Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2749 another good show

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At eight o'clock in the evening, night has enveloped the entire Milan.

At this time, the Via Vincenzo Monte near the Sforzesco Castle was still crowded with people, brightly lit and bustling.

The people gathered on this street did not leave because night fell, but more and more people heard the news and came here to join this grand carnival.

Among them were the tourists and citizens of Milan, many media reporters, many experts and scholars, and some guys with ulterior motives and greedy eyes.

Of course, there are also protesters who are overly enthusiastic and even filled with righteous indignation, and the momentum created by these guys is getting bigger and bigger, and the sound of protests and demonstrations resounds throughout the streets and even the entire Milan.

In addition, a group of senior officials from the Italian government and the Milan city government, senior officials from major museums, top experts in antique art appraisal, and some top collectors also rushed here one after another.

The reason for this situation is naturally the discovery of the treasures of the Duchy of Milan, and what Ye Tian said in public in the afternoon.

The discovery of the dozen or so top-level works of art in the treasures of the Principality of Milan has caused a sensation in Italy and even the entire Western world, attracting countless attentions.

After publicly disclosing the process of discovering the treasure of the Duchy of Milan and the contents of the treasure, Ye Tian ended today's exploration.

Afterwards, he was fully armed, and led many armed security personnel under him to escort the dozen or so pieces of top art back to the hotel.

In the process, the entire Via Vincenzo Monte became restless, and even almost caused a riot.

Fortunately, there were enough Milan police officers on the scene to maintain order, and the deputy mayor of Milan and other high-ranking government officials came forward to speak out and appease the situation. It took a lot of effort to control the situation.

The reason why these Italians did this was certainly not to protect Ye Tian's interests!

It is because they know very well that in the event of a riot, the most likely to suffer are those top-level artworks that have been hidden for more than two hundred years and are already very fragile.

If one is not careful, those priceless top artworks will be completely damaged and can no longer be repaired. No one wants to see such a result and cannot bear it!

After returning to the hotel without any risk, Ye Tian immediately ordered Matisse to strengthen the security inside and outside the hotel, and no one could enter the hotel without permission.

At the same time, he also made other arrangements to prevent accidents from happening.

When they made all the preparations, it was already evening, and another wonderful show began to be staged.

"Steven, the mayor of Milan and the former Prime Minister of Italy are here together. The convoy has just entered Via Vincenzo Monte, and will be at the entrance of the hotel soon. Would you like to go out and greet them?"

Matisse's voice came from the wireless invisible headset, announcing the situation outside.

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian immediately smiled softly, and then gave a response.

"I won't go out to meet these two. The former Prime Minister of Italy is our old friend and customer. We have dealt with them more than once. Today's situation is quite special. I believe he can understand.

As for the mayor of Milan, we have also dealt with each other a few times, and this is not the first time we met. You asked the guy downstairs to tell him that I was going to set up an exhibition in the banquet hall, so I couldn't go down to meet them.

After they enter the hotel, you can ask the company staff to bring them to the banquet hall. Except for the personal bodyguards, other entourage are not allowed to enter the banquet hall, and everyone must undergo security checks.”

"Understood, Steven, leave these matters to us!"

Mattis responded and ended the call.

Ye Tian stood up and ordered several company employees to take the dozen or so pieces of top art that they found today, leave the suite with David and the others, and walk towards the banquet hall on the second floor of the hotel.

After a while, the group of them entered the banquet hall.

At this time, the banquet hall has already gathered representatives from various parties, as well as high-level officials from major museums in Milan, many experts and scholars, as well as many top collectors and billionaires, etc.

The scene was very lively.

As Ye Tian and the others walked into the banquet hall, the crowded scene suddenly became quiet.

Without exception, everyone at the scene turned their heads to look at the door, at Ye Tian, ​​and at the dozen or so painting tubes that Derek and the others were holding in their hands. Everyone's eyes were extremely hot.

The silence only lasted for a few seconds, and then it boiled like a pot.

The guys who were closer to the entrance of the banquet hall immediately walked towards Ye Tian and the others, their faces full of eagerness and excitement.

Before we could get a firm foothold, one of the top experts in antique art appraisal couldn't wait to say:

"Good evening, Steven, congratulations, you have discovered another amazing treasure, and it is the treasure of the Duchy of Milan. Your luck is so enviable that people are crazy!

That legend is true, God will always take care of you guy! These painting tubes should contain the top artworks that once belonged to the royal family of the Duke of Milan, right?

To be honest, I haven't even heard of these top artworks before. I didn't expect that there are such a group of priceless treasures in the world. I can't wait to appreciate them! "

Ye Tian looked at this old friend, then smiled and said:

"Good evening, Alex, I didn't expect you to rush from Rome to Milan so soon, you are right, my luck is indeed good, and this time is the same, so we discovered the treasure of the Duchy of Milan.

One thing I want to emphasize is that the dozens of top-level works of art discovered today were indeed important art collections of the Duke of Milan’s royal family more than two hundred years ago, but they now belong to me, which is indisputable.

Wait a moment and you'll be able to see the dozen or so top-notch works of art that are currently only on public display briefly for conservation reasons, having been hidden in the dark for so long.

Those who are invited to this banquet hall today can see these dozens of top-level works of art, but they cannot appreciate them carefully and make appraisals. Regarding this point, I hope everyone can understand and cooperate."

Before the words fell, Alex nodded excitedly and said:

"No problem, Steven, everyone understands your approach. I am very honored to be able to see these top-level artworks that have never appeared before!"

Not only Alex, the rest of the people at the scene counted one by one, and they all nodded. Everyone was excited and full of anticipation.

Next, Ye Tian walked into the banquet hall while shaking hands with these invited old and new friends and representatives of all parties.

And right in front of this banquet hall, there are six tables lined up, which will later be used to display the top artworks from the treasures of the Duchy of Milan.

Soon, Ye Tian and the others passed through the crowd and came to the front of the banquet hall.

At the same time, there was a sudden noise from the gate of the banquet hall, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

When people turned their heads, they saw the mayor of Milan, the former prime minister of Italy, and a famous super rich man in Milan at a glance!

Ye Tian, ​​who was standing in front of the banquet hall, naturally saw these heavyweights, and he nodded slightly at them, as a greeting!

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