Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2739 Evil Black Hand

"Treasure Hunting World ()" Find the latest chapter!

On the street outside, there are still a large number of people watching the excitement, blocking this section of Via Vincenzo Monte.

While looking at the historic building on the street, people were also talking about it in full swing.

However, the focus of people's discussion is not the ongoing exploration in the historic building on the street, but a series of fire incidents and pursuits that have caused a sensation in Milan.

"Have you heard that those Frenchmen who escaped the police roundup last night are being hunted down by countless people. Two people have been killed one after another. The rest have nowhere to escape. It will be a matter of time before they are killed!"

"I have to say that this guy, Steven, is too ruthless. He used people's greed to mobilize people in a city to hunt down and kill his opponents who tried to assassinate him.

Just imagine who can escape from such a crazy pursuit? Those Frenchmen are sure to die, this bastard Steven is simply a lunatic, who can afford it! "

While people were talking about it, they also felt chills running down their backs, and they were terrified.

Of course, there are also many guys who are eager to try in the crowd, and they really want to leave here and join the search and hunt team to see if they are lucky and whether they can get a high reward of one million dollars.

However, when they thought of their own strength and those gangsters who could fight against the Milan special police and escape the police siege, they immediately dispelled all the illusions they shouldn't have!

A million dollars is indeed very attractive and very tempting, but it is also a life to enjoy, isn't it!

While talking, the door of the historical building on the street finally opened, and Ye Tian walked out of the historical building one after another with David and Bishop of Kent.

With the appearance of a group of them, the streets suddenly boiled.

The many media reporters who were at the front of the crowd, who would not let go of this opportunity, raised their voices and began to ask questions loudly.

"Good morning, Steven, I'm a reporter from The Washington Post. May I ask, what did you find in this historic building? Are there any secrets or treasures that are unknown here?"

"Hello, Steven, I am a reporter from Corriere della Sera. What do you think of the ongoing pursuit in Milan and the series of shootings? It is said that these things are closely related to you.

According to the information we have received from different channels, you have offered a high reward of one million dollars to hunt down the robbers who escaped the police roundup in Milan yesterday, and today’s series of shootings are said to be caused by this.”

Following the questions from these media reporters, the scene suddenly became more lively, with exclamations one after another, and everyone looked at Ye Tian to see how he would answer these sharp questions.

Ye Tian, ​​who walked out of the historical building on the street, glanced at the scene first, then said loudly with a smile:

"Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, thank you for your attention. I have kept you waiting for a long time. Next, I will introduce to you the exploratory operation that has just ended.

It's a bit of a shame, I have to say, that we didn't find any great hidden secrets or hidden treasures in this historic Renaissance building.

However, through this exploration operation, we were able to ascertain that this historic building was planned and supervised by Leonardo da Vinci, one of the three masters of Renaissance art, which is very rare.

In this historic building, we found a set of Fibonacci numbers, engraved on some stone pillars in the basement, and the same imprint is left on many representative works of Leonardo da Vinci.

Moreover, this group of Fibonacci numbers was engraved more than 500 years ago, when this historical building was built, so we can conclude that this historical building was indeed built by Leonardo da Vinci.

As far as this point is concerned, it can be said to be a surprising and important discovery. As for the secret behind this group of Fibonacci numbers, it is not known for the time being, and further research is needed! "

Before the words fell, the scene was already fried.

Although people have known for a long time that these historical buildings are closely related to the art master Leonardo da Vinci, they were still shocked when they heard Ye Tian say it himself and found conclusive evidence!

That is Leonardo Da Vinci, one of the greatest and most respected art masters in the Western world, and one can even be removed, he is the greatest art master in the West.

What kind of value should a historical building created by Leonardo da Vinci have? Then there is no need to ask!

While people were exclaiming, they looked at Ye Tian with envy, even jealousy!

Everyone here clearly knows that even if there are no treasures in these historical buildings, just because they are from Da Vinci, this is an amazing treasure, enough to make people crazy!

Ye Tian, ​​who was standing on the doorstep, glanced at the excited crowd, then raised his hands and pressed down gently, motioning for everyone to be quiet.

Following his movements, the noise at the scene quickly subsided.

With complex emotions of envy, jealousy and hatred, people stared at Ye Tian closely with reddened eyes, wishing they could replace him.

"I have also heard about the ongoing pursuit and a series of shootings in Milan, and I would like to declare here that my security personnel are not involved, and these things have nothing to do with me!

I did put out a reward of one million dollars to reward the citizens of Milan, as long as he can provide useful clues to the police and help catch the robbers who escaped the police roundup last night, he will be rewarded accordingly.

Everyone must also know that those robbers from Marseille, France, came to us, trying to dig tunnels to sneak into the underground of these historical buildings, and then plot against us, and they have already dug the tunnels here.

This threatens our safety and infringes on my private property. I have to respond in a certain way and assist the Milan police to cut off the evil hands reaching out to us and to these historical buildings. .

Fortunately, the Milan police acted in time and smashed their plot. However, because they were operating at night, some guys ran away in the dark. In order to help the Milan police and eliminate hidden dangers, I offered a reward.

But my purpose is to encourage people to provide useful clues and collect useful information to help the police operate, not to encourage people to hunt down those robbers with guns, so the series of shootings today has nothing to do with me! "

Ye Tian said loudly with a smile, with a look of righteousness.

Watching his wonderful performance, David and the Bishop of Kent, who were standing beside him, all had a smile in their eyes, but they could only lower their heads and endure it, it was so hard!

Giovanni and others who were also at the scene, as well as many spectators and media reporters on the street, all rolled their eyes angrily and complained secretly!

If the series of shooting incidents that took place in Milan today had nothing to do with your ruthless bastard, I am willing to take your head off and kick you as a bastard!

Reaching out to your evil hands? Really embarrassed to say!

You bastard is the biggest villain. Look at Milan now. Because of your high reward, this beautiful fashion capital has turned into a battlefield full of bullets!

Obviously, people didn't believe Ye Tian's nonsense at all, but they couldn't produce any evidence to refute it.

After all, he was standing here, and he did not participate in today's hunt. Unlike before, he personally carried an assault rifle and chased and killed his enemies until all the enemies were killed!

Even his armed security personnel are here to protect these historical buildings, everyone can see this, no one can deny this!

After briefly dealing with the media reporters, and by the way, Ye Tian led David and the others to another historical building next to him, ready to start the next stage of exploration!

Immediately after them, Giovanni and the others also followed, all with wry smiles on their faces, and very helpless!

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