Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2757 Da Vinci Cryptography

As the two powerful ventilation fans started to work, the air in this unknown space deep underground was immediately pumped out continuously, and then discharged to the outside world.

Instead, fresh air is constantly injected into it.

At the same time, under the control of Derek and the others, two small drones flew into the secret passage one after another, sending light to this space that had been shrouded in darkness for more than five hundred years.

With the entry of two small drones, the situation in this secret passage can also be presented to everyone.

When the first small drone entered the secret passage and then flew over the first bend, a small alcove appeared on the surveillance screen.

This alcove is located on the inner side of the spiral staircase. It was dug out from the No. 0 stone pillar. Inside is an ancient candlestick, covered with dust and covered with a layer of moss!

Even so, everyone can tell at a glance that this candlestick has an obvious Renaissance style, and it can be regarded as an antique cultural relic, which has a certain collection value!

It's a pity that this candlestick seems to be connected to the No. 0 stone pillar. There is only one way to remove it, and that is to saw it off!

The first small drone continued to fly downwards, and then found a niche on the other wall. Inside this niche was a marble sculpture no more than 40 centimeters high!

What this marble sculpture is carved is a medieval knight in full armor, holding a knight sword and fighting hard, revealing a somewhat tragic and tragic taste.

The moment they saw this knight sculpture, everyone's eyes lit up, including Ye Tian, ​​and they shone brightly!

Obviously, everyone can see that this Renaissance-style marble statue is a pretty good antique work of art, and it is worth a lot!

In addition, there seems to be something painted on the wall of the secret passage, it should be a mural, but because the wall is covered with dust and a layer of moss, it is not clear for the time being!

After the first small drone flew down the secret passage for a certain distance, the second small drone also flew into the secret passage to check the condition of the spiral staircase in the secret passage to see if there were any traps What!

Due to its age, this spiral staircase has long been covered with dust and a thick layer of moss. It is impossible to see the real situation clearly, and naturally there is no way to know whether there is a deadly trap.

The same is true of the side walls and ceiling,

Covered in dust and moss, you can't see what's really going on.

But one thing is for sure, regardless of the stairs, the walls, and the top of the secret passage, no shooting holes were found, which can make people feel more relaxed.

While talking, two small drones have penetrated into this spiral tunnel, and they are constantly rotating and descending around the No. 0 stone pillar.

During this process, several candlesticks placed in the alcoves and three marble statues of different sizes were discovered one after another. They were all in the Renaissance style, and they were all valuable antique works of art.

The two small drones flew down for nearly ten meters before reaching the bottom of the spiral staircase.

This depth has already exceeded the detection range of the pulse metal detector. It is not surprising that the employees of the brave and fearless exploration company did not find anything when they explored here before!

As two small drones flew here, where the lights went, an arch about two meters high suddenly appeared on the surveillance screen.

The arch was sealed very tightly, and there were hardly any gaps to be seen. The arch was also covered with dust, and a layer of green moss grew on it.

Even so, everyone can still see that there are many exquisite patterns engraved on this arch, and there are some words, but they cannot be seen clearly.

And on the left side of the arch, stands a granite pillar impressively!

The moment they saw this granite pillar, everyone immediately understood that this was the other missing No. 1 pillar, which was placed here by Leonardo da Vinci to support the small space in front of the arch.

Because the stone pillar was covered with dust and a layer of moss, everyone did not see the Arabic numerals engraved on the stone pillar, and the pattern carved on the stone pillar could not be seen clearly!

However, on the wall next to this stone pillar, everyone saw a cylindrical object with an elegant and round shape, like an antique cultural relic in the Renaissance style.

Seeing this, Ye Tian suddenly stopped his finger on the screen of the cylindrical object, quickly took a screenshot, and then magnified the screenshot several times.

The next moment, everyone saw five gear-shaped turntables on the cylindrical object. Most of these five turntables were hidden inside the wall, and less than a quarter of them were exposed to the outside.

