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As Ye Tian said, on the granite pillars located in the basement corridor, a number of the Fibonacci sequence is engraved, some numbers are still recognizable, and some numbers are very blurred.

There are also some numbers that are covered by the decorations on the stone pillars. Although everyone has not seen them, they can be easily deduced based on the numbers engraved on the front and rear stone pillars.

Ye Tian carefully studied all the stone pillars engraved with Fibonacci numbers to see if he could find anything.

It's a pity that there are no hidden secrets or treasures here, and Da Vinci's real intention to make these numbers engraved is still unknown!

Of course, the reason why Da Vinci asked people to engrave these numbers may be just because he likes them. There is actually no secret hidden behind these numbers.

However, when one thinks about the Fibonacci sequence numbers hidden in Da Vinci's representative paintings, everyone thinks this possibility is very small!

If Leonardo da Vinci only left the Fibonacci sequence on one painting, it can be regarded as a coincidence, or even a joke he made with later generations.

But the problem is that in almost all of his works, he has left different Fibonacci numbers in a very secret way. This is no coincidence, it must have a deep meaning!

Coupled with the Fibonacci sequence numbers engraved on these stone pillars, everyone will not believe that Da Vinci, a top art master, would spend his whole life playing such a game with all his heart!

Like everyone else, Ye Tian was also very dazed!

And in his heart, he knew better than anyone what secrets were hidden behind these Fibonacci numbers!

In the following time, Ye Tian and the others continued to explore, carefully inspecting every room, every wall and floor of this basement, without missing any corner.

In the process, they did scan some metal signals underground.

But they were all scattered metal products, some of which looked like agricultural tools, some of which looked like ancient weapons, located at different depths underground, not related to treasures, and had no value of excavation.

In addition, in the two basements, Ye Tian found a secret hidden compartment and a sandwich wall respectively.

It's a pity that the secret compartment and the interlayer wall are empty, and there is nothing there. The things that were originally hidden inside have been taken away long ago!

Many members of the Daring Do Exploration Company who explored upstairs did not find any surprising discoveries.

One of the teams found an old-fashioned safe and informed Ye Tian expectantly to go up and check the situation.

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian took David upstairs and opened the old-fashioned safe with a stethoscope.

As a result, they only saw a few empty jewelry boxes, and found nothing else, so Kong rejoiced.

Another exploration team found a secret compartment on the third floor, hidden behind a cheap modern oil painting. After opening the secret compartment, there was not even a piece of paper in it.

Such a result made everyone somewhat disappointed, but everyone quickly adjusted their emotions and continued to explore!

Time passed quickly, and it was around eleven o'clock in the morning.

The representatives of all parties staying in the reception area on the first floor were drinking coffee and talking, laughing and chatting very comfortably.

A few others left the reception area to wander around the historic building and the atrium gardens, admiring the Renaissance-style building planned and supervised by Leonardo da Vinci himself.

When everyone calmed down and appreciated it carefully, they quickly saw the beauty of this historical building and the true value of this historical building!

Several of the Italian experts and scholars, while appreciating this historic building, kept patting their thighs, each one regretful!

They are all secretly regretting why they ignored these Renaissance-style historical buildings before, and cheapened Steven, a cunning and greedy guy,

This is really selling your father's land!

Unfortunately, there is no medicine for regret in this world.

Even if they smashed their thighs, they couldn't change the fact that it was a foregone conclusion. They could only watch Milan being looted again!

While the representatives of all parties were chatting, Ye Tian finally came up from the basement with David and the others, and returned to the reception area on the first floor again!

As they appeared, everyone in the reception area stopped talking at the same time, and all looked at them, everyone's eyes were full of anticipation!

"Steven, what did you find in this historic building? Tell everyone!"

The director of the Brera Art Museum asked eagerly, eyes full of anticipation.

Not only him, but also the other people on the scene!

Ye Tian looked at these new and old friends, then smiled and said:

"Ladies and gentlemen, sorry to keep you waiting, we have not found any hidden secrets or treasures in this historic building from the Renaissance.

Of course, it may be that we have misread or missed something, and have not discovered the secrets or treasures hidden here, but it doesn't matter, as long as this historical building is still there, there is a chance! "


There was a sound of sighing at the scene, and everyone was somewhat disappointed.

