Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2801 unexpected harvest

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Just as the robbers on the street fought with the Milan police and kept trying to attack the police's defense line, a good show was also staged on the roofs of these historical buildings on the street.

Like the old towns of many Italian cities, these buildings on both sides of Via Vincenzo Monte are connected together and have basically the same height.

The roofs of these historical buildings are also connected to each other. There is often a firewall between two adjacent historical buildings to separate the roofs of different buildings, which can be easily climbed over!

At this time, under the cover of night, seven or eight black shadows were moving quickly on the roof, trying to get close to the historical building where the treasure of the Sforza family was located!

Their purpose is very clear, that is, they want to sneak into the historical building from the roof, and then enter the basement to loot the gold and silver treasures and top antiques and artworks stored in the basement.

While talking, these guys came to a firewall again. As long as they climbed over this firewall and sneaked forward for another 30 to 40 meters, they would reach the target building!

Just as these guys climbed up the firewall and were about to climb over, two powerful beams of light suddenly shone from the roof of the historical building in front and directly shone on these guys.

The moment the light hit their bodies, the eyes of these guys were dazzled and they couldn't see anything.

Two of the guys who had just climbed up the firewall, in a panic, fell directly from the two-meter-high firewall and smashed hard on the roof of the building.

"Fack! Steven's bastard's men found us, guys, knock out those two damn searchlights!"

An exasperated shout sounded from the scene, the voice was full of disappointment and fear.

Before the words fell, these guys raised their assault rifles and pulled the triggers on the two searchlights on the roof in front of them.

"bang bang bang"

Amidst a burst of rapid gunfire, a wave of bullets dragged the flames and hit the two searchlights on the roof in front of them.

The next moment, one of the searchlights was shattered, and the powerful beam of light shining here suddenly lost one.

Almost at the same time, two flames suddenly flew out from the two high-rise buildings located at the two ends of the street, piercing the night sky, one in front and one in the back, shooting straight at the robbers on the roof like lightning.

These guys who were shooting with guns didn't notice the two flames at all, and the fatal blow had already come.

The two guys on both sides of the firewall, who were shooting guns, suddenly flew up and slammed into the firewall.

Immediately afterwards, these two guys slid down from the firewall, tilted their heads and fell directly to the corner of the wall, and died instantly, without even having time to scream!

Looking at their bodies again, there was a huge hole in their chest, and blood was gushing out, directly staining the firewall and the roof below them red!

Seeing this bloody and miserable scene, the rest of the robbers suddenly lost their souls, and then rushed to the nearest obstacle, trying to hide!

The same was true for the leading robber, who rushed out directly, and the reaction was not bad!

"Guys, there are snipers, be careful!"

Unfortunately, it's too late!

Before the shout fell, the leader of the robbers flew out sideways, bringing out a string of blood beads in the night sky, but no one saw it!

On the street in front of the hotel, the fire did not continue.

Just like the situation on the top of the building, those guys who surrounded the crowd and tried to use the night to cover their surprise attack also ushered in precise strikes.

Beads of sniper rifle bullets flew from both sides of the street at high speed, tearing through the darkness, hitting those guys who were hiding behind obstacles and shooting and confronting the police, and knocked them into the air one by one.

The unlucky ones who are lucky enough to be targeted by snipers face the same fate, only death!

Seeing this scene, as long as you are not a fool,

Will understand what happened.

At both ends of Vincenzo Monte Avenue, in those high-rise buildings shrouded in darkness, there are countless snipers hiding, harvesting lives frantically!

Who are those snipers hiding in the dark, and whose subordinates are they? Why would they ambush in those high-rise buildings?

Do you even need to ask? Those snipers must be subordinate to that bastard Steven, and they have been laying in ambush for a long time, waiting for this moment to come and start killing!

Thinking of this, whether it is the Milan police, the American soldiers, or the robbers from different backgrounds on the street, they all feel chills in the back and terrified!

Each of them was beating drums in their hearts. At this time, there was also a sniper hiding in the dark who had already locked himself. As long as he pulled the trigger, his little life would have to be confessed here!

In front of countless live broadcast terminals, the people who watched this scene were also terrified!

"Wow! This bastard Steven is so ruthless and cunning! He is simply a devil. Those idiots who tried to rob him are finished, and they must all die here!"

"Oh my god! Who would have thought that Steven had arranged so many snipers in advance, just waiting for those idiots to throw themselves into the trap. What a stupid idea to rob Steven, a devil!"


While the fight was raging outside, Ye Tian had successfully removed the top-notch oil painting in front of him by the master artist Mantegna, and gently peeled it off the drawing board.

The moment the canvas left the drawing board, Ye Tian and David saw at the same time that there was actually another smaller oil painting nailed to the drawing board!

In fact, the scale of this oil painting is not small, about 180 by 150, only a little smaller than the oil painting of Mantegna outside!

This is an oil painting of a historical landscape showing an expeditionary army trekking through the desert.

It can be seen from the costumes and flags of the characters in the painting that this is an ancient Greek army, and it is an expeditionary army led by the famous Alexander the Great!

In the center of this painting, Alexander the Great is riding on a war horse, looking up into the distance, and pointing forward with the whip in his hand, as if he is guiding the direction for his army!

The moment Ye Tian saw this oil painting, he couldn't help but pause, and a surprised and pleasant expression appeared on his face appropriately!

The same goes for David and Brad who are holding this drawing board, but they are all expressing their true feelings!

"Hey! There is actually an oil painting nailed to this drawing board, which also looks like Mantegna's work. It should be about the story of Alexander's expedition to Egypt. What a surprise!"

Ye Tian pretended to be excited and said that the performance was flawless.

Following his words, David and Brad woke up immediately, and the rest of the scene looked at the drawing board in their hands, everyone was extremely excited and full of anticipation!

Brad looked at the oil painting and said excitedly:

"Steven, you are right. This "Alexander's Expedition to Egypt" should be the work of Mantegna. Judging from the binding traces on the drawing board, this oil painting was nailed to this drawing board from the beginning. superior!

The oil painting of Mantegna outside was nailed up later! In other words, the Sforza family who collected this top oil painting probably didn't even know the existence of this "Alexander's Expedition to Egypt"!

I don't know why Mantegna would do this? Behind this oil painting, there may be some unknown history or stories hidden, it is worth studying carefully, maybe there will be surprising discoveries! "

"That would be great, Brad, after I put away this oil painting in my hand, let's enjoy this "Alexander's Expedition to Egypt" and see what we can find!"

With that said, Ye Tian carefully rolled up the canvas in his hand, wrapped it in white silk, and put it into the telescopic painting tube that had been prepared!

After collecting this top-notch oil painting, he walked to the front of "Alexander's Expedition to Egypt" that Mantegna had deliberately hidden for more than 500 years, and admired it!

The rest of the people who were at the scene also came over to admire this top-notch oil painting that they had never heard of before!

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