Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2798 Show muscles

Before dismantling the "Virgin of the Rocks", Ye Tian first measured the humidity of the oil painting with an instrument, and carefully observed the cracking of the paint with a magnifying glass to avoid unnecessary heavy losses.

Because the underground palace is always ventilated and located deep underground, the temperature and humidity changes very little, basically it is a constant temperature and humidity environment, which is very suitable for collecting antique works of art.

In addition, this place is always shrouded in darkness and avoids strong light. The antique artworks hidden here are in a good state of preservation, including this "Our Lady of the Rocks" naturally.

Its current state of preservation is even far better than those top works of art that were also created in the early and mid-Renaissance and have been circulated outside for more than five hundred years, such as the "Mona Lisa".

In the current state of "The Madonna of the Rocks", it should be no problem to remove it from the frame, then roll it up and put it in a painting tube, and bring it to the ground.

After confirming this point, Ye Tian discussed with Brad and several other experts and scholars, and formulated specific steps, just in case!

Next, he and Brad began to tear down this priceless world famous painting.

Ye Tian took out a miniature electric saw used by dentists, started from the upper right corner of the back of the picture frame, found the gap where the right angles joined, and began to cut carefully.


There was a sound of a micro-motor rotating at the scene, and everyone's hearts immediately lifted up, hanging high in their throats, so nervous that they didn't even dare to breathe.

Many people who were watching the live broadcast became nervous unknowingly, staring closely at Ye Tian's every move and the small but sharp dentist's chainsaw.

Fortunately, there was no danger, Ye Tian quickly finished the work and took back the chainsaw.

Looking at the gap in the upper right corner on the back of the picture frame, it has expanded a little and is clearly visible.

Next, Ye Tian did the same thing again, doing the same thing on the other three corners on the back of the frame.

Seven or eight minutes later, Ye Tian and the others took down the Renaissance-style frame on the outside of the "Virgin of the Rocks", and the removed frame parts were very complete, basically without any damage.

After the painting is transported out of the underground palace and onto the ground, as long as the oil painting is nailed to the drawing board again, and then the frame from more than 500 years ago is installed, it can be restored to its original appearance without even seeing any trace!

Seeing that Ye Tian and the others successfully disassembled the picture frame,

Everyone at the scene and live broadcast heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately relaxed a lot.

The same was true for Ye Tian and Brad, both of them secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and the nerves that had been tense all the time were more or less relaxed!

Next, the two of them began to study the drawing board to see how to safely remove the canvas from the drawing board.

Compared with the work of removing the picture frame, removing the canvas from the drawing board is much easier, but it requires more care.

After a while, Ye Tian removed the canvas of "The Virgin of the Rocks", completely separating it from the drawing board behind it.

Immediately afterwards, he gently rolled up the priceless oil painting, wrapped it in white silk, and put it into the painting tube that had been prepared.

The moment he put the cover on the painting tube, there was a burst of warm applause at the scene.

"clap clap"

Everyone on the scene applauded, and everyone was extremely excited.

The same goes for countless viewers in front of the live broadcast, all applauding for Ye Tian and Brad, and Da Vinci's "Virgin of the Rocks"!

All applauding people know that it won't be long before they will be able to see Da Vinci's priceless masterpiece in the Vatican Museum, and enjoy the top art in the Western world.

On the streets outside, in some nearby buildings, and even in many places in front of the live broadcast terminal, some guys with ulterior motives saw this scene, and their eyes instantly turned red!

"Guys, Da Vinci's "Virgin of the Rocks" has been removed from the frame, and it should be transported to the ground soon, and Da Vinci's other paintings and manuscripts, it is estimated that it will not take long!

Everyone must remember the shape and size of these painting tubes and portable safes. After dark, we can start our action. The target is these oil paintings and manuscripts created by Leonardo da Vinci!

This "Virgin of the Rocks", "Vitruvian Man", and "Caterina", these three masterpieces of Da Vinci, have the highest rewards on the black market, each exceeding 50 million Dollar!

There are no other Leonardo da Vinci paintings hidden in this underground palace, and the rewards on the black market for antique art are no less than 20 million US dollars. As long as we grab a few of them, we can get rich overnight! "

In a building in the old city of Milan, a white man in his forties gritted his molars and said, his words were full of greed!

At this moment, this guy was staring at the live broadcast on the TV screen, staring at the black painting tube containing "Our Lady of the Rocks".

Several other guys in the same building were also staring at the painting tube, everyone's eyes were full of greed, and everyone's eyes were blood red!

Such a scene is happening in many places, but it's just the same!

Ye Tian, ​​who was in the underground palace, had already put away the painting tube containing "Virgin of the Rocks", and then took the painting bag containing Bellini's "Prometheus Stealing Fire", and was about to unpack this top-level artwork. !


In a blink of an eye, it was around seven o'clock in the evening.

Ye Tian and the others were still busy in the underground palace, removing those priceless top oil paintings from their frames and drawing boards one by one, and then rolled them up and put them into painting tubes of different lengths.

After nearly two hours of busy work, they only demolished five oil paintings. There are still many oil paintings waiting to be demolished. The workload is not small!

Obviously, it's going to be another sleepless night!

Just as Ye Tian took the sixth oil painting and was about to open the painting bag and take out the oil painting in the painting bag, Matisse's voice suddenly came from the wireless invisible earphone.

"Steven, it's already dusk outside, and in at most forty minutes, the sky will be completely dark. As the night is approaching, those guys with ulterior motives are eager to move, and even can't wait!

By listening to those guys' mobile phones and using the municipal surveillance probes distributed in this block, we have already grasped the whereabouts of those guys, and we can pre-emptively get those guys at any time if necessary.

Another point is that the crowds of protesters gathered on the streets outside are gradually dispersing. The guys who organized the protests and demonstrations are easy to bribe.

Students from various universities and middle schools in Milan are kept in the dark at this time. When they leave this street, they will have no chance to return here. Once there is a fire here, those guys will definitely stay away!

Our guys are ready and have entered the highest alert state. The entire building is under our control, as are the surrounding commanding heights. Our guys are in ambush, so there is no need to worry about snipers.

The company employees resting in the guest rooms have also received news that someone will protect them in the event of a fire. The phone calls and networks inside and outside the hotel are under surveillance, and nothing suspicious has been found yet.”

Hearing this notification, a cold light flashed in the depths of Ye Tian's eyes, but his expression didn't change.

He first looked at the painting bag in his hand, then put it down, found an excuse to leave here, and walked towards a marble sculpture not far away.

After coming to the back of the sculpture and avoiding everyone's sight, he lowered his voice and said:

"Got it, Matisse, you've done a great job, I'll leave things on the ground to you, as I said before, we must guard this historic building and the basement!

After the series of live broadcasts just now, coupled with the cover of the night, I guess those guys who came for the treasure of the Sforza family can't wait, and they will start their actions soon!

Since they insist on seeking death, we don't have to be polite, we can send them to hell! Don't notify the police yet, and notify the police and American soldiers a moment before those guys act!

I want to take this opportunity to frighten the rest of the guys who are hiding in the dark, and by the way, I can also show my muscles to the Milan City Government and the Italian Government, so as to avoid troubles! "

After the voice fell, Matisse immediately responded:

"Understood, Steven, leave the matter on the ground to us, don't worry!"

Next, Ye Tian and Mathis discussed for a while before ending the call.

Afterwards, Ye Tian turned out from behind the marble sculpture, walked straight to the platform in the center of the underground palace, and continued to understand this shocking treasure!

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