Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2741 Art and Revolution

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In a room on the third floor, Tony, an employee of the Fearless Exploration Company, was happily introducing his team's discoveries to Ye Tian.

"Steven, this wall has been artificially thickened. After our comparison and calculation, this wall should have been thickened by about fifteen centimeters, making this room a little smaller than the same room.

Perhaps in order to cover up the traces of the wall being remodeled, the ceiling of this room seems to have been tampered with. Although its decoration style is in the Renaissance style, it is somewhat different from other rooms.

This difference is very small, and it is almost impossible to find it without careful observation. We first noticed the abnormality of this wall, and then paid attention to the ceiling above. After several comparisons, we found the difference.

According to our speculation, there should be a mezzanine or hidden compartment in this wall, and there may be a mezzanine in the ceiling of the roof, but we have not detected metal signals in this wall and ceiling! "

While saying this, Tony also picked up the pulse metal detector and scanned the wall and ceiling, but the pulse metal detector didn't sound.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, but did not respond immediately, but carefully observed the wall and the ceiling in front of him, looking thoughtful.

After a while, he smiled and said:

"That's right, Tony, this wall has indeed been tampered with, as has the ceiling on the roof, this wall has been artificially thickened, and there is indeed something wrong with the decoration style of the ceiling.

Because this historical building is very strong and well preserved, although the people who lived here have carried out interior decoration many times, they have not knocked out the original carvings and decorations here.

The carvings, decorations and lines at the junction of the wall and the ceiling in front of us may appear to be in the Renaissance style at first glance, but if you look closely, you can see the hidden flaws.

Those dignified and elegant decorations and lines vaguely reveal the shadow of neoclassical art, which is slightly different from the classicism advocated by Renaissance style architecture.

To put it simply, the Renaissance style advocates the revival of the architectural forms of the ancient Roman period, while the neoclassicism advocates the ideal beauty of ancient Greek architecture and art, and this is the difference.”

While saying these words, Ye Tian was also pointing fingers, focusing on those ancient carvings and decorations.

Hearing this, David and Tony all nodded, and a look of amazement flashed in everyone's eyes.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"Most places in this historic building have a highly unified architectural and decorative style, all of which are in the Renaissance style. Only this room has the shadow of neoclassical art.

The rise of neoclassical art was in the middle and late eighteenth century, but the construction period of this historic building was in the late fifteenth century, which was the heyday of the Renaissance.

It can be seen that the walls and ceiling of this room have indeed been tampered with, and the guy who tampered with it tried his best to imitate the Renaissance style, trying to restore the place to its original state.

However, he was greatly influenced by the most popular neoclassicism at that time, and he left some flaws unknowingly. Although these flaws are very small, we still discovered them!

From this, it can be determined that the wall and ceiling were remodeled during the period from the late eighteenth century to the early nineteenth century, which is far from the construction period of this building.

As for what is hidden in this wall and ceiling, or there is nothing, only by opening them can we know the truth, and it may be a huge surprise.

From the hidden neoclassical artistic factors in this room, combined with the history of Milan, I have to think about it. It may be related to a very important historical event.

If there is really something hidden in this wall and ceiling, it is probably related to that important historical event,

And this discovery is likely to cause a huge sensation.”

Before the words fell, the boy Tony asked excitedly:

"Steven, what is that important historical event you mentioned? Tell everyone about it!"

"That's right, Steven, don't let yourself be fooled, tell everyone the answer!"

David continued, with eyes full of curiosity.

Ye Tian shook his head slightly, smiled and said:

"The secret must not be leaked! David, Tony, wait patiently for a while, the answer will be revealed soon, I hope my guess is right, that would be great!

In view of the fact that this discovery is likely to be very important, in order to ensure the openness and transparency of this exploration operation, it is time for Bishop Kent and Giovanni to come up! "

After finishing speaking, he picked up the walkie-talkie and told the company employees and security personnel who stayed on the first floor to inform Bishop Kent that they should come up to the third floor to witness the next exploration operation on the spot.

Of course, only a limited number of old friends, experts and scholars are eligible to come to the third floor, and representatives from other parties have to wait patiently in the reception area on the first floor and continue to suffer.

Three to five minutes later, the Bishop of Kent and Giovanni went upstairs to this room on the third floor.

As soon as they entered the room, these guys quickly glanced at the situation in the room. Everyone's eyes were full of curiosity and excitement!

When they saw that there was no change in this room, they couldn't help feeling a little surprised.

"Steven, you said that there is likely to be a major discovery. Is this so-called major discovery in this room? Can you tell everyone?"

The deputy mayor of Milan couldn't wait to ask, and the others were the same, all looking at Ye Tian.

"That's right, gentlemen, the great discovery I'm talking about is hidden in this room. Of course, it's also possible that it's just a joy!"

Ye Tian nodded with a smile and said, with a complacent look.

Next, he introduced the situation here, introduced Tony's group and his own findings in detail, and expressed his own speculation.

Following his introduction, there was a burst of exclamation immediately, and every voice was full of envy, even jealousy!

At the same time, several experts and scholars also stepped forward to carefully observe the artificially thickened walls and modified ceiling.

In just a moment, these experts and scholars have come to a conclusion.

"That's right, Steven, this wall has indeed been artificially thickened, and the carvings and decorations between the wall and the ceiling are indeed somewhat neoclassical, which does not match the overall style of this historic building."

"If there is no accident, there is probably a mezzanine in this wall. As for what is hidden inside, I don't know. Whether there is a mezzanine in the ceiling is not certain!"

As several experts and scholars gave their conclusions, the scene suddenly became more lively, and everyone became more excited!

Immediately afterwards, the Bishop of Kent asked expectantly:

"Steven, you just said that the changes in this room and the things hidden in this room are likely related to a very important historical event. Can the answer be revealed now?"

Not only the Bishop of Kent, but everyone at the scene counts as one. Who doesn't want to know the answer? Everyone looked at Ye Tian, ​​everyone's eyes were full of curiosity and anticipation.

Ye Tian glanced at these guys at the scene, and then gave his own answer.

"As we all know, neoclassical art emerged in France in the second half of the eighteenth century, and it was spread to Italy in the late eighteenth century. Like France, neoclassical art soon became the mainstream art in Italy.

In addition to neoclassical art, the French Revolution was in full swing at that time, and the wave of the French Revolution not only swept the whole of France, but also almost the whole of Europe including Italy.

In different countries, the impact of the French Revolution was different, but when it came to Italy, it was manifested as conquest. The one that had the biggest impact on Italy at that time was Napoleon who led a large army to occupy Milan,..."

The moment they heard the name Napoleon, everyone at the scene froze on the spot as if they had been immobilized, staring at Ye Tian dumbfounded, their eyes full of disbelief!

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