Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2740 Strange Flowers

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In a blink of an eye, it was around two o'clock in the afternoon.

The last two Frenchmen who escaped the police roundup last night were also killed and died in front of a police station in Milan.

After a whole morning of frantic escape, the two Frenchmen were scarred and out of ammunition and food, and there was no way to escape.

In order to save their lives, the two guys had no choice but to surrender to the Milan police.

For them, this is undoubtedly the most sensible choice. Going to jail is obviously better than dying on the streets of Milan, using their own lives to make the person who killed them a fortune.

When they came to the gate of a police station, put down the guns in their hands, and walked towards the gate of the police station with their hands raised, they were beaten into a sieve at the gate of the police station.

What killed them was a black SUV speeding past on the street in front of the police station. As for who the shooter sitting in the car was, no one knew!

The Milan police who swarmed out of the police station only saw the shadow of the SUV in the distance, and didn't even see the license plate clearly.

The news quickly spread throughout the city. After confirming that the news was true, there were bursts of angry curses in many places in Milan at the same time, and almost every voice was full of regret.

Afterwards, the restless city gradually calmed down. The managers of Milan all let out a sigh of relief, and finally put the heart hanging high in their throats back into their stomachs.

Of course, there are still some unwilling guys who are taking advantage of the chaos to rob, but it is not a concern. After all, such things happen every day, and the people of Milan have long been used to it!

When this news reached the Via Vincenzo Monte, it immediately caused a sensation and sparked heated discussions.

People were amazed by this crazy and bloody pursuit, regretted that this wonderful drama ended so soon, and were terrified by Ye Tian's cruelty.

Many people even secretly speculated that the gunmen who killed the last two Frenchmen at the gate of the police station were Ye Tian's subordinates. This is really in line with his style of killing everything!

As for who the shooter in the black SUV is, no one knows, so it's anyone's guess!

While people were talking about it, Ye Tian also received the news that those Frenchmen from Marseille had been killed, and the dead couldn't die anymore.

Of course, this does not include the guys who fell into the hands of the Milan police.

Those guys are undoubtedly the lucky ones, but falling into the hands of the Milan police saved them from the tragic fate of dying in a foreign country and being violently killed on the street!

After receiving the news, Ye Tian immediately stopped what he was doing, walked aside and said in a low voice:

"Matisse, although those Frenchmen who escaped the police last night have been killed, many of their accomplices are still alive, some are in the hands of the Milan police, and some are in Marseille and other places.

Those guys have relatives and friends, and if they don't keep them all, there will be hot-headed guys who try to avenge those guys and come to us, so we still have to be vigilant just in case.

You find someone to let the word out and tell the relatives and friends of those Frenchmen who died, especially those Frenchmen who fell into the hands of the Milan police. Those guys who were hunted to death today are all to blame.

The blame can only be blamed on them not having eyes and picking the wrong target for robbery, which led to them being chased and killed to death. There is no one else to blame. If their relatives and friends want revenge, I welcome them at any time.

Once they made that choice, their fate was the same as those Frenchmen who were just killed. Everyone went to hell, and no matter where they hid, they would be dug out and shot to death.

Especially those guys who fell into the hands of the Milan police, even if they are in prison, I have ten thousand ways to kill them, even easier than outside, let them think about it for themselves."

After the voice fell, Matisse immediately responded:

"Understood, Steven, I'm going to find someone to spread the word about the background of those Frenchmen and information about their relatives and friends,

We have already mastered it, and I believe that no one will be so stupid as to commit suicide"

After the call was over, Ye Tian walked back to the previous place and began to appreciate the pattern carved on this stone pillar.

This is a granite pillar, near the ceiling, there is like a delphinium engraved, but it is a bit blurred due to the age.

Seeing Ye Tian approaching, he had already held back his stomach for asking Ian, and immediately asked curiously:

"Steven, do the flowers engraved on this stone pillar have any meaning? In the previous two historical buildings, we found the Fibonacci sequence, but the numbers are different.

But in this historic building, different flowers and plants are engraved on these granite pillars, just now we checked the two adjacent stone pillars, and there are flowers and plants engraved on them."

Not only Ian, but David and others who were also present at the scene were also confused at this time.

Ye Tian looked at these guys, then at the delphinium pattern carved on the stone pillar, and gave the answer with a smile.

"Guys, this is actually the Fibonacci sequence, but it is naturally occurring instead of Arabic numerals. Da Vinci used these naturally occurring Fibonacci sequences to replace Arabic numerals. It is ingenious and interesting! "

"Ah! This is also the Fibonacci sequence, am I right?"

David said in surprise, eyes full of disbelief.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, and then continued:

"That's right, this is the Fibonacci sequence that exists naturally. Let's take a closer look at this pattern. It is engraved with delphinium, a plant that can be seen everywhere in southern Europe.

The delphinium flowers have a total of five petals, which correspond to the number 5 in the Fibonacci sequence. On the stone pillars on the left and right sides, the flowers engraved should correspond to the other two numbers.

That is 3 and 8. If I guessed correctly, the flower corresponding to 3 should be Phalaenopsis, the flower corresponding to 8 should be delphinium, and there are probably different flowers engraved on the other stone pillars.

Like delphiniums, Phalaenopsis has only three petals when it blooms, and Delphinium has eight petals when it blooms, but delphiniums mostly grow in high altitude areas, and Milan is rare.

Leonardo da Vinci used these naturally occurring Fibonacci numbers instead of Arabic numerals. For some unknown reason, there may be some secrets hidden behind these flower patterns.

Of course, there is also such a possibility that Da Vinci felt that it was a bit boring to only use Arabic numerals, so he replaced it with various flowers corresponding to the Fibonacci sequence to add a little fun.”

After the words fell, David and the others suddenly realized.

"That's why it's really interesting."

After figuring out the meaning of the flowers engraved on these stone pillars, everyone began to continue exploring to see if they could find something.

as expected!

On an adjacent stone pillar, everyone saw the pattern of pansies, and on the stone pillar on the other side, they saw the pattern of delphinium flowers, but they were all blurred.

It is a pity that in the basement of this historic building, no one has found gold and silver treasures hidden deep underground, as well as unknown treasures.

During the period, although the pulse metal detector sounded several times, it also scanned some metal objects deep underground.

But those metal objects are just some ancient farm tools or ancient weapons, scattered in different places and at different depths, not of much digging value, let alone a treasure!

In addition, Ye Tian also found a secret sandwich wall in a basement. After trying to open it, it was empty and there was nothing there!

Fortunately, everyone has experience and is not disappointed, but continues to explore.

During the conversation, nearly an hour passed.

Having found nothing, Ye Tian and the others walked out of one basement and were about to go to the next basement.

At this moment, an excited voice suddenly came from the intercom.

"Steven, you'd better come to the third floor to have a look. We found something strange here. The walls in a room seem to be artificially thickened, but there are no metal objects in the walls.

By comparing with other adjacent rooms, as well as with the rooms upstairs and downstairs, we found that the ceiling of this room seems to have been tampered with, and the decoration style is slightly different.

In view of this, we think there should be a hidden compartment or mezzanine in the wall, and there may be a mezzanine in the ceiling. As for whether there is something hidden in it, I don’t know.”

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian immediately stopped his work, and a look of surprise flashed across his face at the same time.

The same goes for David and the others who were standing next to him, and everyone was overjoyed.

"Got it, Tony, you've done a good job, let's go up and see what you guys found! Hope it's a surprising discovery!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian took David and the others out of the basement and walked towards the stairs.

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