The Italians who were present at the scene also heaved a sigh of relief in spite of their disappointment. Their tense emotions relaxed a little bit.

Immediately afterwards, gloating smiles flashed across the eyes of these Italians.

You greedy bastard, there are times when you miss! It's great, God finally opened his eyes!

"In this historic building, we found no hidden secrets or treasures, but not for nothing, just now in the basement we found a set of Fibonacci numbers on several stone pillars.

After research, I can be sure that this set of Fibonacci numbers was engraved on those stone pillars by Leonardo da Vinci, and has certain research value. As for what is hidden behind these numbers, it is temporarily unknown!

Everyone must know that in many of his famous paintings, such as "Mona Lisa" and "The Last Supper", he left some Fibonacci numbers in a very subtle way.

The reason why he left these numbers, and what secrets are hidden behind these numbers, have been studied in depth by countless experts and scholars in the past five hundred years, but no one has come up with a convincing explanation.

The Fibonacci sequence discovered today is another unsolved mystery left to the world by Leonardo da Vinci. I hope to solve this riddle and dig out the secret behind this set of Fibonacci sequence!

Even if it cannot be deciphered, this set of Fibonacci numbers is enough to prove that this Renaissance-style historical building was indeed created by Leonardo da Vinci. This alone will greatly increase the value of this historical building! "

Ye Tian continued to speak with a smile, disclosing his discovery.

Before the words fell, the scene immediately exploded.

"Ah! Did I hear correctly? There is actually a Fibonacci sequence left by Da Vinci here? Why didn't anyone discover it before?"

"As far as I know, Da Vinci often only left hidden marks in his paintings, that is, different Fibonacci numbers, such as the hidden numbers on the "Mona Lisa".

Leonardo da Vinci left a set of Fibonacci numbers on historical buildings. This is the first time I heard that what secrets are hidden behind this set of Fibonacci numbers? Is it one of his works? "

Everyone exclaimed, everyone jumped up from their seats like an electric shock, and stared at Ye Tian dumbfounded, their eyes were filled with disbelief, and they were also shining brightly with excitement!

Looking at the Italians who were also at the scene, the gloating smile in their eyes had not dissipated, and they suddenly froze in place, with a look of astonishment on their faces, and their expressions were wonderful!

Ye Tian glanced at the crowd, then smiled and said:

"In the past five hundred years, this group of Fibonacci numbers has always existed, but it has not attracted much attention. It was not until today that we came here that they appeared again in people's field of vision.

The reason is mainly because, as early as more than two hundred years ago, this place became a privately owned property, and has been circulating in private hands since then, and the relevant departments of the Milan City Government did not pay much attention to it.

The research on these historical buildings is not thorough enough, and in the basement under our feet, there are always a lot of things piled up in the past, coupled with multiple renovations, it is difficult to find those numbers.

After I bought these historical buildings, in order to facilitate renovation and maintenance, I asked the employees of my company to completely empty the basement. In more than five hundred years, this basement has probably never been so empty.

This created the conditions for our discovery, and we were able to discover this set of Fibonacci numbers! What's more, the research on the Fibonacci sequence hidden in Da Vinci's works only began to rise in the last century!

When people study the Fibonacci sequence hidden in Leonardo da Vinci's works, they all focus on his paintings, but no one pays attention to the buildings he personally planned and supervised the construction of!

The dislocation of time and the over-focused attention of many experts and scholars have ignored these Renaissance-style historical buildings and the Fibonacci sequence hidden in these buildings! "

"That's right, Steven, we did ignore these Renaissance-style historical buildings and missed such an important discovery, it really shouldn't be."

The curator of the Sforzesco Castle Museum said with a wry smile, his expression was extremely bitter, and his heart was probably bleeding!

As soon as his words fell, the director of the Brera Art Museum said:

"Steven, please take us to the basement to see those stone pillars engraved with Fibonacci numbers. I can't wait to see those numbers!"

Not only this one, but everyone at the scene nodded at the same time, all looking eager!

For this request, Ye Tian naturally would not refuse.

He nodded with a chuckle, and then led everyone to the stairs.

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