These five gear wheels are arranged from top to bottom, and there seems to be something engraved on them, but unfortunately they are covered with dust, so they cannot be seen clearly for the time being!

In the next instant, Ye Tian's expression changed immediately, and his expression suddenly became much more dignified.

"Gentlemen, we are in big trouble! If I'm not mistaken, this should be the legendary Da Vinci cryptex. There are five dials in total, and 26 letters are engraved on each dial.

There is only one way to open this stone gate, and that is to enter the correct password! However, there are as many as 11.88 million permutations and combinations of this cipher box, and it is absolutely difficult to find the correct cipher.

Once you enter the wrong password, don’t even think about opening this stone gate. I don’t know how many chances Da Vinci left for us, and there is only one chance of success. I have to say, this is too challenging! "

Following Ye Tian's words, the scene immediately exploded.

"Did I hear you right? Da Vinci's cryptex actually existed. I thought it was just a legend. It's incredible!"

"My God! Who can find the correct password among more than 11.88 million permutations and combinations? Unless Da Vinci hides the password in this secret passage and we discover it, we can open this stone door!"

While everyone was shaking their heads and exclaiming, Giovanni and the other Italians who were present at the same scene had joy flashing in the depths of their eyes, obviously gloating!

Of course they hope that Ye Tian will never be able to open this stone gate. In that case, the secrets or treasures hidden behind the stone gate will not be looted!

As long as it is delayed for a while, the Italian government or the Milan government may find a way to take back this historical building, take back this treasure left by Da Vinci, and leave everything in the treasure in Italy!

The ideal is full, but the reality is very skinny!

They hadn't been happy for a few seconds before their hopes were dashed, catching each of them off guard.

"Steven, if we can't find the correct password, can we just brute force the door? For example, use explosives to blast, or cut the stone door open with a water knife, and enter the secret room behind the stone door."

David spoke, looking eager to try.

Ye Tian looked at this guy, then shook his head and said:

"Breakdown is absolutely impossible, even if it is cut with a water knife, with Da Vinci's superhuman wisdom, he must have thought of this, and formulated a corresponding response plan, maybe just waiting for a violent break!

Even though the current technology is very advanced, it is easy to break through a stone door without any big vibrations, but I still dare not take risks in the face of this mechanism set by Da Vinci.

According to the legend about Da Vinci's cipher box, it is said that the design of this cipher box is very exquisite. According to different uses, there are different mechanisms inside the cipher box. Only by entering the correct password can it be opened.

Once the wrong password is entered, or it is broken open by force, the mechanism will be triggered, and the files or other things stored in the cipher box will be destroyed instantly, and the person who opens the cipher box will get nothing.

As for this cipher box, I am sure that there must be many deadly traps attached to this cipher box. Once we break through the door violently, those traps will be triggered, and we will probably die in the ground.

The things hidden in the secret room or the underground palace behind the stone gate may be destroyed the moment we break the door violently. The simplest and rude way is to let the underground palace collapse directly and smash everything to pieces! "

"I'll go! This is too cruel!"

David exclaimed directly, obviously taken aback.

Looking at Giovanni and the others, they were also taken aback by fright!

While terrified, they all thought at the same time, can people like themselves open the stone door that even a magical guy like Steven can't open? It is estimated that there is no possibility!

If the Italian government and the Milan city government really take back this historic building, without the correct password, they can only choose to break through the door violently to discover the secrets or treasures hidden by Da Vinci!

Those who break down the door violently may really be killed by Da Vinci and buried deep in the ground. Not only will they get nothing, but they will also lose their lives. It's not worth it!

Thinking of this, Giovanni and the others couldn't help shivering, secretly terrified!

At this moment, Ye Tian's voice sounded again and reached the ears of everyone present.

"Derek, since the small drones can't pass through the stone gate to explore the space behind the stone gate, there is no use for them, take them back!

Next, it's time for us to go out in person and enter the secret passage to explore. I really want to try to see if I can open this legendary Da Vinci cryptex! "

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