Ten minutes later, Ye Tian and David had descended to the bottom of the spiral staircase again, standing in front of the open stone door.

Immediately after them, Giovanni and the curator of the Sforza Castle Museum also came down here, and then untied the safety ropes on their bodies.

When they came here, the two Italians first took a look at the scene.

Especially the Da Vinci cryptex on the left side of the door, and the two mechanical knights standing inside the door, also made by Da Vinci, firmly attracted their attention.

Every time they see these priceless treasures, their eyeballs turn red instantly, and there is endless greed in their eyes, and this time is no exception!

"Steven, when are you going to take down this da Vinci cryptex and the two mechanical knights that Da Vinci invented and made himself? When will you transport them to the ground?"

Giovanni asked curiously, his tone full of unwillingness.

Ye Tian looked at this old friend, then smiled and said:

"After clearing the treasures of the Sforza family and opening the secret road connecting the Sforza Castle, I will dismantle this Da Vinci cipher and transport the two mechanical knights away. All the traps here will be kept until then!

The reason for doing this is entirely out of safety considerations. This Da Vinci cryptex controls the stone gate and the surrounding traps, while the two mechanical knights guard the gate and the arched corridor behind them.

I will not dismantle the treasures of the Sforza family until they are completely cleaned up. During this period, if any accident happens, I will immediately close this stone door and open all the traps to protect this treasure! "

Hearing this, the faces of Giovanni and the curator of the Sforza Castle Museum changed, and fear and helplessness flashed in the eyes of both of them!

After chatting a few words, Ye Tian led these people into the stone gate and walked along the arched corridor to the underground palace.

Behind them, the Bishop of Kent, the cultural counselor of the American embassy, ​​the deputy mayor of Milan, and several experts and scholars stepped down the spiral staircase and entered the stone gate one after another.

Soon, Ye Tian and his group entered the underground palace.

At this time, the second batch of Fearless Exploration Company employees who came down earlier were busy cleaning up this shocking treasure, and everyone was very busy!

On the floor of this dungeon,

It was full of open boxes, and many portable safes and metal trunks, some open, some locked and sealed!

After more than ten hours of cleaning, the treasures of the Sforza family hidden here have been greatly reduced, and the underground palace has become much more empty, but it is a bit messy, and dismantled wooden boxes can be seen everywhere!

The gold and silver treasures in the Sforza family's treasures have basically been counted, registered and recorded, and video materials have been filmed. Then they were packed into boxes by category and transported to the basement above.

There are also some relatively small and relatively low-value antique cultural relics and artworks that were also transported up!

Of course, there are also those priceless top antiques and artworks that Ye Tian displayed in the conference room before, and they are relatively small in size!

The treasures that remain in this underground palace are mainly various antique relics and works of art, such as those marble sculptures and bronze sculptures, as well as larger-scale works of art.

Especially Da Vinci's priceless paintings, inventions and creations, as well as those precious manuscripts and scientific research materials, Ye Tian specifically told his staff not to touch them!

After entering the underground palace, Ye Tian quickly glanced at the situation here, and then took David to walk towards the employees.

When he came close, he asked some of his employees about the situation, then let them continue to work, turned around and walked towards Giovanni and the others.

At the same time, the Bishop of Kent and the others walked into the underground palace again, followed by several Italian experts and scholars, mainly cultural and cultural experts from major museums and universities in Milan.

Among these people, many of them entered this underground palace for the first time and participated in this exploration that caused a sensation all over the world!

Without exception, as soon as they entered here, these guys were completely shocked by what they saw in front of them. They hugged their heads and exclaimed, their eyes were wide open, and their eyeballs were about to fly out!

Everyone didn't find it strange at all for their behavior, they just laughed softly!

In the early hours of this morning, when I entered this underground palace for the first time, my performance was more than ten times exaggerated than these guys!

After these newcomers gradually adapted to the environment and calmed down a little, Ye Tian led everyone to the platform in the center of the underground palace.

On the way, everyone saw the boxes scattered on the platform at a glance, as well as those large or small painting bags, portable safes, metal suitcases and so on.

"Wow! The treasure of the Sforza family is really amazing. It is definitely the largest treasure ever discovered in Milan. It is unbelievable!"

The curator of the Brera Art Museum said in amazement that it was the first time he entered this underground palace, and his eyes were almost not enough!

Although he had already seen the situation here on live TV, he was completely shocked by everything in this underground palace when he was actually there!

While talking, everyone has come to the platform and looked at the things placed here.

Behind the platform, the three bungee invented by Leonardo da Vinci and the organ machine gun appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Seeing these two priceless treasures, a mechanical expert from the Politecnico di Milano was so excited that he started to shake, and said in a slightly trembling voice:

"Steven, can I appreciate and study these two priceless treasures? The automobile prototype and the organ machine gun invented by Da Vinci have caused a sensation in the entire Italian and Western industrial circles!

I would like to ask, how do you plan to transport these two priceless treasures to the ground? If it is dismantling and transshipment, I hope you can let us participate, and we will provide you with the most perfect solution! "

Ye Tian looked at the excited Italian guy, then smiled and said:

"Of course you can appreciate and study these two priceless treasures, Professor Anthony, but it's best not to touch them to avoid accidents. After all, they are antique relics of more than 500 years, and they are priceless!

As for how to transport them to the ground, since I decided to open the secret passage connecting the Sforza Castle, there is no need to dismantle them, I will transport them to the ground in their entirety, and then do further processing."

"This couldn't be better, Steven, I hope these two priceless treasures will get the best protection!"

Professor Anthony nodded in response, but there was some regret in his words and eyes.

Afterwards, the mechanical expert walked around the platform, walked to the two treasures invented by Da Vinci, admired and studied them fascinatedly.

As soon as he left, the director of the Brera Art Museum said eagerly:

"Steven, are you going to dismantle that oil painting first? I'm very happy to help you guy, don't worry, I have very rich experience in binding oil paintings, and I am competent enough!"

Ye Tian looked at this old friend who had self-recommended, and then said with a smile:

"Since you are willing to help, then I will not be polite, Brad, I just need the assistance of a top professional like you, thank you very much!

As for the oil painting to be dismantled first, let’s follow the order of discovery. After we entered this underground palace, the first painting we found was the third "Virgin of the Rocks",..."

Before the words fell, there was a burst of excited cheers at the scene.

It was the director of the Brera Art Museum and the other experts and scholars who had just arrived who cheered loudly!

After a burst of cheers, everyone started to act.

Ye Tian first asked his staff to lower the light intensity to avoid damage to the oil paintings caused by strong light.

Then he jumped onto the platform and found the painting bag containing the third "Virgin of the Rocks". With the assistance of David and Brad, he took out this priceless oil painting!

When he put on his gloves and gently lifted the linen covering the oil painting, the scene immediately boiled, and there was another burst of excited exclamation!

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