"Treasure Hunting World ()" Find the latest chapter!

This is a bar located on Via Amedeo in Milan, next to the red light district of Milan. From the outside, it seems very ordinary, and the decoration is even a bit outdated.

But in the eyes of the locals in Milan, this bar is the devil's lair and a hotbed of evil, just like a monster squatting on Amedeo Street, always opening its bloody mouth, ready to swallow people's lives.

When almost all Milanese pass by the entrance of this bar, they are trembling and trembling. Many people would rather take a long way than pass by the entrance of this bar!

There is a reason for this, of course!

Because this is the stronghold of the Milan Mafia and one of the most important strongholds, it is notorious in Milan. Almost all Milanese know the existence of this bar and avoid it!

The red light district of Milan, as well as all the illegal businesses such as prostitution and drugs in a few blocks nearby, are almost all controlled by the Milan mafia bosses staying in this bar!

Under normal circumstances, places like bars do not open their doors in the morning, let alone a bar that is next to the red light district and controlled by the mafia!

Those Italian mafia scumbags who are used to wandering in the dark, how can they get up so early, the sun is high and it is a good time for them to sleep!

However, today's situation is uncharacteristically!

At this time, seven or eight young Italian men gathered at the entrance of this bar. These guys kept a certain degree of vigilance, watching the situation on the street and the people passing by on the street vigilantly.

If you look closely, you will find that these guys have a pistol stuck in the back of their waist, and they can fire when they are pulled out with the backhand.

Needless to say, these guys are mafia scum, and elite thugs of the Milan mafia.

In addition to these highly vigilant mafia scumbags, there are also several cars parked on the side of the road at the entrance of the bar, connected end to end!

These cars happened to block the entrance of the bar, forming a simple but strong barrier, which could also be regarded as a bunker. Anyone who wanted to attack the bar had to smash through these vehicles and kill those mafia scum.

Moreover, the keys of these cars were not removed, as long as the mafia scum outside got into the car, they would be able to start the ignition immediately and drive out at high speed!

As for whether there are other things in these cars, such as assault rifles or other weapons and ammunition, etc., it is not known!

In the bar by the street, a few older Italians were sitting together for a meeting. Each of them looked extremely solemn and tired, obviously they hadn't woken up yet!

At this time, if the Milan police entered the bar, they would be able to recognize them at a glance. These potbellied Italians are the most important leaders of the Milan Mafia, each of whom is notorious and has done a lot of crimes!

The reason why these famous mafia scumbags gathered in this bar early in the morning was because of the several gun battles that took place in Milan last night and shook the whole city, and also because of a news just received.

The gun battles last night scared the mafia bosses a lot. Some of them even had the idea of ​​escaping from Milan overnight!

They thought that the Milan police were targeting them. After all, they were the biggest group of villains in the city of Milan. They had committed many crimes and had always been the focus of the police!

After confirming that it was a false alarm, these guys couldn't sleep anymore, so they came to this bar early in the morning to discuss countermeasures, to see how to deal with the city-wide search and arrest that the police had already launched, so as not to be affected by Chiyu!

At the same time, they were also worried that someone would take advantage of the chaos, so they deployed a large number of people at the entrance of the bar to prevent accidents!

Not long after they came to the bar, they received a piece of news that shocked and terrified everyone!

"Guys, I believe everyone has received the news that that bastard Steven has issued a high reward of one million dollars to hunt down those Frenchmen who tried to assassinate him,

And released the identity information and photos of those guys.

I have to say, this bastard Steven is really ruthless! As soon as his high reward was issued, those few Frenchmen who managed to escape the roundup of the police would definitely have nowhere to go, and it would be a matter of time before they were killed.

You tell your subordinates that it is best not to get involved in this matter. Although the reward of one million dollars is very tempting, it is not easy to take. Those Frenchmen are desperate people who have nowhere to escape. to provoke.

Once those guys are pushed into a corner, those guys can do anything! Besides, those Frenchmen can be regarded as friends on the road. From a moral point of view, we can't sell them to Steven.

