Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2770 Boiling Street

Pay attention to the official account: the base camp of book friends, pay attention to get cash and coins!

After Ye Tian finished introducing the situation here, Derek immediately said impatiently:

"Steven, since there is no deadly trap in this place, it is very safe, so let's clean it up first, and leave it to me and Peter."

Ye Tian looked at this guy, then shook his head slightly.

"The secrets or treasures hidden in this underground space are really too important, and their discovery will definitely cause a huge sensation, even shocking the entire Western world, and attract countless attentions.

In view of this, we must be extremely cautious in every next step, and we must not let the Italian government and the Milan City Government find any problems, so as to find excuses to intervene in subsequent exploration operations!

The current Italian government and the Milan city government, and even every Italian, have red eyes, staring at us closely to see what we can find out, wishing we could make a mistake!

Once we have any problems, we will provide opportunities for the Italians. They will use the reason of protecting antique cultural relics as an excuse to intervene in subsequent exploration operations, and even directly snatch this amazing treasure!

In order to ensure that this exploration operation is open and transparent, and to ensure that our interests are not infringed, I plan to broadcast the follow-up exploration operation live to the world, and use the media and public opinion to contain the Italian government!

In addition, I have to make some preparations, such as asking the person in the Oval Office of the White House to call the Italian Prime Minister and remind him not to forget the tripartite agreement we just signed with the Italian government.

Our company and I personally have paid astronomically huge taxes to the U.S. government, and have also brought countless priceless top antique artworks to the U.S. Now it's the turn of those guys in the White House to contribute!

We are not allowed to touch any of the objects here until the live TV crew is here, and we cannot even clean up the three sculptures and the dust and moss on the walls for the time being.

The space in the back is shrouded in darkness, and you can’t enter it for the time being. You can only stand at the door and take a look, and then put the drone in to check the situation. When we come back again, it’s not too late to go in and explore! "

Hearing this, both Peter and Derek nodded and became even more excited!

They clearly knew that what Ye Tian could treat so seriously must be a great discovery that would shock the world and even be recorded in the annals of history!

I told these two guys a few words,

Ye Tian led them around the statue of the Virgin Mary and walked towards the arch inside the rotunda!

In three or two steps, they had already arrived at the arched doorway and stood still!

As they arrived, as the lights of the three headlamps shone into the secret and dark space behind the arch, a shocking picture immediately appeared in their eyes!

"My God! What the hell did I see?"

Peter and Derek directly hugged their heads and exclaimed, while Ye Tian laughed softly and waved his fist lightly.


"I don't know what that guy Steven found, and he hasn't come up yet?"

"The secret or treasure that Leonardo Da Vinci took so much pains to hide must be of great importance! Today's discovery is estimated to cause a huge sensation!

It's a pity that we can only sit here and wait, not be able to participate in it, what a pity! Steven this bastard is so unreasonable! "

In the basement corridor, the Bishop of Kent, Giovanni and others were sitting on a few sofas that were temporarily moved here, laughing and chatting, waiting for the results of Ye Tian's exploration.

At this time, more than three hours have passed since Ye Tian and the others entered the underground secret passage.

During this period, no more good news came, and no one knew what Ye Tian and the others found in that underground space.

However, everyone here is very clear in their hearts.

There is likely to be a major discovery that will cause a sensation in the world today, and this discovery must be related to the Sforza family that once ruled Milan, and it is even more closely related to Da Vinci!

The secret or treasure hidden deep underground in this historical building is most likely the treasure of the Sforza family that mysteriously disappeared in history. Once it is revealed, it will definitely cause a huge sensation!

Based on this judgment, everyone staying in this basement has shown enough patience, and no one wants to leave here, let alone miss this historic moment!

On Via Vincenzo Monte, where this historical building is located, the number of people gathered here to watch the excitement has not decreased at all, but more and more, and the scene has become more and more lively!

At this time, it was already evening, and the street lights on the street were already on. This ancient and bustling street directly became a lively and extraordinary carnival scene!

Through various social media, people gathered on the street knew at this time that there was an unknown secret passage hidden in the basement of this historical Renaissance-style building on the street.

The secret passage is full of dangers and leads to the deep underground, and in the underground space at the end of the secret passage, there may be some important secrets or amazing treasures hidden!

People don't know what that great secret or treasure is, but they know that that secret or treasure was hidden by Da Vinci, and even this historic building was designed and built by Da Vinci himself!

that's enough!

Just the name Da Vinci is enough to attract everyone, nail their feet firmly to the ground, and let them stay here forever, waiting for the results of the exploration!

Not only that, more and more people came here like a tide after receiving the news, and even flew to Milan from Italy and all over Europe, and even from all over the world!

This includes a large number of media reporters, historians and archaeologists, representatives of major museums and many experts and scholars, as well as large and small antique dealers and collectors, and there are also people with ulterior motives!

As for the Italian government and the Milan city government, the US government and the Vatican, as well as the consulate generals of other western countries in Milan, they have all taken action and sent people here one after another!

In addition, the number of Milan policemen maintaining order on this street has increased a lot!

This historic building on the side of the street is the top priority of security. Inside and outside this historic building, as well as on the roof, you can see heavily armed security personnel everywhere, guarding this historic building!

While they were talking, several news broadcast vans for NBC TV and Italian National TV suddenly came from the other side of the street and stopped at the entrance of this Renaissance-style historic building on the street.

When the vehicles came to a complete stop, a group of TV live broadcasters immediately got out of those cars and rushed into the hotel on the street with all kinds of live broadcast equipment. Everyone was extremely excited!

Before the people on the street could react, several cars came quickly from a distance and stopped at the door of this historic building.

Among these cars, there are two cars with diplomatic license plates and American flags, which are very eye-catching in the convoy!

The car door opened, and the mayor of Milan and the US ambassador to Italy got out of the two cars one after another, and appeared on the street and before people's eyes.

Perhaps for safety reasons, the two politicians did not stay on the street, nor were they interviewed by media reporters. They just waved at the people at the scene and walked quickly into the historical building!

Seeing this series of pictures, as long as you are not a fool, you can basically guess what happened!

There is no doubt that something big must have happened in that Renaissance-style historical building on the street, and Steven, the lucky bastard, must have made a very amazing and important discovery!

The next moment, this ancient street with bright lights immediately boiled.

"Wow! That bastard Steven must have made an amazing discovery, otherwise he wouldn't have made such a big fight, and he wouldn't have broadcast it live! I just don't know what that bastard discovered?"

"Is the rumor on social media true? Deep underground in this Renaissance-style historical building, there is a huge treasure hidden by Da Vinci himself?

If this is the case, there is no doubt that Milan will be ransacked by that bastard Steven again, and the loss this time may far exceed that of last year! "

Just when people on the street were talking about it, Ye Tian and the others finally came up from the secret underground passage and returned to the corridor in the basement again!

As soon as they appeared, the Bishop of Kent and Giovanni felt like being electrocuted. They immediately jumped up from their seats and walked towards Ye Tian quickly. They were all very excited and full of anticipation!

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