Ye Tian was negotiating the next move with Mathis, David and others.

"Matisse, since those French guys dug tunnels under the historic building I bought and tried to murder us, then this matter has something to do with us, and we can justifiably intervene in this matter.

You speak out to the black and white in Milan and Marseille, and I offer a reward of one million dollars to hunt down those robbers who escaped the siege of the police, regardless of life or death! Those who provide valuable information can also get corresponding rewards.

In addition, you asked Kenny and the others to post the pictures of those Frenchmen on the Internet. It is best to let everyone know that since those idiots want to murder Lao Tzu, they will have to pay with their lives. If you want to escape, go ahead and dream!

As soon as we receive the news and find the hiding place of those Frenchmen, we will immediately launch an operation and send those idiots to hell directly. As for the Milan police, it will not be too late to notify them after the operation begins.

In addition, you have to remind the guys, let everyone be vigilant, beware of those Frenchmen who turn back and mix in the crowd, come back here to seek revenge from us, those guys are a group of real desperadoes!

Today we will launch an exploration operation. If there is a major discovery, it will definitely drive those Frenchmen crazy. Those guys may return to this street. It is a good opportunity to collect the net! "

Ye Tian said with a sneer, his words and expressions were full of murderous intent.

After the words fell, Matisse immediately nodded firmly and said:

"Understood, Steven, as long as those Frenchmen are still in Milan, they will have no chance to fly! We will definitely find those guys!"

Next, Ye Tian discussed the hunt and security plan with Matisse for a while to make sure there were no problems.

After the discussion, Matisse turned and left the suite, and went out to get busy.

After he left, Ye Tian and David discussed the legal issues again, to avoid any loopholes, so that the Italians could catch them!

A few minutes later, the two of them also left the luxurious suite, and walked downstairs under the escort of Walker and the others!

At this time, in the banquet hall on the first floor of the hotel, many people have gathered, waiting for their arrival!

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