More importantly, you must never provoke that bastard Steven and his subordinates. That bastard is a devil who eats people and doesn't spit out bones. I don't want to be hunted down by that bastard Steven, and I believe you will too!

What happened to the Casamonica family and the Benano family before must not be repeated in our family. Everyone knows how that bastard Steven used to deal with the enemy. Who of us can escape his pursuit? "

The boss of the Milan mafia said in a deep voice, while saying these words, a trace of fear flashed in the depths of his eyes.

After the voice fell, the scene suddenly fell into silence.

A moment later, another senior leader of the Milan Mafia smiled wryly and said:

"I'm afraid it's unrealistic to let the guys stop chasing those Frenchmen. As soon as Steven's bastard's high reward of one million dollars was issued, it immediately caused a sensation in Milan.

All my guys are gearing up for a manhunt for those hapless Frenchies, and honestly, even I'm a little tempted, that's a million bucks!

Not only our people, almost everyone in the Milan underworld, except for a few rich bosses, who is not tempted by others? I heard that many policemen are also preparing to participate in this reward hunt.

Even thieves and drug addicts on the street, who are low-level guys, are prepared to participate in the hunt beyond their means, trying to collect a high reward of one million dollars, thereby changing their lives.

No one doubted the high reward offered by that bastard Steven. Although the bastard was cruel, he never did what he said, and his way of cashing out the reward was also extremely special.

Just like the rumors, the guy who kills those Frenchmen will get his secret guidance and can buy an antique artwork worth about one million dollars in the market at the lowest price.

Next, the buddy who gets the reward can send the antique artwork to auction, and realize the reward directly. This is an income that can be seen in the sun, no one can doubt it, and who is not moved by it?

In this regard, the high reward of one million dollars is even more tempting than the reward of two million dollars. Faced with such a huge temptation, our guys can't resist it at all."

Hearing this, the other mafia leaders at the scene nodded, obviously feeling the same way.

Some of the younger guys are even eager to try it out, wishing they could leave this bar immediately, hunt down those Frenchmen, and make a fortune!

Immediately afterwards, a mafia leader in his forties continued to say:

"Boss, in fact, you don't have to be so careful. Milan is our territory, and those Frenchmen have crossed the line. They came here to work and tried to murder that bastard Steven, but they didn't inform us.

In the end, they were tricked by that bastard Steven, so they can only admit that they are unlucky! If they really succeeded, they wouldn't share the treasure with us, since that's the case! Then don't blame us for being immoral! "

Hearing this, the Milan mafia boss fell silent immediately.

After a while, he gritted his molars and said:

"Indeed, the temptation of offering a high reward of one million dollars is too great. Few of our brothers can resist this temptation. If this is the case, then let the brothers also participate in the hunt!

Everyone's hands and feet must be clean and neat. Once you find those Frenchmen, kill them directly. You must not leave them alive to avoid trouble. I believe that bastard Steven will not betray the brothers! "

After the words fell, the other Milan Mafia leaders immediately responded in unison:

"Okay boss, we know how to do it"

Afterwards, these mafia scumbags left the bar, went out to arrange operations, and personally led their men to hunt down those hapless Frenchmen.

In the eyes of these mafia scumbags, as long as those Frenchmen are still in Milan, then don't even think about escaping the pursuit of their own people. The reward of one million dollars seems to be right in front of them, and it's easy to get!

The same scene is happening in many places in Milan.

Following the issuance of Ye Tian's reward order of up to one million US dollars, a massive hunting operation by the whole people quickly started in the city of Milan!

There are all kinds of people involved in this hunt.

Among them are mafia scum, other gangsters, thieves, drug addicts, street gangsters, etc., as well as the Milan police, and even ordinary people who have nothing to do and dream of getting rich overnight!

People took to the streets with their mobile phones, and based on the relevant information they received, they searched for those Frenchmen according to their plans.

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