Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2769 The Most Perfect Donatello Sculpture

Under Ye Tian's guidance, Peter and Derek passed the last section of the corridor smoothly, and came to the end of this arched corridor, which is also the origin of this Fibonacci arc.

With their arrival, this dark space deep underground suddenly became brighter.

What appeared in front of them was a Renaissance-style rotunda, which was small in size, about three meters high, with a vault above it, and the whole body was made of granite strips, which looked very solid.

This rotunda is located just above the origin and is the terminus of the arched passage.

It can be seen that there are two arches at the front and back of this rotunda.

Peter and the others are located in the front archway, and another archway is directly opposite, leading to a space shrouded in darkness, and the situation over there is temporarily unclear.

On the walls and vaults of this rotunda, there are many exquisite decorations and patterns, as well as some murals, but because the outside is covered with a layer of dust and a layer of moss, it is not clear for the time being.

In addition, on the wall about 1.5 meters above the ground, there are several niches with a height of about 30 centimeters and uniform specifications. In each niche, there is a bronze candlestick, which is also covered with dust and moss.

Unlike the situation in the corridor, there are no hornet's nest-like shooting holes on the walls of this rotunda, and the same is true of the vault above. It seems that there is no mechanism trap here.

In front of the walls on the left and right sides of the rotunda, there stood a bronze statue of an archangel, which was about 1.8 meters high with the marble base!

The Archangel standing in front of the wall on the left is Gabriel, the Sheriff of the God Realm, and the Archangel standing in front of the wall on the right is Raphael, who protects human souls.

They each held a cross scepter and stood quietly in front of the wall, with solemn expressions and pious eyes, as if praying in a low voice.

In the center of the rotunda, which is the origin, stands a bronze statue of the Virgin Mary. The statue is about 1.5 meters high, and the marble base is 2 meters high.

Like most statues of the Virgin Mary, she lowered her head and looked at the baby in her arms, her eyes were full of love, and she exuded the divine maternal brilliance all over her body!

Needless to ask, who else is the baby who is qualified to lie in the arms of the Virgin, except Jesus who was just born?

At this time, Ye Tian was standing in front of the bronze statue of the Virgin Mary,

Admire this antique artwork created more than five hundred years ago!

Seeing Peter and Derek coming, he looked away and turned to look at these two guys.

"Peter, Derek, you can relax a bit, I have thoroughly checked this round hall, there are no traps here, it is very safe!

I have successfully found the master control switch of the last section of the arched corridor and turned it off. As long as we don't walk out of this round hall, we won't be in danger.

Obviously, we have passed the many tests that Leonardo Da Vinci painstakingly set up, and solved the riddles left by him. There should be no traps in the future! "

Before the words fell, the two guys, Peter and Derek, cheered.

"Great! Steven, finally don't have to worry about it!"

"Wow! Da Vinci's ordeals were so scary, I never want to go through them again!"

After some cheers, the two guys began to look at the situation in the round hall.

After a quick glance here, Derek pointed to the statue of the Virgin Mary standing in the center of the rotunda and said:

"Steven, I'm a little confused. How did this bronze statue of the Virgin Mary and the other two statues of archangels get here? Given their size, I'm afraid it would be difficult to pass through the spiral staircase.

Another point, is the statue of the Virgin Mary and the two statues of the Archangel the work of the master sculptor? Even I can tell that these three bronze sculptures are very beautiful and worth a lot! "

Ye Tian looked at this guy, then smiled and said:

"You're right, Derek, with the size of these three bronze statues, although they can barely pass the spiral staircase, the difficulty is very high. If you are not careful, you will get stuck on the spiral staircase, unable to advance or retreat!

The reason why they can be transported here is actually very simple. There may be another entrance to this space hidden deep underground. If I guess correctly, that entrance should lead directly to Sforza Castle!

The vent here should also be on the side of Sforza Castle! I suspect that when the French attacked Milan at the end of the fifteenth century, Ludovic and Leonardo da Vinci rushed to bring the Sforza treasure here!

What they used was probably the entrance on the other side of the Sforza Castle, and the entrance in this historic building was Ludovic's last hole card, probably only he and Da Vinci knew about it!

The three bronze statues in front of us, the traps in the stone gate and the arched corridor, various deadly weapons and devices, and other large items hidden in this underground space are the best proof.

In order to keep it secret, and even more so to protect their family's treasures, Ludovic and Da Vinci completely sealed off the entrance to the castle after smuggling all the top artworks and gold and silver treasures here.

They only left one vent over there, and it is estimated that it can only be ventilated! From then on, this underground space that is likely to hide the treasure of the Sforza family is the only one left that we came in through!

Of course, this is just my speculation. It is not certain whether it is correct or not. It needs to be verified again. These are not important. What is certain is that all the things hidden in this underground space belong to me! "

Hearing these words, Peter and Derek nodded together, agreeing with this speculation very much.

The facts are right in front of you, and there is no doubt about it!

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"As for the bronze statue of the Virgin Mary and the two statues of the Archangel, I did a rough research just now, and I can basically confirm that they are all masterpieces and valuable antiques.

In particular, this bronze statue of the Virgin Mary has an obvious early Renaissance style, and its carving skills are very superb. It is obviously the work of a top sculptor, and it is a top-notch work of art with great value.

Starting from this point, combined with some characteristics of this statue and the personal style of the sculptor, I can basically be sure that this bronze statue of the Virgin Mary should come from the hands of Donatello.

Donatello was the most outstanding sculptor in the early Renaissance and the greatest sculptor of the fifteenth century. He was especially good at creating solemn and elegant figure sculptures, such as this bronze statue of the Virgin Mary.

Before Michelangelo was born, Donatello was the greatest sculptor in the Renaissance movement. His works handed down are quite rare, and each sculpture is a top-notch work of art with great value!

What I didn't expect was that a sculpture of Donatello was found here, and this sculpture is intact. It is no exaggeration. This is the most perfect sculpture of Donatello found so far!

It is conceivable that the birth of this bronze statue of the Virgin Mary will definitely cause a huge sensation and attract countless attentions. When I put it on the art market, it will completely detonate the market! "

Before the words fell, the two guys, Peter and Derek, were shocked again, staring at Ye Tian and the bronze statue of the Virgin Mary in front of them in a daze!

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They all know who Donatello is, how lofty he is in the history of Western art, and how rare and expensive his sculptures are, which is why they are so shocking!

The reactions of these two guys were completely within Ye Tian's expectations, and he wasn't surprised at all!

He just smiled softly, and then went on to say:

"The bronze statues of the two archangels on the left and right should have been carved in the middle of the Renaissance, that is, in the middle and late fifteenth century. From the perspective of artistic style, they are not Donatello's works.

Due to time constraints and the fact that the statues are covered in a layer of dust and moss, I haven't had time to examine the two sculptures carefully, but I can assure you that they are top-notch works of art.

And the artists who sculpted these two statues were by no means unknown! I will study and identify these two Archangel statues later, and I believe that the correct answer will be found soon and the mystery will be revealed! "

Peter and Derek nodded again, they didn't have the slightest doubt about Ye Tian's words!

In their opinion, there is no antique artwork in this world that Ye Tian doesn't know. This point has been proven countless times, and it is an unbreakable truth!

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