Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2748 Treasure of the Principality of Milan

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In a blink of an eye, it was around five o'clock in the afternoon.

The number of people gathered on Vincenzo Monte Avenue did not decrease at all, but increased a lot. Most of them were tourists and citizens who came to hear the news, as well as people who came to watch the excitement after get off work.

In addition, the crowd of protesters and demonstrators across the street was much larger than before, mainly students from various universities and middle schools in Milan, and some idlers who joined in the fun.

All these guys were filled with righteous indignation, protesting loudly, shouting, and desperately waving the banners and slogans in their hands, creating quite a great momentum.

Of course, there are also a lot of guys from Italy and all over Europe with ulterior motives in the crowd.

Through various social media, people have received some news one after another, knowing that Ye Tian and the others have made a major discovery in this historical building on the street, and found an amazing treasure.

As for what is in this treasure, and how much the treasure is worth, people don't know!

But this is enough, just this astonishing treasure is enough to arouse everyone's curiosity, enough to keep everyone here, waiting for the answer to be revealed!

In addition to the people gathered here to watch the excitement and many media reporters, the Italian government and the Milan city government, as well as the Vatican and the US embassy in Italy were all alarmed by this so-called major discovery.

The consulates of various countries in Milan were also alarmed. They sent representatives to Via Vincenzo Monte, preparing to witness this sensational discovery.

Not only that, the Italian and Milan city governments also sent a large number of anti-riot police to come here to maintain order on the scene and prevent accidents from happening.

The U.S. Consulate General in Milan also sent two groups of armed security personnel over. Naturally, the excuse was to strengthen the security force to ensure the personal safety of American citizens and the interests of American companies from infringement!

There is also a team of lawyers hired by Ye Tian, ​​consisting of several Italian lawyers and American lawyers, who have also arrived here, waiting at the door of this historic building on the street.

In addition, all the museums in Milan, many experts and scholars, and many top collectors have received the news and rushed here immediately.

Seeing this battle, anyone who is not a fool will understand that there must be a shocking treasure hidden in this Renaissance-style historical building on the street!

While people were waiting anxiously, the door of the historic building on the street finally opened.

The next moment, a group of armed security personnel came out of the historic building first, and quickly dispersed to be vigilant.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian, ​​David, Bishop of Kent, Deputy Mayor of Milan, Giovanni and others walked out of the historic building one after another and came to the street outside.

As soon as they appeared, the whole Via Vincenzo Monte boiled instantly.

Many media reporters staying at the front of the crowd, how could they let go of this opportunity, and began to ask loudly.

"Good afternoon, Steven, I'm a reporter from The New York Times. According to the news on social media, you have made a major discovery in this historic building and found a very amazing treasure?

May I ask who is hiding this treasure? What is in the treasure and how much is it worth? How did you find this treasure? Can you introduce it to everyone? Everyone wants to know! "

"Good afternoon, Steven, I'm a reporter from Milan TV. According to the news I received, you found a lot of priceless top art works in this historical building. Can you tell us about the situation of these works of art? ?

One more thing, what are you going to do with these top artworks? Should they be left in Milan, or brought back to New York? As a Milanese, these top works of art were found in Milan again, I hope they stay in Milan! "

While these media reporters were scrambling to ask questions, the protesters gathered across the street were not idle.

These guys suddenly raised their voices an octave as if they had been injected with chicken blood, and shouted loudly at the top of their lungs. The sound of protest and demonstration resounded through the entire street.

"Steven, you are a robber, get out of Milan!"

"The treasures of Milan belong only to this city, not to you, a greedy bastard, you have no right to possess them!"

For the questions of many media reporters and these annoying noises, Ye Tian seemed to have never heard of them, and did not respond at all.

He first greeted the team of lawyers waiting at the door, shook hands with these lawyers one by one, and introduced the situation in a low voice, so that these guys can get into work immediately.

Afterwards, he shook hands with representatives of the Italian government and the Milan city government, as well as representatives of other parties who came here, introduced each other and got to know each other.

After going through the procedures on these scenes, he looked at the media reporters who were in the first row behind the cordon, and glanced disdainfully at the protesters.

He also had a panoramic view of those guys with different identities and ulterior motives hidden in the surrounding crowd, and he saw them clearly.

After quickly scanning the scene around, he smiled and said loudly:

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, thank you very much for your attention, I believe you all know that in this historic building, we have indeed made a surprising discovery.

Next, I will briefly introduce this discovery today to satisfy everyone's curiosity. This afternoon, when my staff was exploring a room, they found something strange in that room.

To be more precise, they found that one wall of that room had been artificially thickened, and there was probably a mezzanine or a hidden compartment in the wall. After my observation, I confirmed this point, and there was indeed a mezzanine in that wall.

So I asked my staff to open that wall, and found an astonishing treasure, it was a treasure from the royal family of the Duke of Milan, in this treasure, there were more than a dozen pieces of top-level artwork hidden,..."

As soon as the words were spoken, the scene immediately boiled, and bursts of exclamations sounded, one after another, endlessly.

"My God! Did I hear you right? The treasure from the Duchy of Milan is simply incredible!"

"The treasure of the Principality of Milan, more than a dozen top-level works of art? Wow, what an amazing fortune this is, it's so crazy!"

While the people were exclaiming, they were all very envious, even their jealous eyes were red. Everyone wished they could take Ye Tian's place and take this astonishing treasure as their own!

The performance of the people at the scene was all seen by Ye Tian.

He just smiled softly, then stretched out his hands and pressed down gently, motioning for people to be quiet.

When the noise on the scene subsided, his clear voice immediately came out again, reaching the ears of everyone near the door.

"The existence of this treasure of the Duchy of Milan is closely related to Napoleon's attack and conquest of Italy, and is closely related to Napoleon's mad looting of Italy's top antiques and artworks!

It was precisely to avoid being ransacked by Napoleon, the members of the royal family of the Duke of Milan who managed this batch of top artworks hid these top artworks for more than two hundred years!

Among the top works of art, we found Caravaggio's "Escape from Egypt", Poussin's "The Birth of Flora", and Veronese's "Battle of the Peloponnese".

In addition, there are works by Botticelli, outstanding works by top art masters such as Titian, Sarto, Van Eyck, Barocci, Russell, etc. It can be said that each oil painting is priceless.

In addition to the top art, we also found an oak box containing two books that document most of the top antiques and art collections of the Duchy of Milan.

The value of these two books is no less than those top artworks, and through the contents recorded in these two books, we can determine the origin and inheritance of many top artworks."

Unsurprisingly, Ye Tian's words directly detonated the entire Vincenzo Monte Street, completely shocked almost everyone on this street!

Especially those who have studied Western painting art, as well as many experts, scholars and top collectors, were stunned and almost crazy!

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