Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2759 A cipher box comparable to a top art work

In addition to the Arabic numeral 1, this granite pillar is also engraved with some exquisite patterns and decorations. The contents of the patterns are all from Bible stories, and the text is in Latin, which Ye Tian and the others do not recognize.

In fact, they don't really care about this No. 1 stone pillar, and now is not the time to do research!

What they are most concerned about now is not the granite pillar, but the stone door next to it, and the Da Vinci cryptex that opened the stone door.

After introducing the No. 1 stone pillar, Ye Tian took the towel and began to wipe the dust and moss on the stone door in front of him very gently and carefully.

Peter and Derek walked down the spiral staircase and were busy arranging lighting fixtures in this small space so that the subsequent exploration operations could proceed smoothly.

While speaking, Ye Tian had wiped off the dust and moss on the stone gate, and the patterns and characters carved on the arched stone gate appeared immediately!

In the very center of this stone gate, there is an Italian man wearing a gorgeous robe and a crown.

He stood on a high platform, condescending, holding a knight's sword in his right hand, and a scepter in his left hand, staring at the front with his eyes, his face was solemn and majestic,

The scepter in his hand was almost as tall as himself, with one end standing on the ground, and the head of the scepter was a huge and ferocious double-headed snake!

Not far behind him is a magnificent church, which looks like the Milan Cathedral, but it is specious!

Obviously, this is the portrait of the Grand Duke of Milan. Just from the double-headed snake scepter, it can be seen that the Grand Duke of Milan is from the Sforza family!

Under this stone gate, there are several people holding swords and falling to the ground with terrified faces. There is also a guy with a different head, who looks like the enemy of the Duke of Milan above!

In addition, at the bottom of the stone gate, there is also a line of cursive ancient Latin and a line of Arabic numerals, which are written from 1401 to 1466.

Looking at these contents on the Shimen, Ye Tian couldn't help but see a flash of ecstasy, even though he had already seen all this through perspective!

Peter and Derek, who had finished arranging the lighting fixtures, stood behind Ye Tian, ​​staring at the stone door dumbfounded.

Immediately afterwards, Derek asked in surprise:


Who is the figure engraved on this stone gate? Looks like a king! "

Ye Tian turned his head to look at these two guys, and then explained:

"This Italian man is Francesco Sforza, who founded the Sforza Dynasty of the Duchy of Milan. He is the first Milanese Grand Duke of the Sforza family. Although he is not a king, he is almost like a king!

In 1450, Francesco Sforza became the Duke of Milan, and the Duchy of Milan came under the rule of the Sforza family. He died in 1466, when Da Vinci was still studying art!

That is to say, the Grand Duke of Milan had nothing to do with Leonardo da Vinci. When Leonardo da Vinci went to Milan for the first time in 1482, the second Duke of Milan was in power, and it was he who gave great support to Leonardo da Vinci.

Since Da Vinci engraved the portrait of the first generation of the Grand Duke of Milan on this stone gate, I couldn't help thinking about it. Behind this stone gate, is there hidden the legendary treasure of the Sforza family? "

Before the words fell, the two guys, Peter and Derek, had already exclaimed.

"Wow! The treasure of the Sforza family? Did I hear correctly?"

"That's great, it looks like we're about to make a fortune again!"

Seeing these two excited guys, Ye Tian also laughed out loud, and waved his fist lightly to show his celebration!

Fortunately, Giovanni and those Italian guys are not here. If those guys saw this scene and heard Ye Tian's words, they would probably be so jealous and pissed off!

After some celebration, Ye Tian began to carefully examine the stone gate, as well as the patterns and characters carved on the stone gate.

Of course, he was just performing, for Peter and Derek, and everyone else, an essential procedure.

Needless to say, the result of the exploration, on the surface of this stone gate, he did not find any deadly mechanism traps, nor any other secrets.

Then, he checked the No. 1 stone pillar next to it, as well as the walls and ground, as well as the ceiling above, but still found nothing!

