Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2747 cruel reality

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What Ye Tian supported was an oak plank about three to five centimeters thick, rectangular in shape and quite heavy.

The downward facing side of this oak board was painted white, just like the ceiling in other areas, but it had been deformed and faded due to being hidden in the wall for a long time.

On the top of this oak board is a rectangular dark grid, which seems to hide something, but because the light is too dim, it is not clear for the time being.

Fortunately, the ceiling of this room and the secret compartment were well sealed, and the space inside the secret compartment did not become a paradise for things like rats and cockroaches.

The things hidden in this dark grid have also been well preserved.

After holding up the oak board, Ye Tian quickly glanced at the situation in the dark grid, then pulled out the oak board obliquely from the ceiling, and handed it to Tony who was guarding below.

Immediately afterwards, he took out the strong flashlight in his pocket, turned it on, and shone it on the dark compartment on the ceiling.

With the strong light of the flashlight entering, this small space that had been shrouded in darkness for more than two hundred years finally ushered in light.

"Wow! There is really something here, maybe it's another surprising discovery"

With that said, Ye Tian reached into the hidden compartment on the ceiling and began to take things out from inside.

When he retracted his arm, there seemed to be a wooden box in his hand.

This box is not big, only 40 centimeters long, 30 centimeters wide, and 10 centimeters high. It is covered with a thick layer of dust, and the details cannot be seen clearly.

After taking out the box, Ye Tian didn't get off the ladder.

He first looked at the box, then handed the box to Tony below, then reached into the hidden compartment on the ceiling, and took out an item wrapped in a tarpaulin.

This is a cylindrical object with a length of about 80 centimeters and a diameter of about 15 centimeters, and it is also covered with dust.

As soon as they saw this item, everyone immediately understood that it was another oil painting, and it was likely to be a priceless top-level artwork, but they didn't know which artist's masterpiece it was.

Ye Tian handed the oil painting to Tony again, then raised the strong flashlight in his hand, and carefully checked the hidden grid on the ceiling.

"Gentlemen, it seems that there are only these two items in this dark compartment on the ceiling"

With that said, Ye Tian got off the ladder, stood on the floor, and patted the dust off his body.

Afterwards, he took the oil painting and the box he had just discovered from Tony, and looked at it again with great interest.

At the same time, the rest of the people gathered around, looking curiously at the wooden box and the oil painting wrapped in tarpaulin.

"Steven, what's in this box? Open it for everyone to see!"

"There's also this oil painting. I don't know if this is the work of that top art master? Maybe it's another huge surprise!"

There was a lot of discussion at the scene, and everyone was full of expectations.

Ye Tian looked at these guys, then smiled and said:

"Gentlemen, due to time constraints, our exploration of this historic building has not been completed, and it is also out of the need for protection. Here, I will not open this oil painting.

Let's just take a look at what is contained in this wooden box. As for these oil paintings, after today's exploration is over and you return to the hotel, you will have plenty of time to appreciate them! "

Hearing this, everyone at the scene could only nod their heads in agreement.

No way, who made this Renaissance-style historical building not his own, and who made these priceless top artworks not belong to him!

Next, Ye Tian first told Tony and the others to explore the room again, so as not to miss anything, that would be too wronged!

Afterwards, he left the room with David, Bishop of Kent and others, and went to the next room again.

After entering the room, Ye Tian went straight to the table in the center of the room, and put the oil painting and the wooden box he had just discovered on the table.

Immediately afterwards, he took out a cotton cloth from the backpack next to him, and gently wiped off the dust on the wooden box.

Following his movements, the wooden box, which had been hidden in the dark compartment of the ceiling for more than two hundred years, finally revealed its true colors and appeared in front of everyone.

This is a box made of oak, with many exquisite and complicated patterns carved on it, with very obvious Rococo artistic features.

And in the center of this oak box, a badge is engraved.

Although the emblem has faded, the pattern is still clearly visible. It consists of a two-headed snake eating people and an eagle emblem representing the Holy Roman Empire.

The moment they saw this badge, everyone on the scene was stunned.

The next moment, the scene immediately boiled, and there were bursts of exclamations.

"Oh my god! This is the double-headed snake emblem representing the Duchy of Milan. It can be seen that this oak box and the things inside are likely to come from the royal family of the Duke of Milan!"

"The double-headed snake emblem of the Duchy of Milan! Is this the treasure of the Duke of Milan's royal family? Or is it the private collection of an important member of the Duke of Milan's royal family? It's simply incredible!"

Just when everyone was exclaiming, Ye Tian's face also revealed a look of ecstasy at the right time, and the whole person seemed ecstatic!

After a short performance, he said decisively:

"That's right, this is the double-headed snake emblem that represents the Duchy of Milan. This double-headed snake that is eating people represents the Duchy of Milan. The eagle emblem represents that the legal status of the Duchy of Milan comes from the canonization of the Holy Roman Emperor.

The appearance of this double-headed snake badge made today's series of discoveries reasonable. As we all know, it was Napoleon who single-handedly destroyed the Duchy of Milan, and also killed many members of the royal family of the Duchy of Milan.

At the end of the eighteenth century, the person who lived in this historic building was probably an important member of the royal family of the Duke of Milan and had a large collection of top art works, even he was the manager of the royal collection.

After the news of Napoleon's crazy looting of Venice and other places reached Milan, in order to protect all these top artworks owned by the royal family and avoid being looted by Napoleon, the royal family member hid them.

This member of the royal family probably thought so. When Napoleon rushed to Milan and tried to loot the city's top artworks, he found that some of the top artworks belonging to the Milan royal family had long since disappeared.

Faced with this situation, Napoleon could only leave with nothing but disappointment. These top artworks that were hidden in advance will continue to stay in Milan, thus avoiding the fate of being looted by the French.

The reality is cruel. The French, who couldn't find these top artworks, became angry and probably killed the member of the Milan royal family directly. This batch of top artworks disappeared without a trace until today!

The death of this member of the Milan royal family is likely to be closely related to this batch of top artworks that mysteriously disappeared, and even the overthrow of the Duchy of Milan by Napoleon has a certain relationship with these top artworks."

Following Ye Tian's words, there was another exclamation at the scene, and everyone was shocked by these words.

At the same time, the eyes of everyone looking at the oak box and the dozen or so top artworks in the room became even hotter, almost burning!

After finishing his judgment and speculation, Ye Tian adjusted his mood a little, then stretched out his hands, and gently opened the dusty oak box.

At this moment, he felt as if he had opened up the history of the Duchy of Milan with his own hands. It was amazing!

As the oak box was opened, the contents of the box were finally presented to everyone.

The topmost layer of the box is a yellowed book, which is also imprinted with a double-headed snake emblem representing the Principality of Milan, and a line of cursive Latin!

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