Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2758 step by step

At the entrance of the secret passage at the bottom of the pit, Ye Tian gently wiped off the dust and moss on the first step of the spiral staircase and the walls on both sides with a towel, pretending to check the situation carefully.

Then he said loudly:

"Guys, there are no traps at the entrance of this spiral staircase. It looks safe and you can enter with confidence. As for the situation in the deeper part of the secret passage, we can only explore step by step.

Peter, Derek, you just have to follow me, remember, you must step on my footsteps, don't act on your own, I don't want to see any accidents happen.

Before entering the unknown space behind the stone door, your task is very simple, that is to arrange lighting fixtures to completely illuminate this spiral staircase designed by Da Vinci himself! "

"Understood, Steven, we know what to do, we will never act without authorization"

Peter and Derek, who were standing at the mouth of the pit above, responded in unison, and also let out a long breath, relaxing a little bit.

The two of them planned to follow Ye Tian to explore the secret passage created by Da Vinci and the underground space deep in the secret passage, so they were naturally a little nervous.

At this time, the corridor in the basement had been taken over by David and Mathis with several armed security guards, and no one could approach it without Ye Tian's permission.

Representatives of all parties, including the Bishop of Kent and Giovanni, as well as several experts and scholars, could only stay at both ends of the corridor and poke their heads to look here.

The reason why Ye Tian arranged this way is of course out of safety considerations, he didn't want others to cut off his back when he was competing with Da Vinci in the depths of the ground across time and space!

Especially the many Italians present, those guys' eyes were already red, so we had to guard against it!

And above the deep pit in the middle of the corridor, a combination winch has been set up and a safety rope has been tied to ensure the safety of Ye Tian and the others.

In the following exploration process, once Ye Tian and the others are in danger, Mathis and others staying at the mouth of the pit can immediately use the safety rope to pull them out of the secret passage.

After checking the several steps and walls at the entrance of the secret passage, and making sure that there is no danger, Ye Tian picked up the heavy police shield that was put aside, blocked it in front of him, stepped onto the first step, and walked along the stairs. go down.


The first to fall on the granite steps,

It was the heavy police shield that made a muffled sound.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian also stepped onto the first step, truly entering the secret passage built by Da Vinci.

There were no mutations, no deadly javelins or crossbow bolts shot out, no venom sprayed, and no traps such as flaps or rolling logs and stones.

Seeing this scene, David and the others gathered at the mouth of the pit couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Next, Ye Tian picked up the heavy police shield and fell towards the second step.

The police shield fell, and his footsteps followed immediately, but nothing happened.

At the same time, Peter and Derek, who were staying at the mouth of the pit, also took action.

They each carried a mountaineering bag, tied a safety rope, and brought a lot of exploration equipment, lighting lamps and wires, and descended to the bottom of the pit one after another.

The first time they went down to the bottom of the pit, they now arranged two lamps here, illuminating the bottom of the pit as if it were daytime, which was extremely bright.

While speaking, Ye Tian had already walked down four or five steps, and came to the first bend of this spiral staircase.

When he got here, he stopped and turned to look at the candlestick embedded in the No. 0 stone pillar.

As seen on the drone surveillance screen before, this is a Renaissance-style stone candlestick, quietly placed in the alcove, connected to the No. 0 stone pillar, and cannot be taken out unless it is sawn off !

Ye Tian naturally didn't bother to do such a thing, and he didn't reach out to touch the candlestick, but just took advantage of the light from the headlamp to appreciate this antique cultural relic up close. .

After admiring the candlestick, he turned his head and looked at the marble statue on the diagonally opposite wall.

Like this candlestick, the marble knight statue is also an antique artwork in the Renaissance style, but it is more exquisite, has more artistic value and collection value, and is a very good antique cultural relic.

Ye Tian still just admired it, and didn't reach out to touch it, as if he didn't want to cause troubles because of it!

In fact, he knew better than anyone else that this candlestick and marble sculpture were just antiques, not some deadly trap, and there was no secret hidden behind them.