In the end, he came to Da Vinci's cipher box and began to check this mysterious gadget that was created by Da Vinci and existed only in legends.

Before that, he took the heavy police shield and put it next to the wall in case of emergency, and he didn't forget to remind the two men.

"Peter, Derek, I'm going to check this Da Vinci cryptex, you must be vigilant, if anything happens, immediately rush up the spiral staircase.

You don’t have to think about rescuing me, I have the ability to protect myself, all you have to do is to ensure your own safety, rush to the ground as soon as possible, I don’t want to spend an extra pension.”

"Hahaha, got it, Steven, we will be more vigilant"

Peter and Derek responded with a smile, and the tone sounded quite relaxed.

In fact, the two guys were already tense, their eyes fixed on Ye Tian and the Da Vinci cipher on the wall, and they smiled somewhat reluctantly.

After vaccinating these two guys, Ye Tian picked up a towel and gently wiped off the dust and moss around the Da Vinci cipher box, and carefully inspected this area on the wall.

Then, he carefully began to wipe the dust and moss that fell on the cipher box, his movements were extremely gentle, as if he was stroking the skin of a baby, taking great care!

In fact, he knows better than anyone else what kind of disaster will happen if he accidentally triggers the trap connected to this cryptex!

In that case, it is really possible for me to leave my life here. As for Peter and Derek, there is no chance of surviving!

It took him nearly ten minutes to wipe off the dust and moss that had accumulated on the cipher box, so that the da Vinci cipher box finally revealed its true appearance.

This is a bronze cipher box, about 60 centimeters high and 30 centimeters wide, embedded on the granite wall. Due to the anti-rust treatment, there is no trace of rust on this cipher box!

On the outside of the cryptex, there are some exquisite Renaissance-style decorations and the family emblem of the Sforza family, which are very eye-catching, but there is nothing related to Da Vinci.

Of course, this cipher box engraved with the family crest of the Sforza family was made by Da Vinci!

As Ye Tian said before, this Da Vinci cipher box has a total of five turntables, arranged from top to bottom, and most of the turntables are hidden inside the cipher box, or hidden in the wall.

The part exposed to the outside is less than a quarter!

On this gear-shaped turntable, 26 capitalized Latin letters are engraved, one on each gear, arranged very neatly.

In addition, there are some traces of friction on the gears of the five turntables, more or less.

It can be seen that after the Da Vinci cipher was manufactured, it was used many times, opened and closed.

After it was placed here, it has been opened and closed many times. As for the reason, it should be that someone transported things into the space behind the stone gate, and then kept opening the stone gate.

Looking at this cryptex, which was made more than five hundred years ago, but was so exquisite that it could even be called a work of art, Ye Tian couldn't help being a little amazed, and secretly admired it!

Only a super genius like Leonardo da Vinci could design such a perfect and exquisite cipher box more than 500 years ago, and it is still functioning today!

After carefully observing the Da Vinci cryptex, Ye Tian said:

"Peter, Derek, come and take a look at this Da Vinci cryptex. This is probably the only Da Vinci cipher existing in the world. It is a priceless top-level antique relic. You must not miss it!"

Hearing this, Peter and Derek immediately stepped forward and looked at the Da Vinci cipher curiously. Both of them were very excited and a little apprehensive.

Not surprisingly, when they saw the appearance of the cryptex and roughly figured out how complicated it was, they immediately exclaimed!

"My God! How did Da Vinci design such an exquisite and advanced gadget during the Renaissance and in an era when technology was so backward? It's unbelievable!"

"Wow! If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never believe that this is an antique cultural relic from more than 500 years ago. This thing is really shocking!"

Seeing these two exclaiming guys, Ye Tian couldn't help laughing softly.

At the same time, he took out a magnifying glass in a serious manner, ready to check the traces on the Da Vinci cipher box, trying to find the correct cipher!

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