Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2736 Fibonacci Sequence Reappearance

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"Steven, those Frenchmen from Marseille are definitely experts in digging tunnels for robbery. Not only are they digging tunnels fast, but the tunnels are also quite strong.

Using their identities as decoration workers as a cover, they brought in a lot of building materials such as wood and steel bars, and dug the tunnel while supporting it, so there was basically no need to worry about the dug tunnel suddenly collapsing.

Moreover, some of those guys knew about architecture. When digging the tunnel, they successfully avoided the support points of these historical buildings, thus avoiding the collapse of these historical buildings.

After discovering this tunnel last night and confirming that all Frenchmen who dug the tunnel have been arrested, we strongly urge the Milan police to seal this tunnel and prohibit anyone from entering this secret tunnel.

For the sake of safety, and to avoid the idea of ​​the Milanese making this tunnel, we installed several pinhole cameras in the tunnel, as well as some infrared alarm devices, to monitor the tunnel.

In this way, as long as someone enters this tunnel, we can immediately find out that once the other party enters the underground of these historical buildings, the infrared alarm device will immediately send an alarm to us.

At this moment, the tunnel dug by those guys is more than two meters deep under our feet. Fortunately, those guys found nothing, otherwise, it is really possible for them to get there first."

In the basement, Matisse introduced the authentic situation to Ye Tian and the others, and lightly stomped the ground under his feet.

Following his introduction and actions, everyone looked at the ground with great interest.

In Ye Tian's eyes, this tunnel located at a depth of two or three meters has already been seen clearly by him, and there is no secret at all.

Ye Tian glanced at the ground, and then joked:

"These French guys are really a group of old thieves. It is conceivable that before this, these guys did not know how many banks, jewelry stores, and museums they robbed. They are definitely a gang of thieves who have committed many crimes.

It's a pity that they chose the wrong opponent this time, and the trip to Milan will be the swan song of these thieves, and it will completely ruin them. In this regard, many banks and museums in Europe have to thank us."

Before the words fell, Matisse immediately continued with a smile and said:

"Who said it wasn't? As soon as the news that the Milan police rounded up the Frenchmen came out, several banks in France, Switzerland and Spain, as well as several museums, expressed their high concern about this case.

Without exception, these large and small banks and museums have all been robbed, and the robbing methods are almost identical. They are all looted by digging tunnels. The methods are so clever that the police have nothing to do!

The arrest of these Frenchmen will definitely lead to a large number of bank robberies and antique art theft cases, but unfortunately, those guys who did not die fell into the hands of the Milan police, and the Milanese took advantage of it for nothing."

Hearing this, everyone nodded slightly, obviously deeply agreeing.

Afterwards, everyone chatted for a few more words, and then they got to the point, and began to explore the basement built at the end of the fifteenth century.

Like the historical buildings on the ground, this basement is also in the Renaissance style, but it is relatively simple.

After more than 500 years of time, the basement has undergone some internal modifications, separating many large or small rooms, but fortunately, the basic framework has not changed.

The first thing Ye Tian and the others explored was a room facing the stairs, or rather, it was a public entertainment space.

In this open room, there were originally several pool tables and a bar for the people living in this historic building to relax and have a few drinks.

At this time, the pool tables were all moved out, and the bar was empty, not a single bottle of wine was left, only a few high stools were left in front of the bar.

Ye Tian quickly scanned the environment here, and then said to everyone:


As before, I'll scan the place thoroughly with a pulse metal detector first, and I'll take a closer look at the floor and walls to see if I can find anything.

This historic building was planned and supervised by the master artist Leonardo da Vinci himself. If there are any secrets or treasures related to Da Vinci hidden here, it would be great!

If this treasure is really related to Da Vinci, the pulse metal detector may not be needed. In my case, I would rather find Da Vinci's works than gold and silver treasures! "

Hearing this, everyone immediately became more excited, and everyone's eyes lit up, and they couldn't wait!

A painting by Leonardo da Vinci, one of the three masters of Renaissance art and the greatest painter in the history of Western art! It's exciting to think about it, and if you really find it, it will definitely cause a sensation in the whole world!

When everyone calmed down a little, Ye Tian waved his hand directly to signal everyone to start action.

Afterwards, Ian and the others took the pulse metal detector and began to scan the ground and walls of the basement.

Ye Tian first walked around the room, looked at the overall situation, and then came to a pillar facing the stairs, and checked.

However, in this basement, there are no surprising discoveries, let alone any hidden secrets or treasures.

But everyone didn't get nothing, and still found something very interesting.

Just when everyone finished exploring here and was about to leave and go to the next basement, David suddenly pointed to a stone pillar in the passage and said:

"Steven, come and have a look. There seems to be an Arabic numeral engraved on this stone pillar, which looks like 5. It must have been engraved here for a long time. It is very blurry and a little hard to read."

Hearing this, Ye Tian and the others immediately walked to the stone pillar and looked at the place David pointed at.

Sure enough, on the top of the granite pillar, about 20 centimeters from the ceiling, there was indeed an Arabic numeral 5 engraved, but it was quite blurry.

Seeing this number, Ye Tian pondered for a moment, and then said excitedly:

"If I'm not mistaken, this Arabic numeral 5 should be engraved by Leonardo da Vinci, it should be a number in the Fibonacci sequence, not exist alone.

For the Fibonacci sequence, Da Vinci likes it like a mystery, but no one can explain why he likes the Fibonacci sequence so much. We may be able to solve this secret.

In many famous works of Leonardo da Vinci, the numbers in the Fibonacci sequence are hidden, such as "Mona Lisa", "The Last Supper", "Our Lady of the Rocks" and other top artworks.

Through the research of countless experts and scholars, as well as modern high-tech testing, people have discovered the hidden numbers of the Fibonacci sequence in these famous works of Leonardo da Vinci.

What do these deeply hidden Arabic numerals represent? What secret is hidden behind it? What is Da Vinci's purpose in doing this? For hundreds of years, no one could explain it.

What I didn't expect was that the number in the Fibonacci sequence is also engraved here. Judging from the degree of weathering of this number, it is basically certain that it was engraved five hundred years ago!

Ian, take a look at the two adjacent stone pillars on the left and right along this aisle. If I guessed correctly, the number '3' should be engraved on the stone pillar on the right.

And on the left pillar, in the same position, there is most likely another number in the Fibonacci sequence, 8, which happens to be next to 5 in the Fibonacci sequence."

Before the words were finished, Ian and another company employee ran out to check the two adjacent stone pillars.

In the blink of an eye, the answer came out.

"That's right, Steven, there is indeed a '3' engraved on this granite pillar close to the ceiling, which is basically the same position as the '5' on that stone pillar!"

"Steven, there is indeed an '8' engraved on the stone pillar here, but it is more blurred, and it is difficult to find without careful observation!"

Ian and the others announced their discoveries loudly one after another. The two guys were so excited that they almost cheered.

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian immediately waved his fist excitedly.

"My guess is right, this is the Fibonacci sequence! By extension, the stone pillar at the easternmost end of this aisle is most likely engraved with '0', the starting number of the Fibonacci sequence .

The next few stone pillars should be engraved with '1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ... and other numbers' in sequence. Connect them together to form a Fibonacci sequence, which is very interesting .

Why did Da Vinci number these stone pillars in the Fibonacci sequence instead of the usual arrangement? The reason why he did this must have his special intentions! "

When he said these words, Ye Tian had already started to observe the granite pillar in front of him, his eyes were full of excitement!

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