It's a pity that neither the candlestick nor the statue of the knight was carved by Leonardo da Vinci himself. It should have been created by the craftsman who built the place at that time and another artist, otherwise they would be more valuable!

After appreciating these two Renaissance-style antique artworks, Ye Tian casually took the towel hanging on the inner handle of the police shield, and gently wiped the wall next to the marble knight statue a few times.

Following his movements, the dust and moss attached to the wall were immediately wiped away, exposing the granite wall below.

On this wall, a mural is engraved, and the content of the painting is a scene of war.

One of the troops in the battle was the Milan army under the command of the Sforza family. The double-headed snake flag of the Sforza family was extremely conspicuous.

The other side of this war was the army of another principality in Italy at that time, and the other side was also flying the flag of its own family!

In addition, on the side of this mural, there are also a few lines of Latin engraved, which should be the text introducing the war.

Seeing this mural and text, Ye Tian couldn't help laughing softly.

Undoubtedly, these are also valuable antique cultural relics, with high historical research value, as well as certain artistic value and collection value!

Next, he pretended to carefully check the surrounding situation.

Here, he didn't find any traces of mechanism traps, there wasn't even a single shooting hole on the walls and ceiling, and there were no traps such as flaps on the steps under his feet.

After confirming that it was safe, he smiled and said loudly:

"Peter, Derek, you can come down now. There are no traps in the first half of this spiral staircase, and even the entire spiral staircase is the same. The first test we face should be the stone gate!"

After speaking, Ye Tian picked up the heavy police shield again, and continued to walk down the stairs, still acting very cautiously, step by step.

Peter and Derek responded in unison, and then entered this ancient secret passage.

As they entered, the spiral staircase suddenly became brighter, even far beyond the basement above, and the strong lights illuminated it like daytime.

The exploration continued, and among the muffled noises one after another, Ye Tian and the three of them kept going down the spiral staircase, gradually entering the depths of the ground.

As Ye Tian expected, there are no deadly traps on this spiral staircase, it is very safe.

Why Leonardo da Vinci did this is not known, maybe this is just a bait he released to lure the intruders to go deep underground and relax their vigilance.

The stone gate located deep in the ground was the first feast he prepared for the later intruders, and the test really started from there!

During the march, Ye Tian saw several candlesticks embedded in the wall, and several marble statues of different sizes, also embedded in the wall.

Just like before, he just admired these antique relics created in the Renaissance period, and he didn't reach out to touch them rashly, nor did he wipe the dust and moss on these antique relics.

On the No. 0 stone pillar surrounded by the spiral staircase and on the outer wall, there are also some murals and texts, including religious stories, myths and legends, and the history of the Sforza family.

For these murals and texts, Ye Tian also glanced over them, and didn't spend too much time and energy on researching them, now is not the time!

It didn't take long for Ye Tian to come to the bottom of this spiral staircase, and stood in front of the unusually thick stone door.

When he got here, he first took a quick look at the situation in this space, and after confirming that there were no traps here, he began to study the stone gate in front of him and the No. 1 stone pillar standing beside the stone gate.

As for the legendary da Vinci cryptex, he didn't rush to study it, but put it at the end.

After another two or three minutes, Peter and Derek also descended to the bottom, standing on the last step of the spiral staircase, watching everything here with excitement.

With their arrival, this deep underground space suddenly became brighter.

Ye Tian, ​​who was standing in front of the stone gate, looked back at the two guys, then pointed to the granite pillar beside him and said:

"Peter, Derek, this is the No. 1 stone pillar that was supposed to stand on the ground. Its position corresponds to the upper left corner of the one-square-meter square in the corridor, and it is not bad at all!

Leonardo Da Vinci hid this granite pillar deep in the basement to support the space in front of the stone gate, which can be described as ingenious! He also has another purpose in doing this, which is to mislead everyone.”

Following the direction of his finger, Peter and Derek saw the Arabic numerals engraved on this granite pillar, 1!

And this number is very well preserved, after Ye Tian wiped it, it looks like it was engraved just now!

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